Category Archives: Story

The Freshman

By Aussielthrbiker

Part 1

I met Matthew during my first week at uni and discovered, much to my pleasure, that he was in all the same lectures as me.  He was a surfer type, 6 foot, athletic build, with long blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

At the end of lectures on Friday afternoon, he asked if I would like to drop by his place for a coffee.  I lived in a dorm on campus; Matthew shared a house with two other students about 10 minutes walk off campus.  He explained that his house mates, Nick and Brad had gone away for the weekend.

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An Afternoon in the Bush

By Catdude

The box sat in the middle of the room, nothing about it all that distinctive. The only thing that would draw attention to it where it placed next to another wooden box was the hooded head that poked out of a hole in the top. The hood that could be seen at a casual glance was a English s10 gasmask, it had been modified so that instead of straps at the back it was the front part of a rubber hood.

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Reality Trumps Fantasy

By MarkNorth

He is locked in the cage his eyes pleading with me over the top of the gag.  His wrists and ankles weighed down by the heaviest shackles that I have; with short, heavy chains limiting his every movement. He is not happy – but I could care less.

It is obvious that he finally regrets his decision to become my prisoner.  They never believe that it is for “real” until it is too late.  They love the idea of being a prisoner or a slave or losing control – the excitement of the fantasy.  So they blissfully agree to sign the contract or lock the collars on.

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Rainy Days in Oregon

By John Strickland

an excerpt

Zac sat down on the wooden steps leading up to our deck. I sat down next to him, my leather pants creaking.

“Come sit down, Keagan!” Zac said.

Keagan plonked down a step lower. The sun glinted off the buckles down the back of his jacket and gleamed off his PVC-covered thighs.

Zac and I were both studying Keagan’s straitjacket. It was the real thing, – a Posey asylum jacket with a red trim to the top of the jacket.

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Heat Lamp

By PFC Pflege

Part 1

I met Mark through friends of mine. He was 19 years old; I was 28. It was the summer that everyone was gin-rummy mad, and played whenever we could. Most of the guys were in their early twenties, and didn’t have a place of their own yet, or, if they did, it was a small apartment. Since I had just bought a house, it was natural that a lot of the games were played there. We’d have 6 or 8 guys playing, sometimes more; none of us had a lot of money, so the stakes were real low. On the weekends, if the fever was on, we sometimes played all night, nodding over the cards as the light of early dawn filled the rooms.

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By rts

Today my ultimate bondage fantasy will be realized. I am standing in the workshop of this custom body armor fabricator. Laid out on his workbench are the pieces of my new suit of steel armor that he has made to measure for me. It has been designed so that my entire body will be fully encased in the heavy steel, which will be bolted and locked on me, impossible for me to remove. He will keep control of the keys.

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By Marknorth

I laughed the first time someone called them aquariums.  I had always thought of them as display cases but, since the occupants were alive, I guess “aquarium” fit better.  I wouldn’t have argued too much anyway, I never wanted to offend any of my clientele – especially in the VIP rooms.

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Caged – a true story

By Paul

Hi Metal, I thought I’d share this with ya, something you might enjoy. I’ve recently just came home from a vacation in Los Angeles and while there I got to experience some cage time. Not much, granted, but some.

The first was at the Rough Trade store, they have a cage at the bottom of the stairs on the ground floor, and I was able to sit into this. WOW!! What a rush!! Once the door was closed over (it wasn’t locked), and I could take in the whole environment, I found it a very thrilling and very arousing experience.

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