Tag Archives: Drummer

New issue of Drummer magazine

With great pleasure, I received a brand-new issue of Drummer magazine in the mail this week! The publication is 100 perfect-bound pages and includes articles, photographs, and lots of erotic male BDSM artwork. Even the ads are hot. There’s a report on the Old Guard leather scene that existed back in the 1950s and 60s. The theme is “The Superhero Issue,” and there’s a stylized rope bondage photo essay by Bruce LaBruce that rounds out the issue. My favorite section is the “Tough Customers” photo profiles.

Drummer magazine superheroes issue

Congratulations to editor Drew Kramer and publisher Jack MacCullum for bringing Drummer back!

You can get a digital subscription or a digital-and-print combo by visiting the official Drummer website, drummermen.com. I have the latter. There’s also an archive of vintage issues of Drummer.

‘The Brig’ novel by Mason Powell

Imagine being locked up for months in a military brig by sadistic Marines who take great pleasure in torturing you and using you sexually! That’s what happens in the classic male BDSM novel “The Brig,” by Mason Powell.

The Brig by Mason Powell


You can get The Brig on Amazon as an eBook or as a paperback. It’s highly recommended!

Note that “The Brig” was previously published in book form by The Outbond Press, and prior to that it was serialized in Drummer magazine!

Also of note is Mason Powell’s non-kink compilation of short stories, Telling Lies About the Wolves, which is also quite worthwhile, in my opinion!

The first 100 issues of Drummer magazine are online

There are five recently published issues of Drummer magazine — available at drummermen.com — with more issues on the way!

Drummer magazine new issues

Meanwhile, if you are a subscriber as I am, you can access the first 100 issues of Drummer, which are archived under their Origins tab. Here are two of these vintage issue covers:

Drummer magazine back issues

Find the old and new content at the Drummer official website, available here.

Drummer magazine new issues

Drummer magazine website is relaunched

And they have a new Editor-in-Chief! And they are promising a new issue coming soon! Details are available at their website:

Drummer magazine

They have some newer content available, including five complete issues as well as articles. And one of my very favorite features is a complete library of the first 100 issues! If you are a subscriber as I am, you can access this vast library.

Drummer back issues

Click for Drummer magazine