Category Archives: Story

Human Cattle – Part 11

By Pickle

I don’t know how long I was hanging there before I heard the barn door creak open.  I didn’t bother to lift my head.  The sun streaming in behind them cast a bony, elongated shadow of each of the four men, as they each entered single file from the far side of the huge space.  Their shadows were remarkably similar to the shape of the aliens on the ship.  It freaked me out!  Even though I didn’t want to let these guys know I even cared they were coming back to mess with me, my curiosity got the better of me.  I had to sneak a peek. Just to make sure it actually was my buddies that had me in this splayed-out “fix” and not something much more sinister.

Hanging here, I began to wonder if I actually HAD been struck by lightening, however many nights ago it was.  I was half-hoping I was in a coma, and that all of this shit that both Steve, and the aliens had put me through, was just some place, a slightly kinky guy’s brain, like mine, takes him when he’s in that weird medical state.  Part of me wondered, “Am I dead, and this is what eternity will be like?”

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 11

Human Cattle – Part 10

By Pickle

The fluid that was being pumped into my mask by the aliens who had captured me continued to surge down my throat and into my lungs. Remarkably, it became a pleasant warming sensation.  Actually comforting.  In my brain I knew I should be drowning but this “therapy” seemed to be improving my breath capacity and feeling of general well-being.

The alien let me know my lungs and throat were being renewed and changed in such a way that would enable me to survive another little adventure they had in store for me.  The fluid continued to surge into the mask, and now throughout my entire system in a non-stop ebb and flow.  Time meant nothing anymore.  I had no idea how long they kept this up.  I no longer cared though, since it had the sensation of being massaged from the inside out.  I was completely relaxed and was feeling totally euphoric.  I no longer gave a flyin’ fuck that my control was no longer my own.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 10

Human Cattle – Part 9

By Pickle

When I turned my barn into a gym, I invested in a secondhand ice bath.  I was never so happy I had done that as I was now.  I knew there’d be a shit-ton of inflammation in my tendons, muscles and joints since my body had been put under so much duress.  Pulled apart so unforgivingly!

I’d never endured any “test” so tough or extreme before, so I didn’t even bother to strip off before plunging myself into the bath of frigid water.  It felt like a billion tiny sharp needles jabbing my body as I lowered myself in, but once submerged, it began to numb some of the pain.  My endorphins were already in high gear from the torture. There was no other word for what Steve had made me endure, but the freezing cold water seemed to make my brain kick-in and deliver a more healing type of euphoria.  I stayed submerged for five minutes before slowly climbing out, looking like a drowned rat.  I took my wet clothes off and hung them on the line in back of the house.  When I finished, Steve was already sitting in an Adirondack chair, again swallowing down a beer.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 9

Human Cattle – Part 08

By Pickle

“Don’t go anywhere Pick, I’ll be right back.”  He unlocked the door and disappeared through it, closing it behind him.  A few minutes later he returned carrying another army rucksack.  This one was of a more normal size.  My buddy carried it around behind my back and I heard him rummaging through it and taking things out.  I tried to twist around to see what he was up to, but of course, couldn’t move my legs far with the 500 pounds on the spreader bar holding them in place, and Steve had gone far enough behind me that I couldn’t twist my upper body and head far enough to see what he was up to.  He sang his little made-up ditty of …

“The waves come in, the waves go out! 

The waves come in, the waves go out!” 

“Kinda almost like a sea shanty, huh soldier?”

The fucker was truly enjoying himself at my expense.  On one hand, I found myself wanting to evict him from my cottage and get him the Hell out of my life, and on the other, strangely kind of liking this side of him.  He had me thoroughly confused.  I realized I was enjoying this intensely macho treatment.  How hard he was testing me.  The punishment he was putting me through.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 08

Human Cattle – Part 07

By Pickle

Once Steve had massaged my arms and shoulders back to life and given me some water, he said, “Ok, Pick my boy.  Round Two!  Let’s get you all fixed up here dude.”

With that, he started the winch up again and got my wrists above my head. Then he affixed a bi-polar alligator clamp to each of my nipples.  Next came an electro pad for each of my abs. He was careful not to pull my shirt out when he did that. Then two on each bicep.  He smiled and looked at the wire coming out of the fly of my jeans that he had attached what now seemed like eons ago, and said, “I think we’re gonna have to deal with something else here too buddy.”  He reached through my fly and carefully pulled out my junk.  Again being careful not to disturb my shirt.  He clearly wanted those damned shirttails to stay tucked in tight.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 07

Human Cattle – Part 06

By Pickle

Steve takes the winch’s control in hand and with a short “whirrrr” has me a few inches off the floor.  Just enough for the 200 pounds on the bar to pull my body apart a little and put some real pressure on my wrists and hands.  I wondered if he was going to leave me this close to the ground for the whole first round.

“It’s kinda like when you lose a tooth and you can’t keep yer tongue away from the empty space, huh Dill?  When a guy’s toes are this close to the ground, he can’t help but try to reach it with his toes.  Even when you know that, with the psychological effect of nearly being able to touch it, you just can’t help yourself.  Isn’t that right, Pickle?  Real waste of energy though soldier!  ‘Conserve energy.’ That’s one of the first lessons ya learn when you’re put through SERE Training, Dilly boy.”  He added a sneer to the “Dilly boy” that time, in a way that I knew he was going to make me pay for calling him an “ass-wipe.”

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 06

Human Cattle – Part 05

By Pickle

No sooner had I agreed, then he went over to a counter at the side of the barn and took something from it.  It was Pravilo wrist cuffs.  I’d seen this Russian workout machine that stretches you out with weights while you do exercises designed to be done on the machine.  When I saw it on YouTube I couldn’t resist going to their American distributor’s web site.  The more I checked it out, the more I knew I had to have one.  I caved in and bought the whole set-up.  It took half a day to get the thing set up when it arrived, even with Steve’s help.  It was one of the few pieces of exercise equipment I had that I’d not bought second hand.  It’s a cross between working out and going to the chiropractor all-in-one.  The cuffs are really comfortable and don’t crush the heel of your thumb into the palm of your hand the way a lot of suspension wrist cuffs do.

Stevey boy came over and said “Your wrists, soldier!”  I lifted my arms out in front of me and held them there while he strapped the specialized cuffs on them.  He then reached into his duffle bag, routed around a bit, and came out with a short, metal spreader bar, with a chain attached to each end, and a ring in the centre of the chain.  He walked over to the switch for my electric winch and lowered it to his chest and hooked the spreader bar onto it.  He then brought it a few feet over to hold it in front of me, and grinned.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 05

Human Cattle – Part 04

By Pickle

The dawning of the next day proved pleasantly mundane.  I awoke in my own bed, back up in my farmhouse. The responsibility of owning livestock meant I’d reluctantly had to leave Steve’s bedroom in order to bring the cows back up from the pasture and get them into the barn in order to do the evening milking.  Once again the milking process made me think of that night on the spaceship.  That was only the night before last, but it felt like a year ago already.

I had no idea Steve was gay or even bi … or till that kiss, that he had ever looked at me in any way other than as his best buddy.  I was happy but still a little surprised by what had transpired, and I wasn’t entirely sure at this early milking hour that it actually had occurred.  I sucked back several strong black cups of coffee, and I was halfway through my third one before I could even begin to believe it hadn’t been some weird dream.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 04