Category Archives: Story

The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 3

By SockgaggedJason

male bondageLet’s recap our five characters who voluntarily submitted to the Escape Room Challenge called ‘The Subjection.’ They are college friends ranging in ages 19 to 21:

Derek, 21, is the organizer of the evening’s event who secretly enjoys male bondage games. He’s average height, slim with nerdish cute looks. He’s stripped down to his baby blue boxer briefs.

Tyler, 21, is a football jock. Tall and very handsome, he’s got black hair with killer intense blue eyes. Currently he’s tied down spread eagle to the table, ball gagged, with only his plaid boxers to cover his impressive, hairy body.

Nick, 21, is a blond, thin skater looking young man with a lot of jest to his personality but in many ways the Casanova of the bunch with dimples and a big smile. He’s clad in only his blue stripped nylon boxer briefs.

Adam, 20, is a football jock and teammates with Tyler. He’s fit, handsome, and confident. He has the reputation for smelly feet, which contributes to the foul air in the small room where the boys are imprisoned.

Mike, 19, is Derek’s younger brother. Though small and the only teenager of the bunch, he’s a Muay Thai trained fighter who well fit and confident. He’s proudly displayed in only his tighty-whitey underwear.


The five young men who find themselves ensnarled in an intense Escape Room Challenge are still “alive.” They’ve made it to Round Three despite the punishing, peculiar tasks they’ve endured.

Continue reading The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 3

The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 2

By SockgaggedJason

male bondageRecap: When last we left our five hapless, young heroes, they were trapped inside an escape room trying to get free. Their efforts failed and they found themselves gassed out, once again rendered into unconsciousness.


They are in the same concrete-floored, wood paneled room that remains dimly lit. It’s warm and humid with a faint hint of body odor. It smells like young men in peril!

Three of the young men, still clad only in their underwear, are piled asleep on top of each other. They slowly wake up. We see Derek, Mike and Adam. Their heads are pounding from the chloroform gas that knocked them out earlier.

“This is some freaky shit, Derek,” Adam laughs, rubbing his eyes, then casually reaches in to his underwear to scratch his ball sack. “At least no one’s gone after our nuts!”

“You love it, I said it was intense,” Derek lauds back.

Though they aren’t restrained, the three boys notice they have leather restraint cuffs attached to their wrists and ankles.

Continue reading The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 2

The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 1

By SockgaggedJason

male bondageSynopsis: Five college friends sign up for an extreme escape room challenge that gives them more than they bargained for, involving terrifying, humiliating escape challenges.

They’re bound, gagged, shaved, forced to smell things, and never allowed a moment’s peace, but determined not to be broken by their unseen captor.

NOTE: The following story is fiction but inspired by the “escape rooms” we see sprouting up across America. While there is no nudity or direct sexual contact (at least in this chapter!), it is homoerotic and features gay male bondage themes. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was an escape room experience like this? If anyone with the money and the resources wants to run with this idea, I’ll be the first person to buy a ticket!


A pickup truck parks in a mostly empty lot next to a large warehouse. The air is warm and humid on this summer evening. Five young men pile out of the vehicle. They enter an office-like glass door of the warehouse.

Continue reading The Subjection – A TUGs Escape Room Challenge: Part 1

When I Confessed Everything to Kenneth

By SockgaggedJason

male bondageSynopsis: This is a true story about the time I confided to my best friend Kenneth, while in high school, that I like male bondage and sports gear. He surprises me by engaging in tie up session while we are suited up in football and basketeball gear. And we make a video tape of it.

This is a recollection of the night I confessed to my childhood best friend that I was probably gay and that I had a sports gear and bondage fetish. We were both just teenagers; seventeen years old. Let me tell you why it happened, how it unfolded, and most importantly how he reacted. It may surprise you.

If you read this, you may think I’m exaggerating or embellishing certain parts of this true story but I am not.

It was a school night like any other but I was depressed. I was fairly popular, I had played sports, and stayed active. I had so many secrets and desires that ate me up, however, and this particular night was more teenage angst than I could handle.

Continue reading When I Confessed Everything to Kenneth

Buying Love – Part 6a

NOTE: This is the first of several intended side-stories for characters introduced by Cutieboy90 in Buying Love – Part 5. To start at the very beginning of this story, click here.

