Category Archives: Story

Hotel Hot Tub

By ty dehner

ty dehnerAfter an afternoon of sightseeing in San Diego, I returned to my hotel in Oceanside, California. A block off the beach, my room on the fifth floor had a great view of the ocean and one of the longest piers on the California coast. With all the walking I had done I favored some time enjoying the hot turbulent waters of the hot tub. So, I slipped on my bathing suit and headed up to the rooftop where the swimming pool and hot tub were located. When I stepped out onto the patio, the view was impressive with a glass wall around the top floor so the vistas would not be spoiled. I was also glad to find no one using the facilities so I had it all to myself. Since it was late afternoon and, on a Friday, most people would only be checking in or busy with other activities.

Since towels were provided, I grabbed one placing it on a chaise lounge that was near the hot tub. I took off my t-shirt folding and placing it on the towel, with my cell phone and key card under the towel. I had a second key card that I always had just in case, in the pocket of my bathing suit. Making my way to the inviting water, I took in the ocean surf as it was rolling on the sand on the beach. The sun was starting its downwards drop to the horizon.

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Military Tickle

By Uniformedmenindistress

Working at a military base near a medium size city has its benefits. It has all the nightlife, and more cultural things to do compared to being in a military base in the middle of nowhere. It also made it easier to find kinkier friends and lifestyle.

Through multiple online avenues, I found some kinky guys in the area including some military guys too. My job was not too exciting being a mechanic for the military vehicles that were stored and maintained on site, so I always was looking for kinky military guys to spice up the daily routine. I ran into an MP that liked tying other guys up, and fooling around with them while they’re helpless. His name was Jackson. It was a perfect match, he actually usually worked at the side gate where I constantly had to go through when I had to move vehicles between storage facilities. I always thought he was cute, but now that we knew what we’re into, it made him even cuter. He would wink at me when he would check on my papers whenever I had through the gate, even though I was higher in rank.

Continue reading Military Tickle

Island Master UK – Part 12

By Wakeysub

I was stood there at the top of the ramp with the wheelbarrow firmly locked to my wrists. What was I to do? I had been set my task but I also remembered from my very first minutes on the Island that I always had to obey an order from one of the visitors. I had no other option but to stand and wait for his instructions.

He walked casually out of the wood and moved towards me. He was confident, handsome and well dressed. He ran a hand over my shoulders.

“Nice to see that they have you doing real manual labour. I have to say that seeing a naked man tethered to a barrow sweating is a sight to behold. You stink – in the best possible way. Last night I was one of the many men who got to experience your mouth and it was a unique experience. I’m ready for a second go. Here’s how it’s going to go – I’ll lay in the barrow and you can go to work on my cock. Give me a memorable blow job and I’ll submit a good report on you. If you fail then I get to try out my remote. I see that you have that chastity locked and I’m assuming that that is chock full of circuitry as well.”

He moved his hand to his watch and scrolled through several options before he clicked on the screen and my mouth opened wide.

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 12

Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 03 – The Routine

By Cowjam40

Todd faces a harsh, disciplined routine, designed to make him more compliant. Now Dan has a real struggle on his hands.

This story is fiction. It is total fantasy. There will be themes including: intergenerational relationships, male-only sex acts, BDSM, corporal punishment, confinement, and mental manipulation, among others.

Since it’s my first ever erotic story, I’d love to hear from you if you love it, hate it, or have any feedback:


“Hey, sleeping beauty.” Dan playfully kicked the bed. Todd jerked from his sleep and rubbed his eyes – in front of him Dan was performing leg stretches in a running singlet and sprinter shorts. He bounced around – Todd thought he was too energetic. “I’m off for a run. Sort your kit – there’ll be an inspection when I’m back.”

Todd had a slow start to the day. In the shower, he heard Dan returning from his run, and join him in the bathroom. “You not finished, lad?”

”Not yet boss.” Todd said sheepishly.

Continue reading Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 03 – The Routine

Island Master UK – Part 11

By Wakeysub

He went to the bench and picked up a small box.

“I love this upgrade.”

He placed the open box on the small table next to the chair. He ran his fingers over the chastity cage and pulled on it to make sure it was properly secured and wasn’t rubbing unnecessarily. He was satisfied that everything was okay. He picked up a small box from the table and held it on the underside of the shaft of my chastity. There was a click and the head of the chastity detached. My cock head was revealed for the first time in weeks but the cage was still firmly locked in place with the metal rod fixed permanently into the piercing at the base of my glans. He started to run his fingers over my glans.

