Category Archives: Story

Skinny Dipping

By Rob Allie

This story is fiction, a figment of my warped imagination.  Should the characters in this story even remotely bare similarities to any real person, living or dead, it was purely accidental and any such similarities are strictly coincidences.

This story deals with mature subject matter and involves intimate gay sex.  If it is illegal for you to read such material, due to your age or location, then please don’t. If you are offended by acts of homosexuality between consenting and non-consenting adults, then Do Not Read this story.

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I Was Naive – Part 1

By slavesuit

I guess you could say I was naïve.  Probably gullible.  But the offer seemed too good to be true.  I had been searching for a compatible guy to play with for a long time.  Living in a remote area of the United States, I was within a few hours drive of a couple of major cities but I never had the time to really get there.  If I did, I had other things I needed to do other than feed my love of bondage.

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The House

By slavebladeboi

The casual passerby would see only a large but unremarkable detached house. Set within the quiet cul-de-sac only a few hundred meters from the beach, it appeared the apotheosis of mundane suburban life. The Master had chosen the property when their relationship had become permanent. Although the slave had no input in the decision he nevertheless realized that he was an integral part of it.

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The Palisade

By Marknorth

It had been a rough flight.  The little 18-seat puddle jumper had bounced and jerked through the storm for the entire 2 hours it was in the air.  Landing at the little rural airport had been an adventure in itself; the wind was so strong that the plane seemed to slide sideways down the runway.  Now he was standing in the rain with 5 other guys waiting for their ride.

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One Fine Weekend

By surfbot

After spending a glorious week in bondage at my buddy’s place in the city [“One Fine Week“], while driving home I had a better idea than mailing him his chastity keys in a week: I realized I could come back next weekend. So I called him and we agreed on the details. I suggested he get theater tickets for Saturday evening. He complained that while he was in enforced chastity, I could remove my device any time once I got home. So when I got home, I went straight to my workshop.

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How My Cuckolding Fantasy Came True

By Pete

I have read all of the stories on the Metalbond website, but none stirred anything as deeply in me as the story “Roger” by David Sellers. I have read it over and over and have spent a lot of time thinking about it. I mentioned it casually to my partner of seven years a few more times than I realized. He never indicated that he noticed how much I liked the story.

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My Chastity Challenge

By Nick Ensign

I bought this cage for myself last month, and it arrived on Christmas Eve. It’s very important to me that the chastity cage be all metal. I have been in a silicon birdlocked several times, but it doesn’t feel right and the plastic can stick to the skin at times. I was surprised at how comfortable this new cage turned out to be.

After spending Christmas Day testing it, on the day after Christmas I wriggled into it and snapped the lock on for the duration. To ensure that I was good, I then drove across town and gave all the keys to my keyholder. We agreed to leave it on for 4 days.

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