Category Archives: Story

Pest Control – Part 1

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYC“So Greg, I’ve checked for termites and the place is all clear,” the Pest Control dude said.

“That’s good news,” I replied

“But watch your seep holes as they–”

I wasn’t really listening. It was the 21st of October. Locktober as some call it. Which this year included me.

22 days my cock has been caged now. (I started a day early. Just had to be different.)

Self locked this time, having been single for a few months now. My Holy Trainer was becoming my new norm, but a minute didn’t go by yet when I wasn’t reminded of the firm, unyielding plastic encasing my cock.

My horniness level was sky high. To the point where I was craving something in my butt multiple times a day. Willing cocks aren’t plentiful where I live, although admittedly I hadn’t done a lot to seek them out, still being in the “recovery” phase after a long-term relationship. So my collection of butt toys stepped up to the plate and had been getting a lot of action.

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Weekend With Jonas – Part 4

By ty dehner

The hotel room was dark, which didn’t mean much to me as I had been blindfolded and couldn’t see anything. The room was cooler so I could tell the sun had set. It must be very late, but I truly didn’t know what time it was. I would listen for some sort of sound but heard nothing. Just my breathing and the sound of the leather that encased me. I was slipping into a slumber as I was so relaxed and enjoying the smell of the leather. That is when reality came shocking back and my crotch was heavily shocked. I yelled into the gag and my body jumps in my confinement. It was then I realized that Jonas was in the room and I was safe.

“You’re still here fucker and you’re still trapped.”, it was Bart. Now I was confused.

“You’re mine now. Jonas has left.” There was a shock and I was getting worried. “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you in the coming days.”

Continue reading Weekend With Jonas – Part 4

Weekend With Jonas – Part 3

By ty dehner

We arrive in the neon city and I think about me surrounded by all the people and glitz and I’m wearing a full rubber suit under my cowboy outfit. Will anyone even notice. Jonas knows right where he is going, and we end up parking at one the big casinos. As I get out of the car, I am self-conscious but that doesn’t stop Jonas and he gives me a shock to remind me of his power.

We head into the building and it isn’t long before he is sitting in front of an electronic machine and pressing buttons. I stand behind and to the side so I can see but he knows I am there. Each spin ends with me getting a shock or not. It seems that he is losing more than winning and I am learning quickly how to hide the pain that my cock and ass are experiencing. It’s not like there is lots of time between shocks as each spin last just seconds and Jonas immediately presses the button to start a new game. At the same time, he presses the button on his remote and I am shocked. He pauses after a good half hour of play and looks at me.

“I’m not doing too good boy, but this is the most fun I’ve had losing! I can hear your grunting each time I shock you. I love it!”

Continue reading Weekend With Jonas – Part 3

Weekend With Jonas – Part 2

By ty dehner

I woke as someone was working something around my body. Shortly I was being hoisted out of the pool and the weights around my body were heavier now as I was no longer in the water. The guys had used an engine hoist to pull me out and bring me down setting me on a body board that is used by EMTs. They released the belts from the hoist and then started strapping me to the body board. I wasn’t going to be getting out the scuba gear and I think I was going to be going for a ride.

I didn’t hear from anyone, but the board was lifted, and I could feel it moving and no doubt taking a route through my house and into the garage. It was hard to hear but I think I heard the sound of metal and soon I felt myself moving. My movement stopped and I think I heard some latches being secured. Then I know I heard a metal door slam shut. I tried to move but I couldn’t move much. My fingers were able to move, and I was certain I felt a wall very close to my side. The weights pressed me on the board and restricted my movement. I was sure that I was in a box of some sort.

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Weekend With Jonas – Part 1

By ty dehner

Even with the metal cage on my cock and the small spikes digging into the skin I was able shooting my load into the suit. I was just so fucking horny after all that I had been through that I just couldn’t get to sleep until I evacuated my balls. After coming down from a monster orgasm I fell asleep with my muzzle still on. I was exhausted from the long weekend and just ready to catch up on my sleep. As I woke it took me a moment to catch up on the events and remember how I was still locked in the suit and cage. As I got out of bed, the liquids that have mixed in the suit ran down to my feet. Since I couldn’t use the toilet I just pissed in the suit and then went to my computer. I left the muzzle on as it continued to make me feel submissive.

