Tag Archives: kidnapped

Male BDSM fiction: The Enslavement of Ding-Dong

There’s a three-part story over at Gay Demon by the author who goes by the name of Kevin’s Path. It’s called “The Enslavement Of Ding-Dong,” and it is just as sick and twisted as you’d imagine from this author!

Click the image below to read all three chapters:

gay bondage stories


MORE stories by Kevin’s Path available at Gay Demon here, as well as in the Metalbond Prison Library here.

One Year – Part 02

By Taurus

Part 2 – “The Move”

James did not leave his house for three days. All he would do was eat simple microwavable meals he had delivered to his house a while back and simply roleplay as a slave.

He would turn up his speakers to play some music, while knelt in a corner of the carpet, gagged, plugged and with his hands behind his back.

He would imagine himself at a party. A chic cocktail party where everyone was rich enough to buy the high fashion clothes they were wearing on a whim.

Maybe rich enough to buy him too, which might fit the colour palette of some elegant flooring scheme of walnut and a tan wool carpet.

Of course, he would have to stay off of the carpet. Realizing this, he moved off onto the hard floor.

Bad slave, he reprimanded himself.

He closed his eyes.

What would this party look like?

Smell like?

Feel like?

The lights were dimmed and there was mood lighting.

Continue reading One Year – Part 02

Basement Captive

A young man is exposed and helpless, his clothes hanging in rags, and he is defenseless as a crazy, masked man fondles and gropes him and his big cock becomes hard in spite of his fear and revulsion. The masked man’s lecherous heavy breathing frightens and repulses the young man, but he’s helpless to resist the pleasure being inflicted on him, and the relentless pleasure eventually overwhelms him. He shudders and trembles and surrenders his load to the man’s demanding hand.

male bdsm

See the VIDEO at Straight Men In Trouble

This update is titled “Basement Captive – Part 2”

Metalbond gay bondage

Breaking Boys: Pick-Up Night

By RotherhamMan

Don was just finishing up with Jason when his phone rang.

Jason had been in his dungeon for over a month now, almost the longest time anyone had spent down there. The trouble had been finding a buyer who wanted a heavily tattooed man in his late thirties who had been used and abused for such a period. Don had done so much to Jason that he had almost gotten bored with him and was in danger of losing more money than he would like if he was there any longer. He fed his slaves on a special chow that resembled dog food and hosed them down when needed, but that was all he really spent on them. Jason had been fed and watered but hadn’t been allowed to wash since he arrived and was filthy.

The guy was however beginning to acclimatise with his new life. He slept well on the concrete floor and had learned to assume a kneeling position when Don entered. Don kept his visits irregular to confuse the occupants of how much time was passing, leaving as little as a minute or as long as a whole day between sessions. Sleeping and feeding times were also varied. Don came in and emptied the chow into a bowl rather than use a machine to do it to associate food with him and only slid it to the prisoner after they had thanked him properly. The lights were either on or off as he determined, bright enough to prevent sleep or pitch black. Some developed a fear of the dark from this, especially if he left them in pain or discomfort.

Continue reading Breaking Boys: Pick-Up Night

Kidnapped by Bound Muscle Jocks

Check out this shoot at BoundMuscleJocks.com. Blaze decides to get his money’s worth from the deadbeat Axel. He throws him to the ground and ties him like a steer before taking him to his private dungeon. There he gets the captive naked before subjecting him to electro torment and a good whipping. Axel starts to wish he had paid his debts.

Bound muscle jocks

Title of this shoot: “Your Arse Is Mine Now Part 1”

metalbond gay bondage

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Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 1

By RotherhamMan

Only one of them knew when the door opened that the life of one of the two of them was over.

This was not the case before the door opened, it was a fact that came into being when the two men looked at one another and at that moment, Colin’s life as he knew it was done and a new one would soon be taking its place. That moment lit a fire in Don’s eyes and sent his heart racing with the thrill of anticipation.

It was, of course, his looks that sealed his fate, as it was for every man who crossed paths with Don whom he took an unfortunate like to. He was just touching six feet tall and had a lean but firm figure, his chest and arm muscles were made known by the t-shirt he wore that was just a little to tight, as he well knew. His work trousers were loose but that didn’t matter. His face was what sealed the deal, with a thick beard and dirty blonde hair styled up and back he was a handsome figure that could almost pass for a Viking in the right costume. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, young enough to be Don’s son if Don were interested in women or having children.

Continue reading Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 1