By Damian and slavebladeboi
I raised my head off the pillow and looked at him, still sleeping, about 6 inches from me. I suppose the movement, plus the sun which was now flooding the room, woke him as he slowly opened his eyes and grinned. Tanned face, perfect teeth, slight stubble yet, I thought, I ought to be cross.
“We need to talk.”
“Nooooo…” he ducked under the duvet and grabbed my cock giggling away like an idiot. I threw off the cover and pushed him over onto his back, straddled him and sat on his stomach, squashing his cock under my arse. Grabbing both his wrists, now that he’d given me a complete boner, I lowered my face to meet his and whispered
“You took a fucking risk.”
“But it was worth it, wasn’t it?”
Now I felt like a parent not knowing whether to scold his offspring for doing something daring and dangerous or praising him for achieving it.
“I could have lost you, you know that don’t you.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t did you. And as we’re supposed to be locked down how else was I supposed to get here. It’s been almost three weeks.”
I looked into his blue grey twinkly eyes, lowered my face to meet his and kissed him deeply. Then I came to my senses again, sat up and looked him straight in the face.
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