Category Archives: Story

10 Days in Detention – Part 24

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

Dan and I had fallen asleep after he pulled me on the bed. When I woke I was still wearing the leather collar around my neck, had the leather wrist cuffs on and was still cuffed behind my back along with the leather ankle cuffs locked together. Dan was spooning me with his stomach to my back. He realized I was awake and moved his arm over my body and started massaging my nipples. His lips were placing gentle kisses on the back of my neck, and I moaned in pleasure.

“Someone is happy, I think,” Dan said to me while continuing to pleasure me.

“Yes, Daniel,” I whispered between moans.

He gently rolled me over to face him and greeted me with his smile. He was such a hot guy. I was genuinely attracted to him. I felt safe and cared for whenever I was with him, even when he was applying aspects of pain and humiliation. It’s a strange knowledge understanding that someone who apparently cares for you in return, as Dan does, can be so brutal at times. Yet, it’s what I ask to have happen and he and John have obliged. I think John loves me, too, but in a different way. For John it’s like a brotherly love. He’s looking out for me and over me. Daniel and I may be growing into something else if we let it go there.

“You’re thinking about something. What is it? I can see the change in your face,” Daniel said to me. He caught me.

“Daniel, all of this is amazing in one respect. And yes, you figured out I’m starting to have feelings for you. I don’t know why or how. It just is. And you said as much when you had me on the bed spread eagle. Yet, I don’t think I know all that much about you or you about me. I’d like to get to know Daniel.”

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 24

Becoming Humble – Part 08

By RotherhamMan

Thor was lowered onto The Destroyer’s cock and screamed as he was stretched beyond his imaginings. Thor was mercilessly impaled on the phallus, no care taken for him or notice taken of his flailing legs and cries. He would not beg but he couldn’t stop the noises of pain that came out of him. But the pain didn’t last. As he was stretched to his limit he also felt the shaft hitting every nerve inside his ass and every fibre of his prostate as it was squashed by the invader. It was pleasure mixed in with the pain and Thor couldn’t help but think that this was something he might come to like. The men of Earth must have done something to him for this experience to be even remotely enjoyable! He could learn to focus on the pleasure and ignore the pain, even as the machine forced its way in deeper and he was screaming out uncontrollably. He could see this being an enjoyable experience in other circumstances.

There was a whistling and a metallic thump and the Destroyer’s head jerked to the side slightly. Thor saw a blur that might have been a stick bounce of its head and both man and machine turned—not very well for the man, held by the throat as he was—to look.

Continue reading Becoming Humble – Part 08

10 Days in Detention – Part 23

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

From the end of Part 22:

We had finished eating and were continuing to talk when he looked across at me and slightly grinned, saying, “It’s a hot afternoon, don’t you think? Take the tank top off. I want to see you shirtless with that collar more readily visible.” I did as he asked and was slightly embarrassed and he knew it. We continued talking for a few more minutes with me thinking everyone was looking at me. I’m sure that wasn’t true as there were other guys shirtless outside, also, but it felt like it. I was the only guy wearing a locked on collar, after all.

In the car I was cuffed again, shirtless and barefoot still. Dan drove us back to my place and once inside he had me kneel in front of him while he sat on the sofa.

“Let’s talk about the weekend I want you to spend with me. But we can do that after a little more play, yes?”

Part 23

“Yes, Daniel,” I responded. I enjoyed being on my knees in front of him. He looked so hot sitting on the sofa smiling down and across at me.

Daniel leaned forward and lightly kissed me on the lips. When he pulled back he took his fingers and started to lightly massage my nipples which immediately had me moaning, eyes closed, head starting to tilt back and a raging boner in my jeans leaking pre-cum. His fingers were so gentle and my nipples were so hard wired my breathing changed and I started to slowly pant.

