Category Archives: Story

ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 12

By Nitro

Nitro AtlantaIn Ian’s storage confines he heard the earbuds in his hood turn on, and he knew that SIR was up to something.

“Good boy – now get to work. I’m fucking horny and need to get off.” He heard his SIR growl in his deep gruff voice. And this made his own cock throb in the spiked chastity cage and made him growl into the gag and start sucking on it with earnest. He just KNEW that SIR was watching him on the camera so he wanted to please his SIR. He started to slowly wiggle in the sleepsack, thus triggering the heavy electro, and he began panting as the shocks hit harder.

He pictured SIR in full leathers and enjoying an Asylum cigar as he had his cock serviced and the visual was driving him wild. His cock was steadily throbbing harder into the spikes in the cage, and fucking hell it hurt. Jake continued to clench on the fat plug and suck on the gag in time with one another, wishing they were both a little bit bigger as the predicament went on.

What the fuck was he thinking – BIGGER?!?!

Continue reading ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 12

ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 11

NOTE: This is a new chapter of a long-running story by Nitro. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Nitro AtlantaBy Nitro

It’s been a while since we have heard from Ian and Jake.  A lot has happened since that night in the playroom where Ian was heavily restrained and his SIR was pissing up his hole after a long hard fuck.  Ian had been in heavy immobile restraint and chastity for an extended period by the time we got there.  The heavy bondage continued and so did the heavy workouts in the gym.  The two men have intertwined their lives and now live together full time in a new home that they purchased.  Ian and Jake had both done fairly well with investments so they were able to pool their resources and design the house they wanted, along with some very special features that fit their lifestyle.

Jake kicked back in his leather recliner and enjoyed his 80 ring asylum 13 cigar while listening to classical music. With his every move his thick leather pants and shirt creaked and groaned, and the gloves gripped his knuckles tight.  Jake enjoyed relaxing in his gear – for him his Leather wasn’t just for show, it was part of him.  The knee high high shine polished leather boots had such a mirror finish on them he could practically see his face in them.  His tight leather shirt clung around his chest, arms, and midsection like a second skin, and his thick cock filled out the pouch of the cod piece on the leather pants.  As he took a long drag on the cigar he felt the cares of the day slowly melt away.  As he thought about his property his hand absentmindedly found its way down to his crotch.  The metal cockring he wore helped make sure that his cock was testing the confines of the leather cod piece.  He thought back on the past year and got even harder in his pants.

Continue reading ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 11

Rex: A James Story – Part 08

By Rex

Based on a true story.

Sleep did not come easy and what did had conditions. I’m not used to that, I’m one of the few that fall asleep within 10 minutes, normally under 5, my Master was always jealous at the ease of which I would pass out.

The lack of any covering was making it hard to get comfy. The rattle of the chains connecting my wrist and ankles kept drawing the attention of my ears. Todd had said, before leaving me in the darkness, that I’d get used to that in time. I’d get used to quite a lot of things in time.

I wasn’t exactly cold. I felt more exposed, especially now that I was smooth from the neck down. The collar was heavy, and even with the pillow I was fully aware it was there. While I knew the plug lodged deep inside of me wasn’t getting larger it was way more noticeable now that I wasn’t strapped to the chair. Thankfully, it hadn’t fallen out. I was determined to keep it in there. I wish I could say I wasn’t enjoying all of this, but every time I got soft I found a new reason to get hard all over again. How long had it been since I got off?

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 08

A Pitcher and His Catcher

By Cutieboy90

Sam and I go way back, we’ve been buddies since grade school. Played baseball since little league, and since high school I’ve been a pitcher and he’s been my catcher. Yup it’s a cliche, go ahead and make all the pitcher/catcher jokes you want. I’ve heard them all, and I’ll admit there’s something special about our relationship. Sure, we’re good bros off the field. No homo though, we’re both straight. On the field though, is where the magic really happens. We share a mind, and think the same. Sam doesn’t even have to give me signs, just a look, and whatever pitch I throw is always right. When we’re playing, the games are quick, and victory is usually ours. Well, it depends on if our team can hit the damn ball, but at least the bullpen is always solid.

