By bndwolf80
“So Greg, I’ve checked for termites and the place is all clear,” the Pest Control dude said.
“That’s good news,” I replied
“But watch your seep holes as they–”
I wasn’t really listening. It was the 21st of October. Locktober as some call it. Which this year included me.
22 days my cock has been caged now. (I started a day early. Just had to be different.)
Self locked this time, having been single for a few months now. My Holy Trainer was becoming my new norm, but a minute didn’t go by yet when I wasn’t reminded of the firm, unyielding plastic encasing my cock.
My horniness level was sky high. To the point where I was craving something in my butt multiple times a day. Willing cocks aren’t plentiful where I live, although admittedly I hadn’t done a lot to seek them out, still being in the “recovery” phase after a long-term relationship. So my collection of butt toys stepped up to the plate and had been getting a lot of action.