All posts by Featured Authors

Old Warrant

By Hung in Handcuffs

I thought I would just be able to slide through that minor traffic ticket with a quick guilty plea wearing dark jeans and a bright white polo before catching the NE Regional to meet up at my buddy’s house to hang out. I was a young guy — and it was just usual traffic court so I would apologize, pay up, show the judge respect and call it a day.

Turns out there was a change of plans, there was a severely overdue fine from a parking ticket I had gotten back in college during finals that had somehow slipped my radar. Awkwardly the judge informed me that I was automatically remanded into custody since it was an outstanding warrant, in front of a packed courtroom of people who forgot to update their tags or had minor speeding tickets.

Shocked, I allowed myself to be quickly handcuffed behind my back before almost forgetting my bag. Still stunned, I quickly nodded back at my backpack sitting under the chair I had been waiting in for my ticket number to get called.

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Nic Slammed on the Brakes

By bdsmsydney

Nic slammed on the brakes. In the dark, nearly midnight, He had nearly missed seeing the biker at the exit to the petrol station. Bikers jacket, but no helmet and no bike.

The biker smiled and thanked Nic for the lift, yes he was going all the way back to Sydney. The biker slumped back and closed his eyes. Nic looked him over, about 30, short but fit, well-fitting quality bikers jacket and black jeans, with a prominent bulge in the crotch and tall Doc Marten boots with red laces. Clean shaven black hair and masculine.

Nic was already getting the stirring of an erection.

The biker had just got himself into a lot of trouble, Nic hoped.

Where was his bike? But the biker was exhausted. Not now, Nic thought.

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My Trip to Jail

By CellShocked

Hampton Jail in IowaUsually, it’s the decisions that I make quickly and then act upon them that are my best decisions.  This telling will emphasize how a recent weekend (09/10/21 – 9/13/21) will have forever changed my life.

I live in an area that is not completely rural but doesn’t have much going on either.  I live right off of an interstate and can be in Boston in a couple hours, NYC is a 5-hour bus ride away, Manchester airport is an hour and a half away, so I can get to places.  But where would I go?  I absolutely hate going somewhere alone.  Now don’t misunderstand, I can travel alone but it’s the destination.  I need someone to force me to do new things.  I am so passive that I have let the world pass me by for the past 45 years.  I failed to take risks and really take that leap of faith.  The only way I can rationalize it is that anxiety and depression have owned my emotions all of my life.

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A Barber Story

By John Mercer

It was a warm summer afternoon, and I decided to get a haircut right after work.

I left my office just after five and started to walk the short distance to my regular barbershop. Along the way, I saw a new barbershop I hadn’t seen before. It had a sign on the pavement out in front, which read:

“Haircuts £10. Hot towel shave £15. Full treatment £20.”

I thought, what the hell. I may as well try a new place- at that price it’s hard to refuse.

I opened the door and stepped inside. Immediately my senses were awash with the sounds and scents of barbering- the aroma of lemon cologne, the faint hint of barbicide, the buzz of clippers and the clicking of scissors.

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Getting Wet

By bootboy

bootboyDon’t really know how I ended up where I did. Sometimes I think i’m crazy to stay here, and other times I think i’m just where I should be. I didn’t plan this: I just sort of slid into it. Not even sure how much further into slavery I can slide. Maybe tomorrow i’ll decide to call it quits, but I might just decide to stay put and ride it out. Kind of surprised how far i’ve gone. It just didn’t happen by accident though, I think it’s a bit like a storm. You can sense that one is approaching, seeing the clouds gathering and all, and you can either head inside and batten down the hatches or you can stay out in the thick of it. I guess I don’t know enough to come in out of the rain but I like splashing around and getting wet.

If anyone looked in through the window and saw me here; shaved from head to toe, my hands locked behind my back with wrist restraints, collared and hitched to the post of a loft bed, i’m sure that they would think I was crazy. But when I look out and see how most people live, to me, they are the ones who seem crazy: or worse.

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Full Time Work During Covid-19

By Harry Hess

I had read that good paying jobs were hard to find in certain areas of the country, but around where I lived there was lots of industrial, boating industry, and assembly factory work all rewinding their engines for ever greater numbers of workers in the factories.  Some were even waiving the G.E.D or high school diploma requirement.  While they all paid well, the only problem with most was the human-closeness of the workspace made it frighteningly easy to catch the Pandemic Covid-19.  As I read the local want ads one stood out.

Local workers needed for work on Anti-Covid-19 Protective work gear. Several levels of protection gear available and several pay levels offered. The MOST protective gear will require the most rigorous testing AND we will pay more for these harder jobs.

I decided to apply for the “high” protection suit, as the pay was really good and it seemed to be a safest bet in these troubled times.  The line was quite long when I got in the parking lot, and I almost decided to drive on to a different company.  I, however, had nothing better to do than waste a day standing in a growing employment line.  The line seemed to move in a start and stop fashion which I later learned was because they were showing each group the suits they were working on and answering questions.

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The Kidnapper

By Kidnappedboi

Author’s Note: This story is a work of fiction, but is inspired by the work of a fantastic Dominant Top based on the South Coast of England, JamesbondageSX. This story is rooted in fantasy, and both SIR and i believe in explicit and enthusiastic consent in all aspects of kink and sex.

To reflect my submission to SIR, all pronouns relating to me are in lower case, all referring to SIR in upper case.



The profile blurb almost said it all – unlike so many other profiles on Recon, this one didn’t bother with excessive text, or even too many pictures. Instead, it got straight to the point with a list.


  • Experienced Kidnapper
  • Superior Being
  • Brutal Skinhead
  • Your Worst Nightmare


  • inferior fag trash
  • worthless bootlickers
  • warm fleshlights
  • future gimps and prisoners

If you meet My expectations, expect to be abducted, abused, and disposed of. Tears are non-negotiable. Suffering guaranteed.


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Keith and slave – Part 01

Written by CathGear on recon

Creatively inspired, while wearing a catheter.

This story is a work of fiction. While most of the acts are possible, long-term effects from any one action could affect quality of life in the future of such a person.



I have always felt like I should serve someone. But until I met Keith, I was lost on the internet of life, just going from one play date, to another. Don’t get me wrong. I have/had boyfriends. But they were never ones that wanted to control my life. But, things are different with Keith. Have mostly a routine in the house. He does mix it up from time to time. But that is good in a relationship.

We started out, like most of my relationships, with an ad on the internet and a play date. I came over and he tied me up, fucked me, and made me suck on his cock till I took it down his load down my throat. We talked for a while, and I noticed that he wasn’t a very good housekeeper. I asked him if he wanted me to come over once a week and tidy things up a bit. No pay, just to see him, and maybe have some play, while I was there.

Continue reading Keith and slave – Part 01