Category Archives: Story

Long-term bondage sessions: Two switch players discuss their 10-day experience – Part 1

By @yohan555 and @xlrugbysocks

@yohan555 and @xlrugbysocks are both fans of prolonged bondage, and are happy to switch. This summer they set aside time to give each of them a 5-day session of continuous bondage, which was live tweeted on twitter. They were keen to give a debrief to metalbondnyc.

First 5-day period: @xlrugbysocks topped by @yohan555

@xlrugbysocks as captive:

We decided I would have my 5 day session as captive first, to give me the chance to get re-acquainted with @yohan555’s gear and play spaces, even if from the receiving end. We had done a successful 3 day session for each other last year, so we know each other well, our individual turn-ons and no-nos (layers of thick wool, and lots of soccer and seaboot socks being favs for me!) We neither like role-play, but @yohan555 had requested my theme for the session; I said I liked us just to be ourselves, for real, meaning I didn’t have a ‘story’ – and was a bit surprised on my release to find I was outed as an imprisoned and tortured medic!

The time flew by for me; I was a bit sleep-deprived before my arrival, so I slept a lot in the various padded cells and prison cells in the first few days. For me, long bondage sessions are always a mental struggle between letting go/throwing myself into fighting the restriction, and staying calm/keeping some reserves for the trials ahead; on my 4th day, I did reach total capitulation wearing a rubber suit and sj inside the heavy leather suspension bag.

Continue reading Long-term bondage sessions: Two switch players discuss their 10-day experience – Part 1

Half Masked

By Boots Rule

I walked into the club and wandered over to my usual spot at the bar. Told my favorite bartender Tony I wanted a beer and he acted like he didn’t know who I was.   He poured from the tap and brought the glass and sat it before me on the wooden counter. That was when he finally got a startled look in his eyes and said “That you Rob?” I nodded my head while taking a sip. “Geez, I didn’t recognize you with that half hood on. You going to some costume party?” Funny question from a bartender in a leather bar. Beside the half hood, I was in my usual full leather police uniform with the cod piece on the breeches, my tall Dehner boots, Langlitz jacket and Muir cap. The half hood was the only change of my normal Friday night wear. “Trying something new, that’s all” was my reply. “Changes your whole look……kind of a mystery man. I’m sure you’re going to surprise a lot of people here tonight.” It was a busy Friday night so there were many who would see me wearing it.

Mystery man. Boy did that strike a bell with me. I’ve been coming to this bar for years, and lately have been feeling stiffled. Typecast if you will. I’ve been known around here as a Boot Top for so long that there are times I feel like a tourist attraction. Men approach me all the time with the same fucking question “Sir, May I Lick Your Boots Sir?” Good luck getting any sort of conversation out of them. And good luck chatting up the other Tops who frequent this place. They aren’t unfriendly but I am seen as the competition time and time again.

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Leather Cop Enforcement – Excerpt 1

This is an excerpt from ty dehner’s new leather kink novel, coming July 31, 2021, to Amazon Kindle and in print. This excerpt is exclusive to Posted here with permission.

ty dehner book


By ty dehner

The red Dodge Ram finds a parking spot near The Barracks, the Palm Springs area premiere leather bar. There is a light drizzle falling this evening after an afternoon of thunder showers. After parking, Mateo checks that he is prepared to meet the man that has him locked in chastity, looking at his face in his rear view mirror. He smiles as his young skin is clear of any blemishes and he has freshly shaved. His black hair on his head is in a close crop that makes it cool for him when he is on the work site. Opening the door of his truck, Mateo’s boot lands in a puddle as he steps out of his truck.


He had worked hard to shine his Wesco’s just two hours ago. He steps out of the puddle, reaching behind his driver’s seat he pulls out a rag. Placing his boot up on the door rim, he wipes it down and brings back the shine he had worked so hard on. Thinking back upon their first encounter in his trailer, he knew that that KTM rider had to be a leather man. Why else did he have them meet at The Barracks. Being in leather and bondage himself, Mateo didn’t want to overdo his first meeting so he settled for his Wesco Boss boots, black leather motorcycle chaps over his black skinny Levi’s, a black t-shirt with the Mr. S logo on it and his leather vest.

Continue reading Leather Cop Enforcement – Excerpt 1

Stud Squaw – Part 3

By Alex Ironrod

It was not a good night’s rest; the hog-ties prevented that, but finally they both slept, exhausted from the day’s torments.

It was evidently morning when they were kicked awake by a group of warriors and their rawhide ties removed. There was no sign of Red Feather, but the interpreter was there to explain: “You will be taken out and purged, then taken to the stream for washing and cleansing. You must be prepared for this evening’s ceremony when the chief will fuck each of you in front of our community to show your slave position as his new squaw men. Now to work.”

They were taken outside again, loosely tied, and led to the sewage pits. Here they were forced to bend over, Tom’s plug was pulled out, and the nozzle of pig’s bladders pushed into their holes. The bladders were emptied into them until the interpreter was satisfied as he patted their stomachs. After ten minutes they could hold it no more, and a mix of soapy water, their own shit and the cum of the previous night poured out of them trickling down their bare legs. Three times they were forced to be filled and emptied.

