Category Archives: Story

Pleroma – Part 13

By Taurus

Part 13 – demo_sequence

“This is a bit of a crazy contraption, but it’s still a prototype – I’ll show you the finalised designs in a couple weeks, maybe.”

Matt led a group of men in black into the simulation room, fully tricked out and utilised; Luke, naked, was strapped into the chair while tubes ran to and from his every opening to facilitate feeding and waste secretion.

There were murmurs between the men in suits. That Matt tried to “reassure” them that Luke was here to test out extended stays in the simulation system did not serve to lessen their shock, as Vantage covertly pointed out to Matt through an earpiece.

“Inspectors are becoming concerned and uneasy. Recommended action: proceed quickly.”

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 13

Pleroma – Part 12

By Taurus

Part 12 – adaptive_conversion_executable-v0.3

Luke awoke with a start, startled by the rattle of the metal cage he was in getting kicked, which intensified his torturous headaches. If only he could call for the axe of Hephaestus to open the way for Athena.

Luke’s freedoms had always been diminishing, but now he was subject-

Matt could not bother to put him in a bed, or to even lay him flat. Or rather, he was too active in taking care of his very naked and very large guest. Luke was stuffed into a cramped cage in Matt’s dungeon and given just a leather pillow for warmth.


“Had a fun day out yesterday? Meet any friends? Get any nice food?

“Blow a big load, even?”

“No, sir, I -”


Continue reading Pleroma – Part 12

Pleroma – Part 11

By Taurus

Part 11 – conversion1

There was some panic as Luke found himself waking up in a bag, being transported in a van like that last abduction experience.

He gasped for air – a futile act that was quickly followed by the bag crumpling into his face with such speed that he promptly calmed down.

More probably, someone must have smashed their palm into Luke’s face to stop his breathing as a threat. And more accurately, Luke calmed down only to the extent that one could if they were naked in a bag and getting kidnapped.

In truth, Luke was quivering in profound fear. He drew smaller yet shallower breaths, and uncontrollably whimpered –


Luke’s implant must have been switched off in order to set him up as he was – his headache was quickly subsiding, but for the few seconds the pain was at its apex, it felt like death.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 11

Pleroma – Part 10

By Taurus

Part 10 – Fate Protocol

Note: this is a continuation of a story by Taurus that has not been updated in some time. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Matt was rougher than usual, Luke thought. How Matt skipped the pleasantries and went straight to demanding that Luke stripped naked and that Luke prepared for a simulation…


Whatever Luke’s beliefs were, he was now sitting in the chair, and he was due for a simulation.

As the headset was brought over his head, he felt the telltale tingling – an itch deep within the skull that would drive most mad if they did not know their implants were being interfaced with.

Luke tried his best to calm down and prepare; Matt had dialed up the intensity significantly – from a sort of “bondage tourism” he started out with, all the way up to the training he was experiencing. Just in the past week, Luke had already been subject to “acclimatisation programs,” where he endured bondage in simulations and in real life.

He closed his eyes, trying his best to prepare himself for what may be a simulation of him getting tied up, whipped, or forced to labour to the breaking point.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 10

Pleroma – Part 09

By Taurus

Part 9 – Non-Coincidence Principle

Note: this is a continuation of a story by Taurus that has not been updated in some time. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Although Matt had acted coldly towards a now resting Luke, he did, in truth, care.

He cared a whole lot.

As he monitored the manufacturing progress of his requisitioned parts – device casings and power cells and AI conduits – without any way to speed them up, he spent most of his time with Luke.

Vantage, being his primary diagnostics AI, acted as a digital doctor, checking Luke’s pulse and neural activity. He had, after all, just done an intense simulation where time passed 20 times faster than in real life.

Having been assured that Luke was of good health, Matt dismissed Vantage.

His AIs were never wrong – so long as they were not asked questions of morality – but it was sometimes hard to accept their emotionless analyses as a human; Luke was so out of it that the stimulus of Matt touching his usually sensitive nipple did not wake him.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 09

The Facility – Part 04

By Rubrpig

Andy woke up in his cell when the lights turned on.  He just assumed that it was morning as there was no window in his cell.  He got up and stood facing the back wall of the cell with his toes and nose touching the wall as he waited for Murray, his personal guard and abuser.

The cell door slammed open and Murray strolled in.  He unlocked the heavy leather control collar from Andy’s neck and dragged him from the cell.  The collar would have given Andy a severe debilitating shock if he had passed through the door of the cell while it was still on.  Murray walked him out of the cell and down the hallway.  Andy realized that they were heading for the punishment room.

Soon Andy was stripped and buckled to the heavy wooden cross.  Murray had discovered that he enjoyed inflicting severe pain on his personal target of abuse.  Andy waited on the cross listening to Murray walking around the room.

Continue reading The Facility – Part 04

Corporate Raiders

By Jackson Amacher

Nate Says:

Their company bought ours, so some of us were going to be laid off. Everyone knew it. We also knew that Taylor, the hotshot who ran the sales department for the company that had just bought ours, was going to decide who. So, when Taylor asked me to join him and a few other guys on this “corporate retreat” to the river, I agreed. I needed this job, and if I had to kiss a bit of ass to keep it, I was ready to pucker up.

We got there on Friday morning, and spent the day doing lame team-building exercises. Taylor said he wanted to see how well we could do as a team, see, so it was all about sharing and caring and bullshit like that. But as the sun started to go down, he made it interesting.

Continue reading Corporate Raiders

The Facility – Part 03

By Rubrpig

Andy groaned and slowly opened his eyes.  His vision was blurry, and he slowly sat up. As his vision cleared, he groaned again as he felt vile.  His head pounded and he felt nauseous.  He looked around and realized that he was locked in one of the two isolation cells.  He looked down and saw that he was now wearing an orange prison uniform.  He sat there wondering what was going on and then he heard the cell door being unlocked and the hinges squealed as the heavy steel door swung open.  The Commander and Murray walked in followed by his Master.

The Commander smiled and looked at Andy and told him that he should have been honest with them about his sexual interests but since he felt it was necessary to lie to his friends, they felt he deserved to be punished.  Andy started to protest but his Master told him to shut up and listen.  Andy quieted and listened.  His Master told Andy that since Andy had given him power of attorney when they had committed to each other, he was going to use that power to help his buddies punish Andy.  His Master told Andy that he had already signed over Andy’s part of the company that owned the facility along with his other property.  Andy began to swear.

Continue reading The Facility – Part 03