Category Archives: Story

Teddy Bear – Part 01

By Taurus

I don’t care what people say about subs, about how they should be smooth from head to toe, or about how they should be kept in rubber with a hood on. To each their own, I guess.

I’m a little different. I like hair. Thick, fluffy beard and haircut, plus a whole body of unadulterated hair, but no points are taken off if bald. Lots of added points if muscular, if they know how to curl up to make themselves look like giant yarn balls in a cage, and if they can wear gags for a long time. I love seeing the dent in their beard from a ball gag that seems to sink into their mouth, and I love having as much of their skin exposed as possible.

I haven’t found many of these boys to play with on the regular, and long-term. More accurately, I’ve found one, and I’ve stopped searching for more. Now, reader, you might consider this a shame, but factor in how I pour my emotions into subs like a little kid talking to their teddy bear which is their vessel of emotion, it saves me from heartbreak and I can focus all my efforts on just one sub, who I can trust to have my back. Of course, I do play with other subs, just that I have one who will always be the main project, so to speak.

Continue reading Teddy Bear – Part 01

Corporate Takeover – Chapter 02

By lthr_jock

At that point the buzzer sounded, indicating there was a customer at the door. To Brian’s surprise, Dave didn’t release him, instead going over to the counter, checking the CCTV and then buzzing the customers in. Brian flushed red with embarrassment as three men came in. He tried to look inconspicuous, but they spotted him and pointed at him with a chuckle. Dave headed over. “Don’t mind them. Let’s just get you somewhere more discrete.” Dave grabbed the leash again and led Brian back into the rear room.

He took him right to the back of the room where there were several heavy and cumbersome items of dungeon furniture. He swung the door of a steel cage open. “Get in.” Brian looked at him in shock. “I have to deal with the customers, so you need to be stored. Get in.” The cage was a dog cage, so Brian had to get onto his knees and shuffle in. Dave grinned and locked the door behind him, then threw a sheet of soft leather over the cage. “Stay.” Brian then heard the sound of his steps as he walked away.

Brian tried to get comfortable, but with his hands locked behind him there was a constant stress on his arms and chest. The gag was making him drool and a constant stream was now dripping onto the floor. But the thing that did surprise him was the way that his cock remained rockhard. He could feel it trapped between the leather and the skin of his leg. He found that if he rocked to and fro, he could get more traction on it and he soon found himself very close to cumming. He was stopped as the leather sheet was removed and Dave grinned down at him.

Continue reading Corporate Takeover – Chapter 02

Nick and Daniel – Part 5

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe two sets of cuffs were sitting on the deck furniture end table during the burger and beer fest, and Zac couldn’t help but sneak peeks at them whenever he thought nobody was looking. As a kid, Zac loved cop shows and seeing guys getting arrested and as his early high school years came about, he noticed that those shows and images created a stir in his manhood. Always wanting to get his hands on a set of cuffs and locking up a guy and even experience getting locked up had only been thoughts with no real world experiences. That is, until today, and he got a full dose — all in a short period of time.

The ice chest was right next to the end table, and after grabbing and cracking open another bottle, Zac couldn’t help picking up the Peerless cuffs so he could again check them out. Ratcheting the bars through the locking bar, and listening to that solid, rapid, click-click-click, created that stir again.

“Pretty solid, don’t you think, Zac?” Daniel said, looking for affirmation.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 5

Side Effects – Chapter 5

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesI was blushing furiously. This was the part of my toy collection that I had never shown to Adin. It seemed like an obvious bridge too far for a straight friend.

Now he was sitting naked in my living room, with me trussed up in leather and steel, my hormones set on an artificial rampage by an experimental drug, and he had been examining things that had been in my ass. With a desperate expression, I shook my head back and forth. This can’t be happening!

He smirked at me. Christ, what had gotten in to him? I’d known him for years; I knew him so well I could pick out girls he would find attractive; so well that I knew he would be glad for me that I got a new toy and no, he would not like to try it on.

The stuff that had gone on tonight was enough to make me wonder a bit about just how straight he was, but it had all been within the range of the secret fantasies in which he starred. But I never, never thought he would be anything but grossed out by ass play of any sort.

Hell, I had been grossed out, the first few years when I went to Mr. S and tried to rush past the section with the dildos and plugs and enema kits; working hard to not see any of it.

I was starting to wonder if I was hallucinating this whole night.

Looking concerned, Adin unbuckled the pecker gag and took it from my mouth. He set it on the coffee table, asking “Is something wrong?”

“Dude, that’s what I want to ask you. What is going on with you tonight?”

“What do you mean? I feel great.”

“This isn’t like you at all. I mean, I get why you would want me to try your new drug, and I appreciate it. I really appreciate you letting me open up to you too. But I feel like you’ve turned into an entirely different person.”

“Don’t you like this person?” He sat down facing me, legs extended, leaning back on his hands. It was such an open, inviting pose. And he was buck naked.

