Tag Archives: RopedStuds

Remote Control – Chapter 01

By Hard Slave

Ted owned several cockrings, but the chrome one was his favorite. It fit perfectly, and the metal felt so good against his skin, he’d sometimes wear it all day at work just for fun. So when he realized he’d accidentally left it in the hotel room on his last business trip, he knew he had to replace it right away.

Ted visited the web site where he’d made his original purchase, scrolling through dozens of models, searching for The One. No luck. Disappointed, he Googled “best cockrings” to see if it would come up. It didn’t. Ted sighed, about to give up and pick a different (surely inferior) model, when he noticed a link down at the bottom of the page, “Ultimate Cockring: It’s NOT for everyone!” He clicked through to see what the fuss was. The picture looked very similar to the cockring Ted lost, but it was the description that really grabbed his attention:

“Master’s Slave Ring: This unique cockring comes with a bluetooth-like chip that can be controlled remotely using our special “Master’s App” from a phone or laptop. Male behavior modification using the latest technology, Master’s Slave Ring will have your boy literally jumping to attention at your command. Not recommended for solo use or by non-submissive wearers. The Master’s Slave Ring is sold for amusement only. Master App, Inc. is not responsible for ill effects caused by misuse of the product.”

Wow, Ted thought, that’s one sick cockring! If I was a sub, I’d definitely go for this, he thought. He was about to hit the “X” but a twitch in his cock and a little churning in his balls caused him to read the description again. He then looked for, and found, one review…

“It’s been three weeks since Sir put me in the Master’s Slave Ring, and it has changed my life. I am able to go about my daily business at work, etc., knowing that at any time my Master can signal a command straight to my balls. I’ve learned to drop what I’m doing and obey or suffer the consequences, which can be very painful. Be careful what you wish for…”

Continue reading Remote Control – Chapter 01

Gear 365 – Part 1

By Rubrpig

Adam had noticed a new hash tag appearing on his twitter feed and face book lately. The hash tag was #gear365 which intrigued him. He began to follow it and soon found that it was started as a way by several Leathermen to encourage others to be proud of their leather and gear and wear it every day. He enjoyed the posts and felt like it was something that he felt a part of. However, work distracted him as he was involved in a new project.

Several months later, he decided to head out to the local bar as they were advertising a gear night which he was curious about. Pulling on a pair of leather jeans, boots and a vest he headed out to the bar. The night started off quietly with very few men in any form of gear. So when around midnight a muscular, bearded man in full langlitz gear walked in, he attracted a lot of attention from everyone there. Walking over to the bar and ended beside Adam who was trying his best to not show how nervous he was to be standing by this man who was obviously a real Leatherman and not someone who just wanted to be seen in leather.

The man turned to Adam have ordered a beer and introduced himself as Mike. Adam smiled and introduced himself allowing himself a close look at the man. Mike was in full leather including a leather shirt and tie, short tight gloves and tall wesco boots that went with the langlitz breeches he was wearing. Mike looked over Adam and saw that Adam’s jeans fit his ass very well and the bar vest framed a nicely muscled chest and abdomen.

Continue reading Gear 365 – Part 1

Video: Shia gets roped very tightly to a weight bench

Meanwhile at Roped Studs, tight-bodied Shia is tightly bound to the weight bench with a natural hemp binding that digs deep into his flesh. Even his cock and balls are tightly roped.


He can barely move, but that doesn’t prevent him from struggling against his bonds. Rope man J.J. can’t keep his hands off the stud’s body, tweaking Shia’s nipples and grabbing his balls. “Fuck!” the captive screams as J.J. beats him with a riding crop. Shia continues to struggle — even after J.J. beats him red, gags him with tape and covers his head with a blackout hood.

See this and much more at Roped Studs

Title of this shoot: Shia – Part 3

tied to the weight bench

You’re in No Position to Negotiate – Part 06

By nyc49

After I had been sent home with my dick locked up for an indefinite period of time, you would think that I would have learned my lesson. Eventually I got the key to the chastity device, and eventually I got myself unlocked. Still, I wanted to give my friends another try and see what challenges they could come up with. I arranged for another overnight session. By now it was winter, so I knew we wouldn’t be playing outdoors, and when we got to Ted and Bill’s house, I wasn’t asked to strip until I got inside. I thought maybe I would at least be allowed to keep my jockstrap on for awhile, they put everything away in a bag and told me to go down to the basement.

“You’ll see some instructions on the table and some toys,” Bill told me. “Read the instructions more than once, because once you start following them, you won’t be able to go back and double check.” This was intriguing. I turned on the light at the top of the stairs and walked down into the room where I had spent the night trying to escape from a duct-tape mummification. This time there was a roll of duct tape, a hood, a padlock and a pair of handcuffs laid out.

The instructions read: “First lock one cuff on one of your wrists. Then place a strip of duct tape over your mouth. Keep track of where the padlock and key are, because you won’t be able to see anything through this hood. Put the hood on, and when it’s comfortable, lock the padlock on the strap around your neck. Pick up the key and turn around two or three times. Then throw the key as hard as you can. Finally, attach the remaining cuff around your other wrist with your hands behind your back. Then wait.”

Continue reading You’re in No Position to Negotiate – Part 06

Chronicles of a Slave Trader – Chapter 02

By PredicamentBondage

The slave that was once Stevie has been in the pod for 24 hours. Twelve of those hours were spent forcibly walking, jogging and running. It’s now sitting on the floor of the pod, sobbing uncontrollably, shivering from exhaustion, sitting in a puddle of piss having just lost control of its bladder, again. Too tired even to touch its now rampant, 7-inch, Viagra-induced hard-on. All it wants to do is sleep.

The odour inside the pod is intense. There’s a thick oily film all over the slave’s body, reeking of boi-funk. The body aroma mixed with the stale piss, is intoxicating and shows how comprehensively the slave has suffered over the last 24 hours.

Its balls are bruised from perpetually slamming into the heavy padlock hanging behind its genitalia. Deprived of sleep and totally depleted, it should now be completely compliant and easy to instruct. At least until it starts to recover.

I know from experience that the new acquisition will pass out from fatigue in short order. As soon as that happens, I’ll drag it from the pod and get it cleaned up, ready for Stage 2.

Continue reading Chronicles of a Slave Trader – Chapter 02