Category Archives: Story

Nick and Daniel – Part 2

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe next morning Dan started whipping up a large batch of scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee when a shirtless Nick walked into the kitchen wearing his cargo shorts and black no-show socks. That was the first time Dan had seen Nick shirtless and was impressed with his muscular shoulders and traps and his muscular hairy chest, which he kept neatly trimmed.

“Damn that’s smells great and I’m hungry as hell!” Nick said. “We still hitting the weights after breakfast?”

“Sure thing if you’re up for it,” Dan responded.

“Definitely! Only thing, I forgot my gym bag at my ‘shoebox’ as you call it. Mind if I borrow some shorts and a shirt?” Nick asked.

“No prob. Got a drawer full of workout gear. Go find something while I finish making the eggs. Bottom left drawer has shorts and bottom right has shirts.”

Nick grabbed a pair of black workout shorts and changed into that and a light gray UA muscle shirt, the kind that fits snug and shows off every muscle movement when it’s on. As he turned to leave the room, he noticed a pair of antique-looking cuffs on the nightstand.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 2

Side Effects – Chapter 2

By GratDelay

male bdsm storiesThis was it!

Finally I was getting the relief my body had been craving desperately for… less than 10 minutes???

My attention was drawn away from the beautiful sight hovering inches away from my eyes, back to the center of my helpless body’s universe. Dang I’m poetical. With just a touch from his hand, I sensed the familiar climb to orgasm, and it felt like it was going to be particularly strong.

I can’t describe to you how deep the need is when this drug kicks in. There was no enjoyment of the rising pleasure, no giddy anticipation, no urge to prolong the feeling of horniness. Pure animal lust overrides all other considerations, and this makes the immobilization of one’s limbs particularly cruel. In fact it was unbearable, not that that changed my situation (is something you can’t bear but have to bear anyway actually unbearable?).

So I was feeling relief and happiness when Adin gave my cock one stroke. Then he took his hand away, and I was plunged into shock and dismay.

I didn’t cum.

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 2

Prod – Part 01

By Bikermike

The e mail just contained a set of instructions. They were unambiguous and described everything James had to do upon arriving at his new master’s house, situated in an isolated spot out in the Fens near Bourne, Lincolnshire.

James had chatted to the guy on Recon only once, so a part of him was a bit worried that his new master might be dangerous, might rob him or might permanently harm him in some way. On the other hand, he felt that fizz of sexual excitement that he always felt when he was about to have some BDSM fun with a new man. Judging by the number of friends this new guy seemed to have on Recon, his assessment was that he would be okay, at least as far as his own safety was concerned. His profile did not contain any photographs and stated that he was forty eight years old, some fifteen years older than James.

They had not discussed anything about the type of play James could expect, but whatever it was it would be entirely safe and would not involve any risk of sexual transmitted disease. However, it would prove to be painful.

The instructions said:

Arrive at 1400 on Saturday. Do not be any more than 5 minutes early but on no account arrive late. This is to be the time as announced on your smartphone, which of course will be British Summer Time.

Enter the barn situated to the rear of the house and strip completely.

Fasten your ankles in the steel spreader bar that will be lying on the floor.

Assume a kneeling position with your head down.

Remain in that position and await my arrival.

Under no circumstances speak unless I give you permission.

Continue reading Prod – Part 01

Nick and Daniel – Part 1

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe day’s work is almost done for the crew as Daniel does a run through of the work they completed on the new five bedroom house that’s being built.  Dan’s no stranger to overseeing a group of men, having spent time in the Marines as an MP.  His muscular 6′ frame, topped off by the high and tight that he’s so fond of, reminds everyone on the crew where he came from. He’d wear his fatigue pants to work if the construction owner would allow, but he just has to settle with jeans and a snug company emblazoned black polo.

He adds his own touch by tucking the jeans into the tops of his desert tan boots before lacing them snug around the ankles.  At least this looks somewhat military he convinces himself.  Once a Marine, always a Marine, as the saying goes.

Dan’s checking on the tile in the master bath when his apprentice Nick finds him to inform him the crew’s pretty much packed up and heading out.  It was a Friday and since some crucial supplies needed for the next day got held back and wouldn’t arrive until Monday morning, it was decided to give everyone the weekend off and start fresh again on Monday.  For the past month the company had put Nick up at one of those extended stay hotels while working on this project.

