Category Archives: Story

A Rubberboi on the Farm – Chapter 06

By R8080

Note: This is a continuation of a story from a while back. To start at Part 1, click here.

Alex’s world had been reduced to the two small portholes of his vision. The gas mask squeezed against his face with each breath he took. The smell of rubber was his entire world, the smell rich and filling his nose.

He had tried tugging at the restraints on the padded bed. The cuffs on his arms held tight. Eventually he had given up and fallen into a half-sleep after the mornings tiring workout.

The world beyond his rubbered skin had been anything but silent though. Every now and then he’d hear banging or scraping and his cock would twitch at the thought of what his Master was up to. He would be drifting off and then wake with a start, sure that someone had been watching him. If only he could lift his head to see.


Alex woke, a primal urge screaming at him. He couldn’t breathe. His arms pulled at the cuffs but they wouldn’t give. He kicked impotently. His entire body was wracked with fear.

Continue reading A Rubberboi on the Farm – Chapter 06

Read the Instructions

By Callum Buchanan (of blessed memory)

Note from Metal: I am re-posting this story after a reader contacted me about it. See below for more information about this author and where this story came from.

The boxer’s mouthpiece felt as if it had swollen to fill his whole mouth. It was three o’clock in the morning and he could neither spit it out nor even open his mouth. That thought was the least of his problems and once again he cursed himself for a fool, he should have read the instructions first!

He was fit, and did go into the gym to spar with a trainer on a regular basis. but he also had some kinks and one of them was to dress in the training kit and pretend that he could not take it off. That he was trapped and helpless in it. Unable even to open his front door and get help.

The dream though had now become reality and he was in a real fix. At the gym Bob his trainer had told him about some new extra safe sparing kit. The padding was better so was the fit. there were no laces or straps to cause problems in the ring and you did not even need to wrap or bandage your hands because the gloves were so well made. He had agreed that the stuff looked good and placed a telephone order for the kit from the makers, a local sports goods company he had never heard from before and bought 20oz gloves, a supersafe head guard and cup.

Continue reading Read the Instructions

Pest Control – Part 4

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYCAfter the initial excitement at finally getting the chance to suck Matt’s cock I did manage to calm down. I settled into my rubber skin, still trapped in the arm and leg binders, the huge dog tail plug still stuck deep in my arse, and lay down beside Matt, half over his lap. Slowly, methodically, I sucked this amazing guy’s cock. Sometimes stopping, just letting it sit in my mouth. Sometimes deep throating him when the compulsion overwhelmed me (he’d always moan in pleasure when I did that). All the while, being careful to keep my drool under control, for fear of having to trade places with Dave the Urinal in the bathroom.

We’d stop every 30 minutes or so, when he got up to get another beer, or use the urinal. I wondered how tight Dave’s clamps were by now? How taught the ball strap? After a couple of visits I whined a little when he got up, indicating my need to piss, too. He helped me down off the couch and led me to the bathroom. I couldn’t see how much piss Dave had managed to produce, being unable to see over the edge of the bath, but he was still trapped in there, just as he had been a few hours earlier, so it must still have been below his target.

Continue reading Pest Control – Part 4

The After Party – Part 1

By Pup Shaggy

I’d start by reciting the dream I had that night, but I can’t remember a damn second of it. All I know is that it must have been a good one because the wood I woke up with that morning was like a boats mast. I grinned, scratched my head, fondled my balls, and then turned my attention to my bed-pal.

I live in a student house, although I wouldn’t consider myself the regular ‘student’. Mostly I think it’s an age thing; you see while the average student is twenty something years old, I’m in my thirties, which then begs the question of why I’m staying in student accommodation. Long story short, I’m here working through a master’s degree my boss at work decided I should get; something about ‘increasing the prestige of the company’. I suppose a part of it is the mentality of it all as well; our differences in attitude. You see, while I tend to focus on more class work, their attitude is less aimed at their studies and more for partying and getting into trouble, as college students do. I’m not about to judge; I was that age once.

Continue reading The After Party – Part 1

Pest Control – Part 3

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYC“And just what the fuck are you two doing?” said Matt from the doorway.