“The pins are certainly leaving an impression. I think the upgrade will really drive the point home.” He laughed at his joke and I saw Master West smile.

The medic picked up a spray can from the table and sprayed it liberally onto the head of my caged cock. The spray was icy cold and my cock shrunk in response. He attached a small tube to the can and pushed this into my piss-slit. He squirted the numbing spray deep into my urethra. He pressed the spray several times until he was happy that everything was ready. My cock was numb. I shivered in anticipation. Whatever was going to happen I was sure that it was going to be more painful for me.

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 11

Island Master UK – Part 10

By Wakeysub

Solidly mounted and impaled with my mouth open I was desperate to just swallow but that wasn’t an option. I had been transformed into a sex toy existing solely for the pleasure of the top. Here I was in total darkness waiting for my mouth to be used. Reduced to being a fleshlight with a pulse.

“Fuck, I’ve got to break this one in.”

I felt movement at my lips. The first cock just drove into me with a single thrust. My head positioning meant that the cock had a straight run to deep in my gullet. My gag reflex triggered but I had no room to react. My body convulsed as he continued to thrust. I could hear the moaning sounds he made as my throat closed around his cock. He pulled his cock right out of my mouth and I gasped for breath. He plunged back in with a single hard thrust. I couldn’t breathe. He started pumping his cock buried deep in my throat. I started to feel lightheaded. He pushed his cock deeper and deeper in my throat. My lungs were hurting as they were desperate for air. Every reflex in my body said I had to take a breath but there was nothing I could do. The shield was spreading my jaw firmly to maximise his access. All I could do was focus on the cock down my throat. As his fucking intensified my head became foggier. Suddenly, the shaft throbbed in my throat unloading his load deep into my throat. He started to pull out leaving a trail of cum as he pulled out of my mouth. As soon as my throat was unblocked air rushed back in and my lungs gasped for air.

“Clean it”

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 10

Island Master UK – Part 09

By Wakeysub

I was aware of the sound of equipment being wheeled closer. The blindfold meant that I couldn’t see anything that was going on in the room around me. I tested the restraints, they held firm. A broad strap was pulled across my chest. As it tightened, I was pushed further into the chair and further onto the large plug up my ass.

The increased noise in the room indicated that there were more people around. I began to feel nervous. What were they going to do to me? I’d bitten the Top yesterday, so I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

“Good evening, gentlemen.” It was IslandMasterUK’s voice. “Those of you were here last night witnessed 768’s vicious assault on one of our members, literally (he laughed at his own pun.). As you all know, this is a severe breach of the rules here on the Island. Luckily I have devised a solution to prevent a recurrence.”

The blindfold was removed and I blinked to try and adjust to the bright light which was shining into my face. A white-coated figure was stood on my right-hand side. I saw him working on something on the small metal table next to the chair. When he was satisfied he picked up the small item and moved towards me.


Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 09

Twelve States of Bondage: Part 02

By BondageChallengeGames

Leave your freedom at the door

When you arrive strip and put on the gear I have left for you. Save the blindfold for last. Once you have the blindfold on, say loudly ‘I’m ready sir.’”

Sir Nguyen, or Jon Nguyen as he’d introduced himself to me in our ‘intro to geology’ throwaway class back in college, had a very one-track mind when it came to kink. Sir Nguyen was obsessed with inescapable bondage, and when it was time to play a scene that was the only thing he was obsessed with. When he got you locked up he didn’t care much for fucking you, or hurting you, or pushing you to the limit, or humiliating you, or letting you cum, he just wanted you immobile and with no hope of escape. The only thing Sir Nguyen would do once he got you restrained was use an electro violet wand on you, not for pleasure or pain, but to make you jump and test your restraints. Once he was sure you couldn’t escape, he would simply leave you restrained until he decided to tie you up a different way.

This wasn’t to say Jon didn’t like sex. We’d sucked each-other off and fucked plenty of times back in college, probably more often than we’d do a bondage scene. Jon Nguyen was a great partner: caring, fun, able to not take himself too seriously, and always eager to reciprocate. Sir Nguyen was a completely different person.

And Sir Nguyen, not Jon, was the one I that would meet me at the door.

Continue reading Twelve States of Bondage: Part 02