Category Archives: Story

A Roman Master – Part 2

By Alex Ironrod


The Roman cavalry Prefect groaned under the weight of the heavy wooden yoke roped across his shoulders; his dirty, sweaty, naked body was still covered with splatters of blood from his murdered partner-slave and from the brutal whipping he had just received from the barbaric Iceni tribesmen who had captured them in the recent battle. Now he was being transferred into the hands of tall, tanned and tough Prince Vertigen, whom he himself had fucked when the Iceni chief had been his prisoner briefly, and who now smiled grimly at Prefect Marcus.

“Your stupid leader’s brutal treatment of Boadicea, my queen, has only served to unite the tribes of Britain against you pig-headed Roman invaders. We want revenge – and I’m going to exact a personal revenge on you for forcing and fucking me in your winter camp. If that’s the way you treat senior prisoners, then let me show you what we can do. Bring that giant oaf decurion with him and drag them over to this corner here.” Marcus was pulled along by the hemp rope round his neck and watched as his assistant was hauled to his feet in chains. The giant Maximus limped badly from a leg wound, which had hamstrung him in the battle.

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A Roman Master – Part 1

By Alex Ironrod

This story contains adult-oriented homoerotic material and language, involving sexually explicit, non-consensual behavior between men.


This story is set soon after the Roman army’s invasion of Britain, then an island on the edge of civilization. Details of the constant guerilla warfare and the revolt led by Queen Boadicea of the Iceni Tribe in 59/60AD are true; the Romans eventually won; the rest is my imagination.

Roman legions were great fighting machines, commanded by a Legate, who was usually a political appointee, as were many of the other senior officers. Centurions were the sergeant-majors, the backbone of the army, except in the cavalry, where the rank was Decurion, and the head of any cavalry outfit was ranked as Prefect. Man-sex was an established fact of Roman society at all levels, including the sexual master-slave relationship.


The whip cracked round the naked body chained to the column, laying another stripe across the prisoner’s buttocks. The man groaned again, but still did not speak.

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The Jacket – Part 1

By Rubrpig

When I was in my teens, I spent a lot of time cruising the web and one night I discovered a website devoted to men wearing straitjackets. My cock got rock hard as I clicked from one image to another of men tightly strapped into heavy straitjackets.

One image really got to me and that was a very muscular man tightly strapped into a gleaming black leather straitjacket. The jacket was heavily padded and featured straps to make sure he could not raise his arms or shift his biceps. The jacket also had straps that passed between his legs highlighting the bulge in the tight jeans he wore. I copied that image and spent many hours jacketing off staring at that image.

I finished up my college years by being a star lineman on the football team. I had shot up during my teen years and filled out my frame in the gym getting worked over by the strength coaches for the team. By the time they were done with me I was a 6’4” slab of hard muscle. My abs were heavily defined and my pecs jutting out from my torso. The heads of the sorority girls turned when my buds and I walked past them but I did not party as I was focused on my studies and the team.

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Dakota Human Resources – Chapter 04

By CFlex

The former Divide County Deputies weren’t staring at each other for more than a few seconds. Partly out of fear, but mostly out of embarrassment, their eyes broke the stare and began a head to toe visual inventory of each other. This was more than the “sizing up” glance men gave to each other in hundreds of locker rooms everyday. While it was difficult for both of them, Luke Owens was overwhelmed and disgusted by what he had seen and what he was seeing.

And each time their eyes met it was obvious, the eyes never lie. In front of him hung Alan Grant. Grant’s cock still purple and pulsing in its clearer-than-crystal prison. Even though he couldn’t see it from where he was suspended, Luke knew those pulses were happening every time Grant’s ass was tugging on that obscene plug. What put Luke over the edge was the way Grant’s mouth was suckling the cock stuffed into his mouth. Clearly, Grant was enjoying himself! “Fucking faggot!” was the message his eyes were broadcasting.

Grant’s eyes sensed the disdain in Luke’s eyes. With his head now free to move, Grant began shaking his head furiously. His eyes certainly weren’t going to convince Luke that, despite how it looked, he was in agony. Especially from the sensitive area behind the head of his cock which was now ringed with needle-sharp spikes.

