Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage

Side Effects – Chapter 3

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesI had to get up. I had to move!

Adin had said the paralysis was wearing off, and I definitely had control of my voice again. If I didn’t get moving right away, Adin would keep me stuck here all night.

Were my toes wriggling? Could I twitch my fingers? Nothing. This was weird stuff.

Adin came back into the room with a pile of my gear.

“Forget it Adin!” I said firmly with false bravado, “not gonna happen.”

“Stand up and tell me that to my face!” he said scornfully.

What had come over Adin? He knew about all my toys, but had never shown any interest in them. For that matter, he’d never shown any interest in my dick before either. I was feeling very confused. But I had more pressing concerns, because no matter how confused I was, Adin was standing over me with some of my favorites.

“No Adin, I’m serious! An hour’s enough already.” The thought of Adin putting me into bondage, using my own toys, was like another dream come true, but I really didn’t know if I could handle it, given the state I was in, and what had already happened in just the last 40 minutes or so. At the same time, my hypothalamus texted a command down to my groin: Make it so.

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 3

Lockdown update

Hey prisoners, how are you all handling the lockdown? I hope you’re all doing well, and staying safe and healthy. Just a quick update from NYC — things are still fine at this end, and I have been working on my day job during the day and doing Metalbond updates after hours and on the weekends. I miss my local barbershop, though! I finally gave in and gave myself a buzz cut late last week.

In the coning days and weeks, there will be lots more posts coming to the Metalbond site, including many new stories. In fact, there’s enough in my inbox now for “story week” which can start as early as tonight. One of the stories will be a re-post of a long-running popular series, because the author of that one has updated it with a brand new chapter, so be sure to watch for that.

Meanwhile if you have not already done so, now is a really good time to subscribe to a gay bondage pay site. You’ll be helping the kink economy! Two of the sites in particular — Serious Male Bondage and Men In Chains — have been adding some really cool content recently, so be sure to check them out. There is also a special promotion going on at KinkMen — if you use the promo code “STIRCRAZYMEN” you can save.

You can also order items from websites of retailers like Sinvention and E-Stim Systems, whose online businesses are still up and running even during the pandemic. When ordering from E-Stim, be sure to use the code “METALBOND” at checkout to save 10 percent on your order (offer is good for one time only).

All of the pay sites and businesses mentioned above are longtime supporters and friends, and by patronizing them you are supporting the Metalbond site!

19 Days in a Padded Cell – an update

Many will remember the “19 Days in a Padded Cell” long-term bondage scene, which was extensively documented in real time here on the Metalbond site back in 2013.

If you are not familiar with this true-life experience between “The Warden” and “The Inmate,” or if you would like to read about it again, click here.

19 Days in a Padded Cell Metalbond


Now, Serious Male Bondage has posted an update with even more information, including text, photos and video:

Thanks to Mark of Serious Male Bondage for putting this together!

19 days in a Padded Cell

Rex: A James Story – Part 05

By Rex

Based on a true story.

Alan took James off in another direction. I couldn’t help but notice how well James moved on all fours. I however was having a hell of a time, Todd wasn’t wasnt making it easy on me either, jerking on my chain every couple feet to get me to move faster. My chain? Is the training kicking in already.

“Nothing more exciting than locking up a pup,” I almost expected him to start singing no doubt about it, Todd was having a lot of fun.

It was hard to get my bearings in the dark, I really wasn’t able to focus on anything before Todd would give another hard yank. Eventually, I realized our destination, Todd was leading me into what looked like a shed on the compound. It wasn’t anything huge maybe a 10 x 10. Todd unlocked the door and flicked a switch, several very bright lights lit up, blinding me with their fury.

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 05