Category Archives: Story

The Dungeon Hotel

By BondageChallengeGames

Ah, young, gay, and broke. It’s a shame how expensive travel is, especially when the best times in your life for travel coincide with when you have the least money to do so. Well, I cannot promise to solve all your travel cost woes, but listen to my pitch young man, because I may be able to lessen the load.

You see I run a chain of “hotels” in many very big (often expensive) cities in America. I use “hotel” loosely, because they do not look like your traditional hotel – no fancy lobbies, unnecessary “perks”, or cushy rooms. No… my hotels are jails. Some quite literally prisons we purchased and modified for use by free citizens, others warehouses renovated with bars and bunks.

Now I’m sure you have questions. It’s natural to be cautious of an offer to go to jail. But the fact that you’re still listening shows me that you haven’t written off the experience completely. Which is good, because curious and adventurous men like yourself always make the most of a stay with me. Let me tell you what you can expect from a stay at one of my Dungeon Hotels, and then we’ll book you a cell.

Continue reading The Dungeon Hotel

Joey – Part 02

For Part 1 click here

By slavebladeboi

Following a mainly sleepless night, and twenty four hours after waking on that bench, it happened that Joey returned to the park, this time on his bike, which he usually used to get him to his part time work, to help with his expenses, as well as for the exercise that helped keep him in shape. There was very little breeze to slow or cool him and he felt the urge to push himself to mitigate the inner feelings he still had. Dappled shade rapidly alternated with brilliant sun, cooling and heating his back in succession as he cycled around the track, always within view of that bench, but never getting close to it.

The bench attracted him with a force he couldn’t explain but at the same time it repelled him, the two opposing forces made him feel disturbed, almost giddy. Since his experience, waking up, remembering his tortures, finding his cock locked without knowing who or when, he was both frustrated and nervous. In truth he was angry, frustrated, frightened and anxious all at the same time. He didn’t know which way to turn mentally. He’d been used. The turmoil that this caused him was fighting the feeling somewhere, deep inside, that it was sexy, hot and just about everything that he’d dreamed about most of the time he was jerking off.

Jerking off, yeah, the thing he could no longer do, and that made him angry.

Continue reading Joey – Part 02

Agartha – Part 01

By Taurus

Chapter 1 – You’re Paying

“Oh Gage, you’re getting punished today – some millionaire is losing their shit today and you’re paying for it.”

Gage could not question the guard who jeered at him. He may weigh 223 pounds, a fearsome strongman with lush carpets reverently adorning his chin and chest, but man-fur was not the only thing stuck to him; a very powerful shock collar was too. He was completely naked, and his cock – if absent all external reference, looking like a micropenis despite the help of a steel cock ring – dangled between his legs.

He knew better – he had six inches whenever he was permitted to.

Wisely, he stomached the mocking and walked with his head straight and his hands behind his back into the competition hall where his three opponents – identically dressed as him – had been stretching. He joined them.

Continue reading Agartha – Part 01

The New Academy – Part 02

By Rubrpig

This is a work of fiction loosely based on a fabled facility, The Academy.

The author writes chained into a chair, wearing Wescos, a Carrara chastity belt, heavy leather posture collar and nipple clamps as required by his Master and Owner.  It has been locked in the chastity belt for 3 years and has agreed to it being made permanent.


And it continues…

The Director looked at the police officers and told them to keep Gary in the chair and suit for the next 10 hours and then what happened next was up to them. The two men nodded and smiled. The three of them turned and walked out of the room.  Gary stared through the lenses of his gas mask at the tight asses in the snug breeches and the tall shiny Dehners that the three men wore.

Gary sighed and smiled as he breathed in the piss of the men.  He was excited to learn what would be happening to him over the next 2 weeks.  His cock tried getting hard in the chastity belt, but he moaned in pain as his cock head pushed hard into the spikes in the end of the tube that encased his cock.  He moaned and then pissed, feeling the hot liquid run down his legs.  The hot piss mingled with the sweat that was building up in the suit and ran down his lower legs and into the feet of the suit.  He closed his eyes and drifted off.

Continue reading The New Academy – Part 02

Orgasm Denial Therapy

By TieMeEdgeMe

Note: This story originally appeared at Gay Spiral Stories, and it is posted here with permission.

gay spiral stories

Synopsis: Donny has some anger issues and loves nothing more than to posture himself as a tough guy. Unfortunately for him this can get him into some trouble. He finds himself in a rehabilitative program that might finally break him down. It will be the most frustrating and aggravating challenge of his life. It involves chastity and some skillful edging handywork!