“Easy boy,” Daniel said to me as he continued to massage the tips of the nipples and he saw the changes that were happening to me.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 23

Becoming Humble – Part 07

By RotherhamMan

Thor made his way up the stairs slowly, taking one at a time. He ached all over; his ass, his cock, his nipples. He had thought the men at the Shield base had been rough as seasoned warriors but it turned out that Earth’s common man was even more deprived in their treatment of their sexual conquests. They had all fucked him one after the other at least once each with any coming back for seconds. All of them had buried themselves deep inside him when they came and with each step he felt a little more leak out of his ass and run down his legs.

He stepped out into the lobby, and the owner of the establishment glance at him and whistled, his eyes slowly travelling up and down his body, taking him in in a different way that when he had arrived, in particular his pierced nipples. “Looks like the boys got their money’s worth. Did you enjoy yourself?”

Continue reading Becoming Humble – Part 07

10 Days in Detention – Part 22

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

Through all the torments, pain and submission of the weekend I had no idea what day it was when John and Dan were finished with me. Dan and I had dozed off on the dungeon bed and I’m sure I slept for several hours. When I woke up Dan was still cuddling next to me with his hand over my chest holding me lightly. He was naked. At some point he must have stripped off the jeans while I was sleeping. We were facing each other and he had that wonderful smile on his face as he looked into my eyes. I was slowly coming to.

“You are so cute when you sleep,” Dan said. That made me smile and I perked up, leaned in and gently kissed him on the lips.

“We should get you home soon and let you relax.”

“What day is it?” I asked since I had no idea.

“It’s early Tuesday morning,” Dan replied, “so you have all day to relax and rest up before going back to work tomorrow. Are you ready to be released?”

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 22

10 Days in Detention – Part 21

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

NOTE: To start at the very beginning, click here.

I remained kneeling in the center of the dungeon for a while. I thought back to the last few hours and how Dan treated me with kindness and acknowledged there was more than a connection between us. I looked forward to being able to explore that in the future. But for now I waited for what would definitely be a painful and difficult experience.

I continued to ponder why I wanted this. What drives a man to submit willingly to another man whose intention is to inflict pain, humiliate and subjugate his prisoner? It’s carefully carried out and both men enter into the arrangement with full knowledge of what will happen. At the conclusion both men appreciate and thank the other for the opportunity to engage in these real roles. Why do I want to experience pain? Why do I want to be made to service John and Dan? Why am I attracted to them and this play? I guess I’ll never really know or perhaps don’t really want to understand. It fills a purpose. It fills a need. And here I am, naked, handcuffed, on knees waiting for the next punishment and training period.

I heard the door open and immediately my pulse quickened. I felt their presence in front of and behind me.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 21

Becoming Humble – Part 06

By RotherhamMan

Clint had no trouble entering the men’s quarters. Not only was his own nearby but those who did see him just assumed he was on a booty call and were jealous. He went unchallenged. The quarters were two bunk beds and some draws for clothes and personal effects. The key to Thor’s chastity cage wouldn’t be in there, they would most likely be on their person but Clint wanted to explore this option first. He started with the obvious places and worked quickly but turned up no results just as quickly. He left no sign he had been there, he was too good for that.

Before he could leave he heard people approaching and from their voices he could tell they were the occupants of these quarters. There was no escape and nowhere to hide. The door opened and the three men, Jake, Sean and Eric, entered. They slowed as they saw Clint, stood in the centre of the room he could hardly be missed, but they recovered quickly and closed the door behind them. It wasn’t locked but it might as well have been.

Continue reading Becoming Humble – Part 06

10 Days in Detention – Part 20

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

When Dan returned I heard something or some things land on the floor.

It wasn’t a big thud, but Dan had clearly brought some items with him from the other side of the dungeon. Next I heard a zipper. A few seconds later I heard fabric moving. Dan was taking off his pants. I had my head turned towards the wall so I couldn’t see Dan or what was happening.

“Pull your legs together,” Dan ordered.

I had been spread eagle as previously instructed.

Dan got onto the bed near my mid-section and then straddled himself over my butt with his legs on either side of my legs. I felt skin on skin and as he settled in and his cock touched my butt. Dan was naked. His skin against mine felt good. He started to lean down on me with his hands placed on either side of my head and then his full weight came down with his head nestled against my head’s right side. This felt amazing.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 20