Continue reading Stud Squaw – Part 3

Stud Squaw – Part 2

By Alex Ironrod

“God in heaven, Billy, what have I done to us,” the Lieutenant choked out. “I can feel things crawling all over me, and I’m erecting again.”

“Try to relax, Tom, “ came the grunting reply. “You need to keep your courage up as well as your cock. We have to bear it.”

He got only a sigh of despair and a groan of anguish from the head next to him, as Tom tried to move his body. Bright shuddered in turn; his back felt as though knives were cutting him, as the flies drank his slobber and the drying piss.

The soldiers lost track of time in the hot sun; men and women passed them by; some spat at them, one or two pushed them onto the thorns; the flying insects bit and crawled on their naked bodies. At last the group of Apaches returned, unpegged their ankles, untied their arms and pulled them off the cactus. Spaulding shouted in pain; the sergeant bit hard on the rawhide, as they were raised upright and allowed to stumble back to the chief’s tepee.

There they collapsed, shuddering, on the floor, with dirty fly-speckled chests and matted hair, and bleeding backs and butts. For a few moments, neither spoke as they tried to recover. Bright managed to undo the rawhide tightening in his mouth.

Continue reading Stud Squaw – Part 2

Stud Squaw – Part 1

By Alex Ironrod

This is a tale of an imaginary traditional Old West in the 1870s-1880s, with modern BDSM elements. The Native Americans are fierce and brave and so are their opponents in the US Cavalry. The setting could be Southern Arizona. This story, and its longer novel sequel, are dedicated to the memory of the late film director John Ford, whose Westerns inspired them.

His arms were tired; he’d been pulled along at the end of a rope behind the pinto horse for several hours, wrists bound with rawhide – chafing despite his heavy yellow deerskin gauntlet gloves. And his feet hurt. He cursed himself for wearing his good cavalry boots and spurs- they made him look great in the saddle, but pinched after an hour or so of stumbling along rocky trails. And his head ached from the bullet graze, which had got him into this mess.

He looked over his left shoulder at his companion. Sergeant Bright seemed to be faring better than his lieutenant was, although he too was bound behind another Apache horse. But Bright was rugged after years in the cavalry, and, at 6’ 2” topped Tom Spaulding by a good three inches. There was a sudden commotion, as the sergeant tripped over a rock on the narrow path and was being dragged along, scraping chest and legs over the uneven ground.. The leader of the Indian band of raiders snapped out an order and Bright was able to scramble to his feet, blood seeping down his arm again.

Continue reading Stud Squaw – Part 1

Shredded – Part 02

By Adam Wesco

male bdsm sneakersWhen my eyes fluttered open, I was back at home in bed and alone in just a pair of might tight Under Armour boxer briefs. Did I just dream everything that happened at the new gym? Probably so. I was incredibly horny after my workout and I probably just lost sense of things and came home and fell asleep horny as hell. I rolled over and looked at my phone and saw a message from Duncan. “Hey, Adam. It’s Duncan, your trainer at Shredded. Don’t forget we have training today at 10am!”

Crap – it was already quarter after 9 and it was a good 15-minute drive to the gym. I hopped out of bed and threw on the same gym clothes I’d worn the day before. Something about the smell of them was really turning me on this morning. As I bent over to pull my balled-up socks out of my Adidas wrestling shoes, without any thought I sniffed one and shoved it into my mouth. Fuck – sucking on my own sweaty socks was turning me on. But I’ve got no time to pleasure myself. I didn’t want to be late.

I quickly threw my now slightly damp socks on and laced up my yellow Magic Man wrestling shoes. After quickly brushing my teeth and primping for a few to make sure my hair looked nice, I stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of “Muscle Milk” that I’d picked up at the gym the day before. I didn’t remember buying it but did remember leaving with it. Must’ve been another freebie included with the membership. The whole last day had been foggy.

Continue reading Shredded – Part 02

Shredded – Part 01

By Adam Wesco

This story is inspired by partially true events with obvious enhancements. Bear with me as I set the stage for what’s to come. I hope to make this a series of stories.

Part 1

It was a typically sunny day in central Florida when I was out running some errands. I had just moved to the St. Pete area and after having been pent up for a year in the house being lazy because of COVID-19, I knew I needed to get back to a gym now that things were getting back to some form of normal. As I pulled up to a traffic light, I looked to my right and noticed a large gym that I hadn’t remembered seeing before so I decided to take a small detour from my errands and stop inside to check it out.

male bondage sneakersI parked my car and noticed a few folks streaming in and out of the gym, all of which were men. Because I’ve always been into gear, esp sneakers, this day I was wearing a pair of my size 11.5 Kobe 9 “Influence” in a very bright neon yellow, green and orange pattern. I always loved the way these sneaks looked and wrapped so high above my ankles. I wasn’t shy about wearing matching bright socks with them as well. I did love having guys stare at my sneaks after all.

I headed inside already with a raging boner seeing all the hot guys coming and going and walked to the front desk. Standing behind it was a young man probably 26 or 27 wearing a standard black gym uniform which caressed his muscles tightly. He wore a very nice pair of pure white Adidas Ultraboost sneakers that I could tell had been well used at the gym. Was that a cum stain I saw on the toe? Before I could get a better look, he turned around and greeted me with a big smile.

“Hi, welcome to Shredded! How can I help you?”

Continue reading Shredded – Part 01