The bartender looked at the door. His face sunk and he let out the most exhausted sigh.

“Ahhh man. Here we go. Donny is back…again.”

The patron he was speaking to turned to see who came through the door.

A tatted-up muscle bro. His crew cut, tap out tank, backwards cap, and gym shorts made him look like the biggest of tools. He appeared to already be drunk.

Donny looked around.

“What type of sissy fucking music are you playing in here?”

He marched up to the bar demanding a drink.

The bartender calmly tried to reject him.

“Sorry Donny, you know you were trespassed from here. All the fights, breaking stuff, inappropriate language…you aren’t allowed to be here. I’m going to need you to leave, or I will have to call the police again.”

Continue reading Orgasm Denial Therapy

The New Academy – Part 01

By Rubrpig

This is a work of fiction loosely based on a fabled facility, The Academy.

The author writes chained into a chair, wearing Wesco’s, a Carrara chastity belt, heavy leather posture collar and nipple clamps as required by his Master and Owner.  It has been locked in the chastity belt for 3 years and has agreed to it being made permanent.

Gary unlocked the door of his condo and walked in.  After several long days at the office trying to salvage a deal and finally getting the deal done and closed.  He dropped his bag by the door and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer.  Heading to the living room, he collapsed on the couch and relaxed for the first time in days.  He grabbed his laptop from the coffee table and opened it up.  He logged into and opened Chrome and went to one of his favourite sites,  He scrolled through the page and started to get aroused by the photos and couple of new stories that had been posted since he last visited the site a few days ago.  Then an article really grabbed his attention.

The article was about a new business that was just getting ready to open.  The article showed images of the facility and the men who would be working there.  The article went on to describe the facility as a recreation of the legendary Academy.  This new facility was designed to provide a wide range of bondage and discipline experiences from simple jail experiences to heavy and extreme bondage and discipline experiences.  This article really got to Gary as he had become a fan of the Academy and it had been one of his biggest regrets that when he could finally afford to go, the Academy had closed and the equipment and the men who had staffed it had disbanded.

Continue reading The New Academy – Part 01

Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 11: Kappa Redulans


Start at Chapter 1 by clicking here

There came a day when the routine changed.  By Sam’s count they were at nineteen strokes per minute when the first hint came wafting through the oarlocks: the smell of gunsmoke.  This was different but not different enough to merit Sam’s attention and so he remained focused on his rowing, pushing and pulling the long wooden handle back and forth.  But then there came voices: loud, shouting voices bellowing words Sam could not make out.  Louder they grew, and then other voices joined in, fainter and  more distant.  Fuck!  The Royal Navy had caught up with them, despite all their efforts to keep ahead!  Sam leaned into the oar even harder but after only a dozen strokes a great blow struck the side of the ship and suddenly there was no weight in Sam’s arms.

He stared dumbfounded at the stump of oar for long seconds before realizing what had happened: something, probably a cannonball, had blasted off the other end, leaving just the splintered wreckage in his hand.  Sam turned to his oarmate – whose name he still did not know after all this time – to see if he had any idea what to do, but the man was slumped over in his seat, leaning against the outer wall which, Sam suddenly noticed, had also taken some of the impact.  Cracks and fissures appeared where there had been none before.

Cracks and fissures in an ocean-going vessel’s hull were not good.  Not good at all.

Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 11: Kappa Redulans

Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 10: Keep Moving


Voices erupted from the gallery.  The shabby small-town lawyer blinked as if blindsided, his face somehow managing to comically express both consternation that he wouldn’t need any of the arguments he had assembled and relief that they wouldn’t get eviscerated by his opponent.  The opponent, meanwhile, simply opened up his briefcase and started packing papers into it, just another day’s work, this one easier than most.  Bystanders in the courtroom gossiped with their neighbors; the deputies smirked knowingly at each other; the bailiff watched the judge for a cue what he should do.

The sheriff was the only one actually looking at Sam and the expression on his face was that of a cat eyeing a trapped mouse.  Sam met his eyes and stared, letting the clamor in the courtroom wash over him until Judge Jack banged his gavel on the bench.  “Order!”  The voices died down and calm settled once again over the courtroom.

“Let the record show that the defendant has pled guilty to all charges.  Sam Green, I hereby sentence you to hard labor, sentence to commence immediately and continue until restitution for your crimes has been made.  Sheriff, you’ll see to the details?  Dismissed!”  The gavel came down again.  Bystanders stood and began filing out; the maître d’ and the various Jack clones in their various outfits left through other doors, and in short order the space was empty save for Sam and Sheriff Jack.

Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 10: Keep Moving