New artwork by Brick

The artist Brick has created some brand new work, in a series of erotic male bondage drawings called “Slave Academy 2022.” Here are two images from the series, which are posted here with the permission of the artist:

erotic male bondage artwork by Brick


Metal would like to thank Brick for reaching out with these new works!

Additional images from this series will appear here on the Metalbond site in the coming days and weeks, so please check back often!

To see even more you can also click on the tag for Brick, directly below. There’s also a nice blog posting about Brick with even more of his works over on the Mitchmen blog (link here).

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 15

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 15: Crime and Punishment

Here’s the way it was.  Every new slap had to spend at least 30 days being “trained.”  The idea was that if you spend 30 days in the Chicken Coop, you find out what you are, an you be a good slappie, resta you life.  “Good” meaning all slappie and nothing else.  After that, the Program looked around for somebody to sell you to—I mean, somebody to take a lease on your labor service.  Every few days, clients were invited to the Show Room and slap boys were displayed.

Sometime in my distant past, Major Timmons had explained it all.  Then it had seemed less personal—much less personal than when it was discussed in the Scrum Room.

“They even got a catlog, dude.  They be seein YOU, an you bare ASS, right in they laptop dude.”

“While they jerkin, I guess.”

“They jerkin for ME, anyways.  Doan know for you, dude.”

When you were sold, you left the Coop and you were never seen again, unless you turned up working down the block from some other slap that trained with you.  Then maybe you would meet him and share your happy memories.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 15

My Adventures With Billy – Part 09

By Robmacz

The following day I didn’t wake up until the early afternoon. Partly the result of exhaustion of the previous few weeks, but more to do with the hangover I was now experiencing from the day before. It was the banging on the door that woke me. I stumbled out of bed and opened the door to find Mike standing there.

‘God, you look awful,’ he said. I stepped back and he came in. ‘Why don’t you take a shower, while I fix some coffee.’

I did as he suggested, and Mike had made some strong coffee by the time I got out.

‘How come you look so good?’ I asked.

‘Because I stopped drinking about three hours before you did.’

I wasn’t in a hospitable mood. I was still feeling sorry for myself and thinking about Billy locked away in his cell. Though every time I conjured up the image my dick started to twitch. Why did I find the misfortune of the guy I was in love with so horny? Clearly, I had some issues I needed to sort out.

Continue reading My Adventures With Billy – Part 09

A handsome and muscular young man gets tied up

Out for a walk on the first warm day of spring, a handsome and muscular young man with piercing blue eyes catches the attention of an old pervert. The next thing he knows, he is bound and gagged, at the mercy of a masked man who starts to rip the clothes from his body. He struggles and moans helplessly as the man gropes and strips him, revealing a smooth, muscular body.

A handsome and muscular young man gets tied up


See the video at Straight Men In Trouble

Spring Stroll – Part 1

Styraight Men in Trouble

Video: Suspended in immobilizer arm splints from Sinvention

Check out the way the immobilizer arm splints are used on a captive by Rank in this video from SeriousMaleBondage:


In this shoot, Rank tests the endurance of his rubber gimp with some stressful bondage. Rank’s trick is to stimulate the gimp with a vibrator so he is able to tolerate more extreme suspension positions provided by an overhead winch. It’s friggin hot how he struggles. Poor guy!


Title of this video: TOE THAT LINE

To learn more about the immobilizer arm splints, visit Sinvention


bondage gear Sinvention

Vintage male bondage porn available to a good home

A friend is cleaning out his attic in preparation for a move, and he has a large collection of vintage male porn magazines he’s like to sell to a good home. These titles include publications from Larry Townsend, Zeus, Bound and Gagged, and many others.

male bondage magazines for sale


These magazines are from the pre-VHS, pre-INTERNET days — when the only source for such materials was to visit adult bookstores! Some time ago…

To inquire about this collection, visit ropesnyc on Recon

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 14

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 14: Your Every Moment Will Be Filled with Meaning

When you’re a freshman slappie you wake up at dawn, and if you’re a new and potentially uncontrolled slappie, you lie in your rack until the boss comes by to unlock your shackle.  Then you herd into the latrine to do your business.  The smell of piss and shit from 100 slappies—that wasn’t one of the attractions of the King George Hotel.  The hotel had slappies, but they did it someplace else.  Mornings are chilly on St. Bevons, and the steam goes up from the shit holes.  You march to the chow hall in your big boots and your little slappie suit, and you feel like the cold breeze is drowning you.  Chow is something like oatmeal and something like coffee.  No croissants.  No marmalade.  No fresh fruits offered for your selection.  No one to suggest that the gentleman might wish to try the special breakfast of the day.  Then you’re marched out on the slab for exercise.  You strip down to your y-fronts, and you’re ready for your session of mens nulla in corpore sano.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 14