Category Archives: Story

My Stay at Franklin County Historic Jail

By Johnny Utah
jail cell roleplayI was in jail.

My guess it was between 3 and 4 in the morning. There is a courthouse nearby with an old-fashioned clock that sounded the hour, but I didn’t I remember hearing the bell.

I had finished pissing as quietly as I could in our cell’s piss bucket. I adjusted my orange boxers and snapped up the bottom snaps of my orange jumpsuit. I gingerly shuffled to my bunk. All prisoners wore leg irons, even at night and they could make a racket. I didn’t want to wake my cellmate. We had been moved around the three available cells during our stay, so we had different cellmates, or were alone in solitary. Tonight, my cellmate was Ryan. Ryan is a well-built North Carolina guy a bit over six feet tall. He had half of a thin gray blanket over him from the waist up. It was the start of a hot July, but our cell was exposed to the full blast of the cellblock air conditioner. We both slept in our orange jumpsuits.

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Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 03

By Jockboy

My obedience level was improving, but not fast enough to satisfy my captor, a former Marine Corps Drill Instructor who told me he hated “cocky pussy boy jocks” like me. Those were the first words out of his mouth after he overpowered me when I was out on my morning run 6 hours earlier, stripped to my practice shorts, jock, socks and running shoes.

A lot had happened since then. Now I was naked and shackled in the front leaning rest outside the punishment cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp, with a shock collar around my neck. Ahead of me was electrified barbed wire I’d have to crawl under to get to the dungeon, where I was due for a welcome beating, a forced workout and hogtie in a cage.

And all this was before my formal intake with a strip search, medical, forced shaving and haircut, and delousing.

I’d just made the mistake of dripping pre-cum without authorization — for the second time.

Continue reading Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 03

Event Urinal – Part 03

By Nitro

Nitro gay piss pigWe rode down the elevator with his hand pressing against the monster in my ass, causing me to moan EVERYTIME he pressed it.  He was pressing it with each floor we passed, and for any floor the elevator stopped on he pressed it hard and held it in deep the entire time the door was open.

“Are you ready for a fun day boy?  Didn’t you say ‘Feels amazing SIR- it wants to be your toy for you to enjoy!  I’d stay this way ALL day if you wanted SIR’ weren’t those the last words you spoke?”  He said while holding the plug deep in my hole.

“MMMMPPPPPHHHHHHMMPPPPPHHHHHH” I was trying so hard to articulate that I can’t possibly stay this way all day – i just can’t do it – it sounded so hot – but FUCK.

“That’s what I thought.  You know you’re right where you belong don’t you?” He said quietly in my ear just before he turned and looked into the dark tinted lenses of the urinal hood.

I slowly kneeled down by his feet on the elevator floor as he rubbed my rubbered head. “Good boy – that’s what I thought.”

Continue reading Event Urinal – Part 03

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 15

By AlphaMetal

Day 8, Evening – The Colonel and the slave

It had just begun to get dark and the Commander and the man Cody thought of as “the Colonel” were relaxing in the living room of the Commander’s trailer after supper. Each had a glass of bourbon and they were smoking cigars to celebrate the officer’s successful week at the camp. The Commander was incredibly proud of his old friend and his friend was proud of himself as well. It was an experience that would make him an even better Dom and give him greater confidence about taking charge of a boy. It was getting time for him to settle down, after all, and having just retired from the Marine Corps as a major general a few weeks ago, after a long career in the service, he finally had the freedom to complete that part of his life.

The Commander and his old friend drank their whisky, smoked their cigars, and discussed old times, and began comparing notes about Cody, Wrestler, and Pretty Boy.

About an hour later there was a knock at the trailer door and the Commander said, “Come in.” The slaveboy entered the trailer and saw the man on the couch with his glass of whisky and cigar, the man whose sore muscles the slave had massaged. He noticed the man’s black boots and his heart skipped a beat. He was thrilled to see the boots.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 15

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 14

By AlphaMetal

Day 7, Evening – The Last Night at the Campground

The four boys were back in the dormitory at parade rest at the ends of their cots, in their prison scrubs and barefoot as usual. They all knew this was the last day and that the week of training was coming to an end. One more night shackled to their cots and then they would go home with their Masters in the morning.