Continue reading Dakota Human Resources – Chapter 04

12 Hours

By Practicerestraint

All is true.—Shakespeare, Henry VIII


10:20 p.m.

The text message read: You have two minutes to get dressed and be ready. Unlock the front door.


10:25 p.m.

I was brushing my teeth when I heard the noise at the front door. Then I heard, “Police! Announce yourself!”

It’s hard to announce yourself with a mouthful of toothpaste. I spit, rinsed, and moved from the bathroom to the bedroom as the officer repeated himself and I called out, “I’m here.”

“Come out here!”

I walked into the dark hall to see a flashlight and a gun pointed at me. The officer’s specific words after that escape me. They were nonstop directions that ended only when I was lying face down on the carpet at the end of the hall, arms out to the sides, palms up. The officer knelt, grabbed my left wrist, pulled my arm to the middle of my back, and applied the handcuffs. After he brought my right hand back to complete the job, I realized he had my palms facing out. He instructed me to stand, providing assistance as I did. He grabbed my left arm and led me out the door.

Continue reading 12 Hours

Dakota Human Resources – Chapter 03

By CFlex

Chapter 3 – ‘Shrinky Dinked’

Grant saw the rolls of plastic lying near the bottom of his rack. His mind, still reeling over all of the new sensations he was feeling, managed to string another thought together, “I don’t know what’s about to happen with the plastic, but it can’t be good for me.” The mounting points on the front uprights, the ones his ankle cuffs were attached to, got loosened and his ankles began to move from the bottom of the upright.

But instead of putting his body in the gyno position again, they stopped when his knees began to bend. The restraining straps he had on earlier were put back in place around each of his knees and tied off at the front uprights of his rack. Then he felt his left foot get freed from its moveable mount.

“These bastards know what they’re doing,” Grant mused, “they aren’t about to give me any opportunities to kick at them.” But he thought if he were patient enough, the opportunity for escape would present itself. Grant also knew that former Deputy Luke Owens, still forced on his knees in front of Grant’s rack, was thinking the same thing. He didn’t know who the unfortunate civilian was kneeling next to Owens, but the guy looked able enough and Grant hoped he’d follow their lead when the time came.

Continue reading Dakota Human Resources – Chapter 03

What the Fuck? – Part 2

By convict 975468

He came again.

I heard him on the stairs, and stood as I had been told before he reached the top.

He approached and with an evil glint in his eye, he again placed his finger across his lips indicating quiet.

He didn’t need to, I was acutely aware of the rule. I had been worried all morning that I might somehow piss him off and not be fed. I was fully resolved to do whatever I could to please him. He held a mighty weapon with my hunger.

He walked up to me stopping about a foot away, staring into my eyes for what seemed a year. Then he slowly walked around me, stepping over the chain, and stopped facing me again.

I must have turned a bright shade of red, as I flushed from the humiliation. He had no fear! I was his – he owned me. Now, I knew it too.

He stepped closer. I could feel his breath on my face.

“You are doing well.” He smiled.

“Once I give you permission to move, you may request to speak. You will do so by raising your right arm, and pointing upward with your index finger. Do it now.”

Continue reading What the Fuck? – Part 2

What the Fuck? – Part 1

By convict 975468

Eventually I woke up. I didn’t want to. Sleep was so nice and comfortable. I kept luxuriating in it, easing back into it. It was so nice. I did wake up, but slowly and reluctantly.

It was very dark, I couldn’t see. I lay there cozy, lazy. I was lying on my side. I slowly turned over. Far above me, I saw a skylight showing ambient light. That was nice.

I moved again. Something was dragging my right ankle. Something was wrapped around it. I was naked. That was nice. Everything was nice.

Slowly, slowly I began to think. There were no covers. I don’t have a skylight!

With a start, I sat up. “Where am I?”

I couldn’t see in the dark. I felt around, and realized that I was sitting on a mattress. I pulled my right foot toward me, and felt my ankle. There was a shackle attached to my ankle, and a chain!

What the fuck!

Continue reading What the Fuck? – Part 1