Category Archives: Story


By Bikermike

At 28 years old Jack was dissatisfied with his body despite spending as much time in the local gym as he could spare. True, he was 6 feet 3 inches tall with a 39-inch chest and 29-inch waist, but he was not getting anywhere as much sex as he wanted. For some reason, his Recon profile got hardly any response. But one morning as he was reading the very few messages that Recon had forwarded to him, a “ping” announced that someone had cruised him. He had a look and read the guy’s profile. It read:

Strict physical training offered. Limits pushed. Encouragement given where appropriate.

Send respectful message.

The photographs were of a very gym-fit man, shirtless, his chest and arms replete with tattoos, wearing tight fitting shorts that accentuated his genital bulge. He looked as though he had last shaved his face and scalp a fortnight previously. His profile stated that he was 40-something years old. Other photographs were of a gym with free weights, chin bars and benches; they also showed heavy steel manacles and instruments of punishment, including whips, canes and paddles. The guy lived some 30 miles distant. That made a change: most of the men that interested Jack seemed to live on the other side of the country or even abroad. Intrigued, he sent him a message.

Continue reading Training

The Purchase – Part 06

By slavebladeboi

Daz slowly winched the captive up by his wrists, closely wrapped in the leather restraints that shone black under the one downlighter that was positioned directly above the ceiling fixture. He stretched him just enough to tighten the muscles in his abdomen but not enough to be uncomfortably in stress.

His sweaty body shone as the single light source now on in the cellar picked out every curve of his muscles. Daz slowly dribbled a massage oil down each upstretched arm starting at the wrist. I watched it trickle down his arms, pool slightly around his neck then carry on over his chest, him wincing every time my hands touched the chain connected to the tit clamps, and with both hands together I rubbed it around his body until it glistened, wet with the fine sheen of polished naked skin.

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 06

This Changes Everything

By ty dehner

In one’s life there are moments that change our way of thinking while moving us to a path we never thought we’d take. Many of them happen when we are young, some happen later in life and make more of an impact. This is my story of one of the events that changed everything.

Life was good, I was living alone with good friends and a good kink life while creating media for an online kink world. I had recently become self employed that provided me with new ideas to explore. One was attending an annual rubber gathering in Canada. It had been occurring for many years, but I never had the time or guts to travel across the border and experience it. This year was different, and I made the decision that I was going.

There was a theme to the event something like the future. I happened to have a black wet suit and a really cool full-face snow mobile helmet. So, I put together a pair of MX boots and gloves, added battery powered lights in the helmet and got myself a police duty belt and planned on going to the main gathering on Saturday night as a Cop of the Future.

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The Bet – Chapter 08

By lthr_jock

I’m alone in the room, accompanied only by the laptop that repeatedly shows me being shaved and then submitting to being turned into a rubber dog. Every time I move, the tail wags behind me and makes the plug rub against my prostate. As a result my cock is pressing against the seedpod and gets uncomfortable very quickly. The muzzle makes my view weird as it’s constantly in front of me and to look at the floor I have to look directly downwards. I also find that my peripheral vision is sharply limited. As the laptop starts its’ loop again, I realise that the colours are muted and dulled and seem more grey than anything else. I realise the hood has lenses in the eye holes that are making my vision more like that of a dog.

I move around on all fours, getting used to the way I need to move. I can feel the rubber warming up and I start to sweat. It’s odd being at this level, though the more I move around, the more natural it feels. I return to the laptop and now I note that there is a counter at the bottom of the screen – Tom has posted this online as well. I’m thirsty and I see that Tom has left a bowl of water in the corner. Immediately, there’s a problem – the muzzle gets in the way and my tongue can’t reach the water. I have to bury my face in the bowl and suck and lap at the fluid, but eventually I manage it.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 08

Raptor – Chapter 5

By Bikermike

Alex was left to recover for an hour or so; resting his bruised and cut body lying on his front on his makeshift bed, made out of wooden pallettes. He was milked once again; this time his captors needed to attach toothed clamps to his nipples in order for him to gain an erection so soon after his ordeal.

His life settled down once again into its routine: food then milked first thing in the morning (often fucked in the process), working the generator, milked again, food, generator, milked; every other day made to do various physical exercises and so on.

Even though he was beaten on occasions when he had not produced enough sperm, he was quite enjoying his life as a slave. Thoughts sometimes came into his mind as to what was going to happen to him when his ejaculate was no longer able to produce testosterone B? Would he be released? Did he want to be released at all? He needed to get answers from his captors but he was forbidden to initiate any conversation with them on pain of severe punishment.

Continue reading Raptor – Chapter 5

Raptor – Chapter 4

By Bikermike

Hour after hour Alex turned the generator handle in total darkness; sensorily deprived except for jolts of electricity surging through his balls, some tickling and some agonising depending upon the voltage being produced. Throughout this torment he was aware that his cock for the most part remained rock hard. The more he thought about his situation the more it appealed: his was now a life of abject sex slavery, having to satisfy three brutal masters as and when they desired.

He even found the prospect of being severely beaten this evening exciting, as were the not-so-tickling belts of current that his genitals were suffering every few minutes. How much more physical abuse could his body and mind take? His sexual appetite seemed insatiable.

The more he thought, the slower he turned the generator handle until Zapppp! He grunted as the electricity fried his balls. More electricity…more zapps…more…He roared as he orgasmed once again, followed by a very short period of euphoria until he sensed his cock hardening once again.

Continue reading Raptor – Chapter 4

Raptor – Chapter 3

By Bikermike

The weeks went by with Alex settling down with the acceptance of his life as a slave, with no rights, no say, no clothes and no dignity. He had endured savage beatings, rape and physical exercises to the point of collapse. However, the more he thought about his situation the more excited he had become, with his cock being rock hard for much of the time. Occasionally at night he would masturbate, enjoying the feeling and taste of his own semen on his tongue, then fail to produce a vialful of ejaculate in the morning.

The resultant whipping would cause his cock to harden once again but he would then enjoy the almost brutal wanking he would receive from either Andy, James or Steve. By this time his body bore the scars of such beatings and he could only guess at the appearance of his broad muscled back (he had no access to a mirror), which made him even more excited the more he thought about it.

The food had been good, tasty and nutritious. He had decent washing facilities, was warm and had a relatively comfortable bed upon which to sleep. As he was unable to shave, his captors had trimmed his by now full beard once a fortnight (although as a slave, he had lost most of his sense of the passing of time).

Continue reading Raptor – Chapter 3


By ty dehner

The sweat was pouring from under my helmet washing away pieces of the dirt and grit from my face. Every muscle in my body ached, but I couldn’t give up now. Everyone had one goal in mind right now. This work, nearly 48 hours straight of it, was taking our minds off the bigger picture. I hadn’t been out of my fireman coat since the call came in, it weighs a ton on me right now, but it protected me from the small falling pieces of concrete and glass. I don’t know how all this finally happened and it is beyond any of our imaginations that we are searching and digging in such desperation, but we are not giving up, we can’t. We are firemen and dedicated to our fellow firemen and first responders.

As I wiped the sweat away from my eyes, I’m sure the grit smeared across my face. But there is so many layers of it what does it matter. The sun was setting on the second day since something happened that would forever change me. I was so focused on my digging that I didn’t feel the Captain grab my shoulder at first. He yelled at me over the machinery that motored on everywhere around us. He finally got my attention and told me it was time for me to head home and get rest. I shook him off, but he ordered me to get my ass out of there and home. He knew I wanted to stay, but also knew that I needed the rest.

Continue reading Fireman