As the boys stood by their cots the Commander motioned to the slave, who left the room and returned carrying the clothes the Colonel had worn when he first arrived at the camp: a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt with “U.S.N.A.” in gold letters.

The slave handed the Colonel’s jeans, t-shirt, underwear, and socks to the Commander, who in turn handed them to the Colonel and nodded. The Colonel slipped off his prison scrubs and boxers and got dressed in his old clothes as the boys watched. Cody hadn’t paid attention to the writing on the Colonel’s t-shirt that first day but when he looked at the gold letters — U.S.N.A. — it hit him: “United States Naval Academy. The man had gone Annapolis. He’s isn’t in the Army, he’s in the Navy.”

The “Colonel” was dressed in his own clothes but Cody noticed that he was standing in his socks; his sneakers had not been returned to him.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 14

Keith and slave – Part 01

Written by CathGear on recon

Creatively inspired, while wearing a catheter.

This story is a work of fiction. While most of the acts are possible, long-term effects from any one action could affect quality of life in the future of such a person.



I have always felt like I should serve someone. But until I met Keith, I was lost on the internet of life, just going from one play date, to another. Don’t get me wrong. I have/had boyfriends. But they were never ones that wanted to control my life. But, things are different with Keith. Have mostly a routine in the house. He does mix it up from time to time. But that is good in a relationship.

We started out, like most of my relationships, with an ad on the internet and a play date. I came over and he tied me up, fucked me, and made me suck on his cock till I took it down his load down my throat. We talked for a while, and I noticed that he wasn’t a very good housekeeper. I asked him if he wanted me to come over once a week and tidy things up a bit. No pay, just to see him, and maybe have some play, while I was there.

Continue reading Keith and slave – Part 01

Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 02

By Jockboy

“Front leaning rest NOW, shithead!” said my still unseen captor, giving me level #2 jolt from the shock collar around my neck to emphasize his point.

He’d just told me the shock collar level went to level #10. Level #1 and his talk of the punishment regimen to come had caused an unauthorized hard-on and an unauthorized pre-cum leak onto the concrete cellblock floor in front of the punishment cell.

I was in deep shit.

My conduct had earned me a trip to the basement dungeon where five of his buddies were waiting. I’d been promised an indoctrination punishment workout, a severe beating, and a hogtie in a cage.

And I hadn’t even been in-processed, shaved, strip-searched, disinfected, and issued my uniform yet. I was in a correctional boot camp whose purpose was behavior modification and instilling discipline and obedience.

Continue reading Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 02

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 13

By AlphaMetal

Day 6, Early Morning – Cody on the Bondage Table

Cody, Pretty Boy, and the Colonel were lined up in front of the large, solid bondage table in the intake room, the one with rings along its top, bottom, and sides. Wrestler wasn’t there; he was still shackled to his cot in the dormitory.

The Commander told Cody to take off his clothes and lay on the table on his back, and the boy quickly pulled off his prison scrubs and underwear and climbed onto the table. The Commander handed the Colonel a small basket with four leather restraints, four large open padlocks, and four small open padlocks, and told the Colonel to restrain Cody spread-eagle to the table. Usually Alpha would have done this, Cody thought, but for some reason the Commander directed the Colonel to perform the task. There was something different about the Colonel than the other boys but Cody still couldn’t figure it out.

Cody spread his arms and the Colonel began to buckle a restraint on one of Cody’s wrists. “Make them tight,” the Commander said, and the Colonel moved the pin of the buckle to the next hole so the restraint gripped Cody’s wrist with no room to spare. The Colonel locked the restraint with one of the small padlocks and then did the same thing to Cody’s other wrist, and then he used two of the large padlocks to attach Cody’s wrist restraints to rings on opposite sides of the table.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 13