Sitting down at the computer I power it up and find a message from Jonas. Opening it he told me how much he enjoyed the weekend and that I really impressed him with all that I did. At the end of the message he provided the combination to the lock on the suit and instructed me to get out of it. I was to close it back up so that none of the liquids would escape and keep it in a safe place. On Friday he would contact me and tell me how to prepare for the coming weekend.

Continue reading Weekend With Jonas – Part 1


By slavebladeboi

Charlie hung there, from the overhead beam, his feet about 6 or 7 inches from the floor. The strain wasn’t too bad although, after this long, his arms and shoulders were beginning to feel it. First he had stripped. The big black guy had been meticulous with the bondage. Charlie’s wrists were both in high quality leather wrist suspension restraints that the guy had taken time over. There were no pinch points, each strap had been buckled, unbuckled, readjusted and finally hooked to the rings fixed to the underside of that ceiling beam. When he had finished all the preparations, he had Charlie stand on a box about 18 inches high so it wasn’t difficult or painful to stand there and let the guy fix his arms above his head.

Next to the box he initially stood on, on either side, were two small pillars a bit less than 10 inches high simply waiting for Charlie to reach out a foot, stand on them and release his arms from the building pressure his muscles were feeling. But there was a catch. He’d been told there would be, simply not what it was. Charlie had thought the test would be to see how long he could hang, the heat in the room making him sweat and increase his thirst, before using those two boxes he could easily reach. He wasn’t concentrating enough to think about the cold metal spiral butt plug which had been carefully screwed into his ass or why it was there apart from making him horny or the ring around his cock which was connected to it.

Continue reading Charlie

Oh, What a Weekend

By Rubrpig

Jason startled awake by the pain in his shoulders and he began to panic till he forced himself to calm down as there was really nothing he could do. He tried to stretch but the heavy double leather sleep sac and the wooden box he was locked in prevented any real movement. He laid there trying to calm down and slowly his breathing slowed. His could hear his breathing as the sound of his breathing was amplified by the gas mask strapped over the heavy leather eyeless hood laced tightly around his head. The hose of the mask was connected to a port in the side of the box. He kept breathing slowly and tried to keep himself calm as he thought back over the last few days and what he had been subjected to when he hooked up with Master Robert for a long weekend. His mind wandered back to the end of the work day on the past Friday …

Jason yawned and stretched. He was glad the day was over and he stood up and looked around at the rest of the office seeing his co-workers huddled down over their terminals. He nodded to a couple of them and grabbed his jacket and headed to the elevator. Getting to his car in the underground garage he decided to hit the gym on the way home as it would help work the kinks out of his muscles.

Continue reading Oh, What a Weekend

The Bet – Chapter 09

By lthr_jock

I look at the clock – 11:30. I have an hour to finish my chores before Frank gets back. I check the list on the table – I’m about halfway through and having problems with what would normally be simple tasks. As I turn towards the kitchen to do the washing up, the rubber I’m wearing squeaks and creaks and the accumulated sweat inside it sloshes around. My cock is caged up again, this time in a heavy metal chastity belt that has covered my cock and balls and pulled them back between my legs. My cock has been slotted into a thick sleeve that extends inside my arse and is attached to a butt plug. Each time I start to get aroused, it makes the butt plug move further in and it’s as though I’m fucking myself. When I piss, the sleeve directs the urine inside me.

The steel belt is hidden under a thick rubber neck entry suit that I’ve had on overnight. The suit doesn’t have integral feet or gloves, but separate ones were added before pushing heavy waders on my feet. Rubber mittens went over the gloves that secure my fingers together but allow me to manipulate things – to an extent, anyway. I’m hooded in rubber and gagged, this time with a ring gag that keeps my mouth open. Steel cuffs are around each ankle, connected by a 2ft metal bar. Similar cuffs are around my wrists with a 1ft metal bar between them. Finally, a matching collar is locked around my neck.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 09