My body was still pulsing from the all-over orgasm I’d just experienced. Dave’s cum was still hot on my areshole. And our rubber covered bodies were still entwined tightly. As such, it took me a moment to realise just how much trouble I was in. Dave, however, was quicker on the draw. He let me go, leaped off the bed, and ran over to Matt. “S-sorry Boss!” he said as he got down on his knees and started licking Matt’s feet.

“Sorry for what, boy?” Matt stood rigidly, looking the scene over, barely acknowledging his rubbered partner at his feet.

“Sorry for cumming without permission, Boss!” said Dave, his tongue barely leaving Matt’s feet.

“Stop. Sit up.” Dave did, and Matt bent down and cupped Dave’s chin in his hand, finally looking at him in the eyes. “That’s 4 more weeks, boy. And punishment tonight.”

“Yes, Boss. Thank you!”

Continue reading Pest Control – Part 3

The Bet – Chapter 10

By lthr_jock

Note: This is the final chapter of a multi-part story by lthr_jock. To start at the very beginning, click for The Bet – Part 1


“We’re here, Sir.”

I jerk awake, confused at the unfamiliar surroundings. I look at the face staring at me, the peaked-cap indicating his job as a chauffeur.

“We’re here, Sir. I’ll pick you up at 5:30 as usual, Sir.”

I mutter something to him and as I open the door, my left hand touches a brushed steel briefcase on the seat beside me. I grab it and get out of the car to find myself in front of the bank that I manage. I’m disoriented and confused and just stand there in the drizzle until a concierge comes out with an umbrella and ushers me into the building.

Inside, the receptionist gives me a dazzling smile and by the time I walk to the lifts, the express lift for the Executive Floor has arrived. I lean against the back wall of the lift and wonder what the hell is going on. The repeated “ping” indicates the lift passing floors as it progresses to the top of the building. I can see myself in the mirrored doors. I am wearing a well tailored suit, the fabric shining with a gleam that reminds me of the rubber that Bob made me wear. I’m clearly more muscled than I was before and my fully shaven head stands out in stark contrast to the suit.

I unlock the briefcase and open it, expecting some kind of twisted surprise.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 10

Pest Control – Part 2

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYCMatt had said it, and he was right: I was fucked.

I was tied up, tighly packed in neoprene, a plug pulsing inside me, and my cock straining and leaking in its cage. Trapped in the back of his van while he went about his day. My head covered in his sweaty gym  gear.  And yet, had there been no hood (or muzzle) you would have seen a contented smile on my face. His scent on his gear was intoxicating. I was trapped, but secure. Safe. And at constant maximum horniness.

Things were never boring, though. As the afternoon went on, Matt would switch up the program running the plug. He seemed to prefer strong pulses or cascades while he was driving, and low, gentle waves while he was at a house working. I always froze when I heard him open the rear of the van to get his gear or pack it back away, sometimes while chatting with his client. I was terrified of them finding me and getting Matt in trouble. (Don’t worry about me, I’m VERY happy where I am, thank you very much. Just don’t take away this beef stud of a man that I met only a few hours ago and who now had total control over me!)

Continue reading Pest Control – Part 2

Pest Control – Part 1

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYC“So Greg, I’ve checked for termites and the place is all clear,” the Pest Control dude said.

“That’s good news,” I replied

“But watch your seep holes as they–”

I wasn’t really listening. It was the 21st of October. Locktober as some call it. Which this year included me.

22 days my cock has been caged now. (I started a day early. Just had to be different.)

Self locked this time, having been single for a few months now. My Holy Trainer was becoming my new norm, but a minute didn’t go by yet when I wasn’t reminded of the firm, unyielding plastic encasing my cock.

My horniness level was sky high. To the point where I was craving something in my butt multiple times a day. Willing cocks aren’t plentiful where I live, although admittedly I hadn’t done a lot to seek them out, still being in the “recovery” phase after a long-term relationship. So my collection of butt toys stepped up to the plate and had been getting a lot of action.

Continue reading Pest Control – Part 1