Nick was roughly the same age as Dan, late 20’s, but shorter at 5′ 8″ and a solid 185 muscular frame, somewhat hairy Italian features, and a mug that looks like it still has a 5 o’clock shadow right after he’s just shaved it.  Dan and Nick hit it off from the start, and a couple days a week would grab a drink, a bite to eat or even hang out at Dan’s house and cook up some steaks on the grill and put down a few beers.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 1

Side Effects – Chapter 1

By GratDelay

male bdsm storiesHow dumb did my best friend think I was?

“If it has ‘unfortunate side effects’, why do you think I would let you dose me with it?”

“I mean ‘unfortunate’ like I won’t be getting a bonus this year. It’s just as safe as the other analogs we’ve been testing… well, if you get comfy before you take it.”


“The lab’s not going to be able to market it. No way the FDA will pass it, and if they did, almost no one would buy it.”

“Dude, I’m really not interested in your company’s bottom line — or your Christmas bonus. Tell me why I should take some un-tested drug from your lab.”

“Oh, it’s tested. That’s how it got cancelled. And it passed all the usual safety trials. It won’t make you sick or elevate your blood pressure like the original peptide. It won’t give you a weird splotchy tan or a tomato-red face. Etcetera etcetera.”

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 1

Garden Bondage

By Steellock

It came from a casual, quiet comment from my partner. He said, ‘We don’t have to use the chair in the cellar all the time.’

We are in Lockdown in our home and, like many people, have a fair bit of time. I am a real bondage guy. Love tight and unescapable restraints and have a collection of sleepsacks and a Fetters Bondage chair as well as a good collection of other toys.

We both enjoy more active sessions too with Estim, impact play but for me I develop an ache for bondage frequently and my partner obliges by doing the last few straps or zipping the sack. Before we got together I used to use Ice Locks for time in my chair, but the real thing is so much better.

I thought about his comment and a picture came into my mind of the chair standing at the end of the garden.

Continue reading Garden Bondage

ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 13

By Nitro

nitroatlA reward? What did that mean? His hole was hungry? Was he going to finally be able to fuck his Sir for the first time in months? Sir was typically not up for being on the receiving end of anything but a tongue up his ass, but sometimes when the wind blew just right…

The very idea of this had his cock throbbing inside the spiked chastity cage, which made him groan into the gag. Now that he felt Sir was no longer watching he tried to stay very still. He didn’t think he could handle much more of the heavy electro that gets delivered when he moves. His entire body was aching, and the massive plug in his hole felt like it was the size of a Buick.

He was so tired from putting on such a show, and his muscles ached from being locked in here all day. He started picturing his Sir sitting back in that chair earlier while his dick was serviced, and he felt his own cock throbbing into the spikes. He pictured him leathered up and in tall boots, his thick cock pushing against his codpiece. He pictured him slowly sucking the phallic cigar as he exhaled a plume of smoke.

Continue reading ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 13

Tied up in a skimpy speedo

By Speedobound

speedoboundI entered the playroom wearing nothing but a tight skimpy Speedo – and an old sweatshirt. The sweatshirt was small and hung above my waist, so the bulge in the front of my speedo was plainly visible below it. I did this because – in my mind – feeling covered above concentrates the sense of vulnerability I feel onto my Speedo below, and on my bare legs…. it makes me feel naked vulnerable and HORNY. I felt the sensation of near nakedness below my covered torso, and this sense of vulnerability was intense because I knew what was in store for me, especially after seeing a spreader bar with clips on either end, hanging from a chain from the ceiling in the center of the darkish room. I had entered the lair of a leather uniform wearing man I know to be a sadist, to whom I had freely admitted I wanted to experience the sense of complete and utter helplessness with, while indulging in my fetish of wearing a skimpy Speedo. I was walking into a trap of my own making.

He asked me “what’s with the sweatshirt?” and I told him I didn’t like my chest and back to be touched… to which he chuckled and said “That’s quite alright, I have plans for OTHER parts of your body. Move over here” (he pointed at the floor directly underneath the bar), and I complied.

Continue reading Tied up in a skimpy speedo