To save his family from ruin, a 22-year-old Italian bodybuilder chooses to be a pain slave for a rich Italian landowner. Scroll down for a free video preview from the men of Dream Boy Bondage.

A rich Italian landowner, Don Giovanni, tells a family living on his estate outside of Rome that they will lose their home and livelihood unless they pay off a large loan – or convince their 22-year-old son, Stefano, a bodybuilder, to be his slave for five years. The bodybuilder has two choices: As a sex slave he will be dressed in the finest clothes, his body oiled and massaged, but he must suck off his master and be fucked on command. As a pain slave no sex will be required, but his body will be at the disposal of the man, to be touched and tortured at will, as long as no permanent damage is inflicted. Stefano, a good son, must save his family, so he chooses to be a pain slave. To his surprise, he is sent to America, to be tortured for weeks. He is blindfolded, so each blow, lash and zap of electricity is a surprise. His master, in Rome, watches every minute of his suffering on live video, waiting for him to beg to be fucked – or endure unbearable pain.
See the hi-def video at Dream Boy Bondage
Title of this shoot: STEFANO: Blind Muscle – Chapter 1