Category Archives: Story


An excerpt from a collection of short stories by ty dehner

SWITCHBACK is a new collection of short stories by ty dehner. Featuring two new stories that have never appeared in print, this group of stories includes men in uniform, friendship and more. Several of these tales have plots where there is a switch in the position of those involved. These gay men explore bondage, power exchange and hot gear!

By ty dehner

The cloudless blue sky filled the horizon as the pine air was broken by the continuous whine of a high-performance Suzuki motorcycle. The rider in red and white one-piece riding leathers was enjoying the twisting road with the skinny pine trees reflecting off the face shield part of his black full-face helmet.

Dan was far from home, needing to escape the pressures of his job for the weekend. After exiting the office building when his shift was over, the banker raced home in his sports car. After parking his Corvette in the garage and climbing out, Dan saw his Suzuki. It was calling him to climb aboard and just get out of town.

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The Slave Daycare – Part 02

By Taurus

Note: To start at the very beginning of this story, click here.

Chapter 12 – The Operative

The daycare had no scheduled visitors today, but Frank and his slaves still dutifully went to work even if everyone else was allowed to stay home. However, where Frank toiled at his computer, the slaves had quite a lot of leisure time to waste.

“Why are you still here?”

Frank knew the answer to his question that the slaves would elect to answer with silence; his slaves were far too hardworking to allow themselves rest.

And so he would tell them to.

“Go to the common area, play and have fun, or else.”

“Or else?”

“Or else I’ll make you wear clothes.”

A gasp.

“That are one size too small.”

Thoroughly terrified by the thought of clothing, the slaves slinked out of sight as fast as they could manage.

Continue reading The Slave Daycare – Part 02

Three Slaves – Part 04

By Practicerestraint

Number 502 headed towards the open wall of his cell and out into the corridor.

“Stay where you are, 502.  You’ll regret leaving your cell unescorted.”

He whipped around to see who spoke, but there was no one.  As the voice continued, however, he saw the speakers built into the ceiling.  He also noticed the cameras in each corner of the room, attached to the ceiling.

“Open the top drawer and put on the items inside.  Then read the documents on the desk.  Your orientation will begin in about an hour.”

Number 502 debated for a moment, and then turned to the set of drawers along the wall.  Stark naked in a strange building, he doubted that he would make much progress in terms of escape.  Disobedience didn’t seem like a good idea either, although he hadn’t opened the drawer or read the documents yet . . . .

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 04

Three Slaves – Part 03

By Practicerestraint

The slave woke slowly.  It took him a while to get a grasp on his surroundings and circumstances. As his eyes came into focus and his hearing because more acute, he realized he couldn’t talk.  His mouth was filled with a penis gag.

“Welcome back, number 502.”

Number 502 recognized the voice of the “doc.”  He tried to turn his head in the direction of the voice, but found his head was strapped down.  He let out a small cry that came out as a gurgle.

“Try to relax as I explain.  Note that this is not a conversation.  You’ll learn more about your situation shortly, but for right now you need to know that you are here to play the roles we assign you.  Think of yourself as a member of Mr. Crummles’s troupe.”

Number 502’s eyes widened slightly, either from the reference or from the “doc” coming into view.

“Yes, 502, we know about your fondness for Dickens.  We know a lot about you.  Mostly, we know you like to be controlled and you will fit well into your new occupation.”

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 03

Three Slaves – Part 02

By Practicerestraint

The Third Slave

The third slave didn’t know how long the ride had been, just that it seemed to last forever. He was shifting uncomfortably from the pressure on his bladder when the van came to a stop.

The driver opened the door of the van and stepped in. Before unlocking the slave’s leg irons, the driver pulled up the legs of the slave’s jeans and locked a stun cuff onto each of the slave’s legs.

“Do you want me to demonstrate these?”

The slave shook his head vigorously. He’d seen demonstration videos online.

“Then keep your mouth shut and follow my instructions.”

The driver removed the slave’s wrist shackles and fitted him with transport irons: A waist chain with a handcuff on each side. After these shackles were in place, he removed the leg irons and freed them from the ring in the floor. The driver directed the slave to sit at the edge of the van, his legs dangling out. The driver reshackled the slave’s legs. The slave was grateful that the irons went over his jeans and away from his Achilles tendons.

“Get out.”

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 02

The Instructions – Part 01

By Kinkytwinkboy

Kinkytwinkboy bondage storiesThe instructions was clear.

I was to find the car in the parking lot. It was not all empty, but I found the car anyway. The trunk was open as instructed. I looked around, but there was no one there. I then opened the trunk of the car. There was some things inside. It was the following items:


A backpack



A heavy lock



Letter blindfold

I was instructed to strip naked, right there on the parking spot. I was looking around many times to see if there was anyone around. I was to strip all naked, not even wearing socks.

I put them in the bag and left the bag outside the car.

Continue reading The Instructions – Part 01

Beguiled – Part 1

By ty dehner

author ty dehnerIn the darkness, anxious breathing echoes in the small space. There is certainly a person in his space, helpless. The echo of breathing is broken with the sound of steel sliding on the edge of more metal as a solid, shiny sword slowly enters this container. At first, it proceeds slowly, then settles into place with a strong shove that makes this captive person sigh with relief that they have not been impaled by this sharp weapon. A muffled crowd sound is heard inside the container as the sword sets.

This person adjusts themselves in the tight confines of this container. A sliver of light comes through a different slot on the other side. The eyes of a man turn towards that slot, hoping to catch a view out of his confinement. But he sees very little, as another sword is inserted slowly, sliding close to his chest. The captive draws in his breath to move his chest out of the way.

A hand in a leather gauntlet holds the sword’s handle that has just been inserted, giving it one hard push to set it in place. There is an auditable gasp as the gloved hand releases the sword. The mysterious figure, all in black, lifts his head to his audience with a mischievous grin curling upon his lips.

Continue reading Beguiled – Part 1

Three Slaves – Part 01

By Practicerestraint

Note:  the change between pronouns (he/it/his/its) reflects the state of mind of the master and/or slave at that moment in the account.

Chapter 1

The first slave was taken to a mine. His irons and collar were removed, but a ten-pound collar was locked around his neck. He would be fitted with the equivalent of an Organ boot: a weight around his ankle that would prevent him from running. In the mines, the collar would be chained to a ring near the slave’s work spot and his leg iron removed. The iron would go on again when the slaves were rotated out to be fed and watered and rested. At night, lucky slaves could have their heavy collars removed if they offered the guards their bodies.

The slave dealer herded the two remaining slaves into the back of the van. Leg irons, run through rings welded to the floor of the van, were attached quickly and the doors slammed on the cargo.

Hours later, the van arrived at a rural location. The driver was met by a tall man in a sheriff’s uniform. The two men talked briefly, exchanged envelopes, and then the dealer opened the door. He unshackled one slave’s feet, neck, and wrists. The slave gave no thought to escape, particularly since the sheriff held a taser.

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 01