Like I said, Sam and I are both straight. I’ve enjoyed the girls I’ve dated very much. That said, I could definitely turn gay for him. Girls get clingy and whiny, and I know I’m more of a man’s man. Sam, being my buddy and all, I could spend my life with him playing baseball, camping, etc. There was a stretch in college when I was sidelined because I’d thrown my arm out. Watching him catch for another pitcher… I got so damn envious. My first game back, we proved just how good we were together. The game went by, every batter would come up to the plate. Sam flashed a smile, and flipped me the bird. I shook my head once. He stuck his tongue out. Fucker. I gave him a fastball.

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ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 10

NOTE: This is a new chapter of a long-running story by Nitro. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Nitro AtlantaBy Nitro

Jake woke up in the middle of the night and had a raging hardon. He looked over to the side of the bed and saw the most beautiful image ever — his property was safely stored away in his sleepsack and snoring peacefully. Looking at the clock it was about 4AM and he knew he was going to get a few more hours. Not wanting to go all the way downstairs to piss, he grabbed the jug he had stashed beside the bed and pissed into it. What Ian didn’t know yet was that Jake wasn’t planning on wasting any piss this weekend. His boy was going to learn his role properly, the hard way. Jake laid back in bed and started sniffing his own musky pits while he was stroking his hardon. Fuck, his own smell was like poppers for him and it just made his dick harder. Reaching into the top drawer of his night stand he grabbed a pair of heavy tit clamps and laid them on his chest while he kept sniffing his pits and stroking his dick.

Yeah this NEEDED to be taken care of for him to get back to sleep. He was tugging at his meaty nipples and when they were painfully perky he attached the strong clamps and took a deep inhale of breath. Jake started playing back the images in his brain of his boy downstairs sweating on the table earlier and a bead of precum leaked from his cock.

Continue reading ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 10

Two Weeks in a Cage

By Quandt

Part 1

The whole story.

I had been with my partner for more than ten years at the time.  We have never really defined our relationship but I think you could call it Master and slave.  I work, as does he.  We both have demanding and sometimes very stressful careers with too little vacation time.  My pay is direct deposited so I never know what happens to it or how much I actually make.

My partner takes care of all the details of my life for me.  It’s just the way it is.  I also pretty much live by his rules, moods and desires; having given up the desire to express myself in the relationship except to respect and show love to my partner and the men who make up our family.  I am happy this way and there are few rules except that I do as I am told when I am told.  Complaining about anything earns me a stint with a padlock through my septum piercing which is then locked to a ring in the wall, out of his sight.  I also wear a Latowski Chastity Belt most of the time which keeps me horny and also prevents me from acting on my whoring proclivities.

Continue reading Two Weeks in a Cage

Rex: A James Story – Part 07

By Rex

Based on a true story.

The towel was cold as it moved down my shivering chest. I felt so exposed, hairless as I was, I had never shaved my underarms. My chest I shaved just once or twice to see that six-pack better but this was completely different, I haven’t been this smooth since I started looking at boys differently.

I hadn’t resisted when he had unlocked me and gently picked me up. I hadn’t resisted when he made sure I saw myself in the mirror, smooth and collared. I hadn’t resisted when he pointed out that I had a veritable waterfall of pre-cum leaking out of the cage and I certainly hadn’t resisted when he scooped it up and held it up to my face and yelled, “clean dog.”

I cleaned, I could have sucked the chrome off a trailer hitch. I was so horny, course I didn’t know what horny was yet, I would have l given anything for him to fuck me then and there.

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 07

Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 2

By RotherhamMan

Don stayed up that night until Colin pissed himself. The game had long since ended and he had transferred the video feed to his TV screen, sound on now, and rubbed at his crotch as the bound guy continued to tug on the chains, three hours after he had woken up. His shoulders and wrists must have been in a lot of pain from holding his unconscious weight and soon his legs would ache from the same problem.

He had gradually shifted from threats to begging before going quiet. Soon enough there was a wet patch forming in his trousers and a puddle forming on the floor as he whimpered in embarrassment even if he thought no one was watching. Don was tired and a little drunk so he would watch the recording in the morning while he took care of his morning wood. Colin would spend the night stood in the puddle of his piss as it dripped down his legs. He would be lucky if he got any sleep in that position and come the morning he would be ready for the formal introduction to his new life.

All the while the feed was broadcast live to the potential buyers.

Continue reading Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 2