By Bikermike
Raptor: from the Latin, meaning plunderer, thief, ravisher
Alex thought it odd that his underpants were missing. He was quite sure he left them in a pile with his other clothes before he stepped into the shower after a workout at his local gym. It wasn’t an expensive gym; no lockers, but had a communal shower. Neither were his underpants: certainly not a designer pair, being 23 he had been unable to afford such luxuries, unemployed as he was.
They were just a pair of briefs that he had bought from the supermarket, skimpy enough, just sufficient to cover his genitals. He thought “Why would anyone want these?” He glanced around the changing room: there were the usual heavily muscled tattooed body builders, some older guys just wanting to keep fit and a smattering of office worker types, excercising on a day off. As was the rule, nobody spoke to anyone else, a trait so common in male gym changing rooms.
Shrugging, he heaved on his faded Levi jeans over his slim hips, picked up his gym shorts and shirt, had a quick look round on the floor, half expecting to see his underpants kicked under the benches, but to no avail.
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