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 5

Nick and Daniel – Part 4

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudNick presented his wrists in front to be locked up.  “Not in front, inmate…behind the back” Dan said as he applied a set of Peerless 700’s to Nick’s wrists, palms facing out, and set the double locks.  “Don’t worry, when you need a swig of this ice cold beer sitting over here, I’ll let you have some…providing you behave yourself.”  Dan chuckled.  “Now you better hope that the opposing team doesn’t score any home runs tonight, inmate.  Each home run they score will cost you one hour hogcuffed, and that won’t be a good time for you, inmate.”

The game went the regular nine innings and was completed in the normal space of time.  But it felt a lot longer for Nick, having been locked up in cuffs at the start of the game. And as he would find out later, there was another reason.  Dan kept his promise and allowed Nick some beer during the game.  This was accomplished by Dan putting a straw in the beer bottle.  To signify the start of each new inning, Dan would twist Nick’s nipples, which produced a nice pleasurable moan from Nick.  Having his nipples played with was one of Nick’s favorite things and he often played with them himself.  Near the end of the 6th inning, the opposing team scored a home run and Dan decided to start the beginning of the hour long hogcuff immediately instead of waiting for the game to end.  He figured he could always add hogcuff time if necessary.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 4

Corporate Takeover – Chapter 01

By lthr_jock

Brian Watling exhaled sharply as he completed his last bench press and put the weights bar back in place. He sat up, grabbing his bottle of water and his towel as he sat for a moment before standing up and stretching his aching muscles. As he did, he looked at himself in the mirror – for a 53 year old man, he was doing pretty well. At 6ft tall, he still retained a good deal of the muscle mass from his youth. Regular workouts had ensured that he didn’t put on the paunch that so many of his colleagues had developed and a couple of minor operations had ensured that he retained a good head of hair. Most people assumed he was in his late 30’s – until they considered that he had been the chairman of Watling Inc for over 20 years.

Brian headed for the showers but before he could get there, the intercom chimed. “Sorry to disturb you Mr Watling but your son is here to see.” Muttering a curse, he wondered what that useless parasite wanted now. His only son had been a constant disappointment to him, more interested in lazing around than hard work. As a result, Brian had kicked his son out three years ago and now lived alone in the sprawling mansion. “Tell him to wait in the drawing room. No, wait, send him through. Let’s get this over with.”

He took a long swig from his water bottle and sat down on the weights bench waiting for Geoff to arrive. The door to the gym swung open after a few minutes and Geoff walked in – both shorter and less muscular than his father, he reminded Brian of his long-deceased mother. As usual, he was wearing what Brian though of as chav couture – shiny black Adidas tracksuit and baseball cap and undoubtedly ruinously expensive trainers. Brian sighed. “Geoff. What do you want?”

Continue reading Corporate Takeover – Chapter 01

Side Effects – Chapter 4

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesWhile I was trying to cool off mentally, Adin went to the kitchen and came back with the water bottle refilled. He tipped it up for me and I guzzle a bunch. I had been sweating like crazy. I looked over and saw that my sofa cushions would be going to the cleaners soon. It was a small price to pay for the experience I was having. I wanted to talk with Adin about the drug experience itself, but first I had to pee. I told Adin this, hoping he might let me out of the straitjacket, but he just said, “Down the hall to the left,” so I squared my shoulders and embarked on a rite of passage of sorts.

The chastity belt actually helped with this, directing the stream downward. Unfortunately, I couldn’t wipe any remainder dribbling from the drainage holes. I did a little twerk over the toilet, hoping to shake most of it off, then went back to the living room.

Adin was sifting through my other toys. “Looking for something for you to wear?” I asked.

“As if.”

He picked up a pecker-gag.

“No, Adin, I want to talk to you.”

He paced towards me, gag raised. I backed up a step, “Just wait, please. I love that gag, but can we talk some more first?”

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 4


By Damian and slavebladeboi

I raised my head off the pillow and looked at him, still sleeping, about 6 inches from me. I suppose the movement, plus the sun which was now flooding the room, woke him as he slowly opened his eyes and grinned. Tanned face, perfect teeth, slight stubble yet, I thought, I ought to be cross.

“We need to talk.”

“Nooooo…” he ducked under the duvet and grabbed my cock giggling away like an idiot. I threw off the cover and pushed him over onto his back, straddled him and sat on his stomach, squashing his cock under my arse. Grabbing both his wrists, now that he’d given me a complete boner, I lowered my face to meet his and whispered

“You took a fucking risk.”

“But it was worth it, wasn’t it?”

Now I felt like a parent not knowing whether to scold his offspring for doing something daring and dangerous or praising him for achieving it.

“I could have lost you, you know that don’t you.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t did you. And as we’re supposed to be locked down how else was I supposed to get here. It’s been almost three weeks.”

I looked into his blue grey twinkly eyes, lowered my face to meet his and kissed him deeply. Then I came to my senses again, sat up and looked him straight in the face.

Continue reading Lockdown