By Cutieboy90

cutieboy90 male bondage stories“Wake up, stud. We’re here!” Alden’s voice made Brett wake with a start. He wiped the drool from his cheek and looked ahead out the window. There it was — their destination!

It was late afternoon. The hot New Mexico sun beat down upon the bitter wind-blown abyss of dust and stone. Black, scrubby pinons stood in stark contrast to the red sandstone ground and vivid blue sky. Brett had admired the enchanting beauty as it rolled by and lulled him to sleep after hours of travel. Now as the Vaquero Ranch finally came into view, Brett found himself hypnotized once again by the picturesque high desert setting.

The ranch was set on a gently sloping mesa. Its dazzling white bricks shone out from the endless red sand like a beacon, and its old Spanish style was instantly impressive.

Continue reading Buying Love – Part 6a

Copdar – Daddy Bear Cop: Part 2

By Cuffsandcops

This past weekend, I found myself near to where the Daddy Bear Cop lived. I had contacted him a few weeks ago to see if he was going to be in town and he told me he had plans to not be. I woke up and prepared to vacate my hotel and decided to check in with him just in case things had changed. He responded by saying he was in town and was at work. I texted back, “Let’s meet up. Cuff me and jail tour?” His response was an address and a question about how long it would take for me to get there. GPS told me it would be about 30 minutes. I offered to buy him lunch. He told me to come on by and park in the court parking lot across the street.

I got in my truck and followed the directions. Daddy Bear Cop told me to let him know when I was downstairs. I saw the police department on the right side of the street and parking lots on the left. The first one was gated and the second had signs all over designating the spots for specific court employees. I parked and texted to make sure that was where I should be and he told me it was. He asked if I was there and told me he was going to walk down. I made my way across the street and entered the police department lobby.

Continue reading Copdar – Daddy Bear Cop: Part 2

Copdar – Daddy Bear Cop: Part 1

By Cuffsandcops

Back in 2014, while at a music festival, I was introduced to guy, that one of my housemates knew from back home. When he walked away, my housemate leaned in to me and said “He’s a cop”. Little did my housemate know, I had located the guy on one of the apps prior to arriving on the festival grounds. His face pic caught my attention and a quick read through his profile gave me some serious clues as to his profession. He was attending the festival since his jurisdiction was across the country. While our musical interests didn’t cause our paths to cross once the festival got going, the conversation was only beginning.

Later that summer, I attended Bear Week in PTown. I again found the officer on the apps nearby. I had asked him if he had packed a pair of cuffs and he in fact had. I am usually pretty upfront when asking to try them on or to get put in them and this was no exception. He responded that he only used them one time on someone outside of work. He said he was going to be directing traffic at a pool party friends of his were hosting and I should come by. I made the walk over to the party and met the officer. He took me into the party, showed me around, but we didn’t have any opportunity to get frisky or to check out his cuffs. We chatted a bunch throughout the time there, but were unable to meet up other than in passing out at the bars.

Continue reading Copdar – Daddy Bear Cop: Part 1

The Bet – Chapter 05

By lthr_jock

Four hours later, I’m still hard and my cock and balls are aching like I wouldn’t believe possible. But I’ve managed not to cum and I haven’t incurred any more penalties. As I shift uncomfortably, I reflect that might not last much longer and I might be about to lose another 3 hours. My cock and balls are trapped underneath me and are pressing against a sheepskin rug that tickles them with every slight move of my body. My freshly re-shaved head is covered with a rubber muzzle that has been strapped tightly in place and locked on, over the familiar ball gag. Apart from that and the rubber slave collar, I’m naked.

I groan and feel my chest dip towards the ground and I wince with strain as I stop myself. My hands are behind my back and secured together with padlocked restraints. My biceps have straps around them and they are linked by a strap that has been tightened as much as possible. Restraints are around each ankle and they are locked together as well. Then, my ankles have been pulled up behind me and locked to my wrists, keeping me in a loose hog tie. I am lying on my front, my crotch rubbing against a sheepskin rug. I am keeping my chest off the floor, because below my bulging pecs are 2 press buttons. If I relax enough to drop my chest onto the buttons, a bell will ring – and 3 hours will be added to my time. But if I can keep my chest off the buttons for 45 minutes, I get 6 hours taken off my time.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 05