Tag Archives: forced haircutting

One Year – Part 25

By Taurus

Part 25 – “The End”

James woke up as per normal, to the sounds of a blaring alarm and the instantaneous snap from complete darkness to blinding brightness. What was strange, however, was the person who came to check on him.

It was a stranger’s face.

Feeling confused, he inquired, “Sir, where is my handler?”

“He’s preparing some stuff for you.”

“Why sir? What day is it?”

“Day 344. You have a pleasure session today, now drink up.”

James went about drinking his protein shake, changing the fist mitts and brushing his teeth, thoroughly confused, with a conflicted mind that could not quite decide if he was awake or dreaming.

Usually his master would notify him if he had any special days coming up, like checkup days, grooming days, and especially pleasure sessions.

He was marched off to the dungeon regardless.

Continue reading One Year – Part 25

Getting Wet

By bootboy

bootboyDon’t really know how I ended up where I did. Sometimes I think i’m crazy to stay here, and other times I think i’m just where I should be. I didn’t plan this: I just sort of slid into it. Not even sure how much further into slavery I can slide. Maybe tomorrow i’ll decide to call it quits, but I might just decide to stay put and ride it out. Kind of surprised how far i’ve gone. It just didn’t happen by accident though, I think it’s a bit like a storm. You can sense that one is approaching, seeing the clouds gathering and all, and you can either head inside and batten down the hatches or you can stay out in the thick of it. I guess I don’t know enough to come in out of the rain but I like splashing around and getting wet.

If anyone looked in through the window and saw me here; shaved from head to toe, my hands locked behind my back with wrist restraints, collared and hitched to the post of a loft bed, i’m sure that they would think I was crazy. But when I look out and see how most people live, to me, they are the ones who seem crazy: or worse.

Continue reading Getting Wet

Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 02

By felon

Thanks for all your messages. To continue:

Early on in this experience I requested the time to arrange for a haircut. After a day I received a message approving the haircut, and also telling me where to go for the cut.

Now with the virus, it had been months since I had a decent haircut. I followed his direction and made an appointment at a traditional barbershop. I was told to make sure the barber saw my ankle with the device strapped on, and let others see it as well in the barbershop.

I made the appointment, and he placed the time and date on the calendar.

Was he planning on being there as well? Who knows… So when I arrived exactly on time the barber — a burly, bear-looking guy — was polite and conversational. I made sure he saw the device when I was sitting in the chair, a few minutes later another gentleman came in the shop for his haircut. I made sure he saw the device. I proceeded to have my hair cut very short – a No. 1 buzz on the sides and a No. 2 on the top. Paid my bill and left. Just exactly what I was expected to do.

Continue reading Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 02

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 02

By AlphaMetal

Day 1, Afternoon – Intake, Part 1

When Alpha snapped on the handcuffs Cody felt his cock get hard from the steel on his wrists. Restraints often did that to him; even the click of handcuffs got him excited.

Cody turned his head and looked at Wrestler who was next in line. He hadn’t been able to look at Wrestler’s naked body until now because he had been too busy removing his own clothes and paying attention to the Commander, but now he had a chance to check him out.

Fuck, Cody thought. Even from the side Wrestler was pure muscle: traps, delts, abs, obliques, quads, calves, everything. And he oozed strength, not just because of his muscles but from the way he was standing, the way he held his head, and the way he planted his feet.

Wrestler was shorter than Cody but Cody knew he could easily pin him to a wrestling mat and fuck him, and Cody’s mind started to imagine himself face-down on a mat with Wrestler’s cock thrusting inside him.

Cody stared at Wrestler like he was licking the jock’s body in his mind, and then suddenly realized he had been staring at him way too long. He looked up and saw that the Commander had been watching him and taking it all in.

When the Commander saw that Cody had come back to earth he barked “Move out” and pointed to a door. Alpha started walking toward the door and the boys followed.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 02

Iowa Cowboy – Part 07

By Atlanta Stud

Dave had yet to take his shower that morning when all this took place, so he announced that he would be getting it in while we stayed locked up in the living area, but not before he repositioned my hands behind my back, double locking the cuffs and unlocking the shackle around Brody’s right ankle and locking it around my right ankle. We stood there for a few minutes taking it all in. I mean seriously, what the hell just happened in under 24 hours?! I couldn’t help but look at Brody’s crotch. The bulge was even more prominent with the chastity device securely locked on.

“Does it hurt? Your cock being locked up in that thing?” I asked Brody.

“No dude, good thing, huh. Feels weird. I mean, I can feel my cock in that cage, but that’s it. I can’t feel my jock against my cock. It’s like your hands are in a set of boxing gloves. You can feel the gloves around your hands and wrists, but you can’t really feel much of a sensation from the exterior,” Brody said.

Continue reading Iowa Cowboy – Part 07

James – Part 7

By Thunder

“Uncle James”? Wow, I had forgotten this was what Cody called me when he was a little one. Back then his father and my business partner, Warren, used to bring him to the office when he was out of school for some reason, but mostly at that point the business was small and personally we were broke, so it was the only effective way to do this. He always busied himself on one of the extra computers, so we didn’t have to worry about it. As the years went by I followed his high school graduation and entry into college with great zeal, but somewhere around his sophomore year, Warren stopped talking about him and would go very vague when questions were asked, so I just stopped asking, assuming he had an issue with grades, etc.

But, before he could say anything else, Todd grabbed Cody’s leash and pulled him down and gagged him. Todd said that tonight I was to practice my sucking skills with a new live volunteer, and he placed Cody just in front of me where I could engulf his dick while still being impaled by the machine. Cody was specifically told not to climax, no matter what, so secretly I made it my mission to do my best to make sure that happened because I wanted to see for myself what “no matter what” actually meant. However, I did my best and got him close, but he was, apparently quite well trained as when I would feel him swell, I could immediately feel him control it as well. It wasn’t long before Todd, looking tired, announced it was bed time and told me to go the bathroom, do my business, and then head to my cage which just was starting to sound normal to me. Leaving Cody in place where he was, I looked back and smiled before heading out.

Continue reading James – Part 7