Category Archives: Story

Echo Grove – Part 01

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundI felt some trepidation as I stood before the intimidating façade of Echo Grove Asylum. Behind me I could hear the taxicab pull away, leaving me alone at the gates of this isolated facility deep in the wooded countryside. There was not even cell service to summon an escape ride on my own, leaving no choice but to continue forward into the waiting heavy oaken doors.

Not that I entirely didn’t wish to be here. The strange summons that brought me to Echo Grove still hung I my mind, and I was determined to find the answers to the questions it raised. Inside I found a small austere lobby that matched the old fashioned exterior of the building. I checked in at a small window behind which was a large male orderly. He looked rather intimidating with his well built body and shaved head, his scrubs somehow adding to, rather than subtracting from, his powerful look.

He asked me several questions about the purpose of my visit and if I had made all the requested perpetrations before being admitted into the facility as a visitor and I confirmed I had and was told to proceed through the adjacent door. An electronic lock buzzed allowing me to push the door open to a small open locker room where the final preparations and inspection would take place.

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 01

Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 03

© 2023 Bostonleatherman

…And with that, the closet doors are shut, the light is turned off, and he is gone.

In addition to your need to piss, the stiffness starting in your shoulders, the wrench starting in your neck, the soreness starting in your legs, and the ache starting in your jaw, you were now drooling on top of it all. And that was annoying you; you couldn’t tell how much, but you could feel it running down your chin and all you wanted to do was wipe it away. Your tongue was useless; you couldn’t make it lick the drool off your chin nor could you use it to help you swallow your saliva. Fuck you, Garrett.

There was no way to tell how much time had passed since Garrett first stowed you in here. It felt like hours. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. And almost as if you had conjured him up, the light in the closet came on and he opened the doors. You squinted at the light ’til you felt comfortable with it.

“Look at you, all drooly and shit. Having a good time?”

Continue reading Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 03

Subject Neighbor – Turned Subject – Part 03

By Justin I

Justin I male bdsm stories

Not much time later.

Filled with testosterone and cum, Sam was the horniest and most angry I had ever seen him. There was one time, I might have imagined, but it sounded almost like he was crying. Peering into his room I saw a bright red face Sam with his shorts pulled down, staring at his own imprisoned cock. He was trying to use his electric toothbrush as a sort of makeshift vibrator to get off, with no success. Realizing I was watching he stood up and slammed the door. I could not stop myself from smiling, soon I will begin our permanent roles in our relationship.

Day six of chastity Sam was bold enough to ambush me. I was just coming inside from my run, shirtless and sore from the chest and back session I worked pre cardio. Sam was coming from the opposite direction, and when I closed the door he pounced. I had run with very little, wearing my sneakers, high socks, two in one compression athletic shorts with no shirt but a silver key around my neck. Sam grabbed me by the shoulders and wrapped me around like a python, falling to the floor we both went.

S: Give me the key. This isn’t funny anymore and if you don’t I’m going to crush you.

Continue reading Subject Neighbor – Turned Subject – Part 03

Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 02

© 2023 Bostonleatherman

…And now it was here and you aren’t sure you’re as ready for it as you thought you were.

You had arrived after a several hour drive and once the two of you got your gear unloaded and up to his apartment, Garrett told you to unpack it and lay it out so he’d know what kind of options he had during your visit. His study was to be the base of operations and he took a seat at his desk and picked up the pipe he was smoking when you arrived. One flick of his pipe lighter was all it took before it easily came back to life for him. You loved the smell of pipe tobacco and that, combined with the scent of all the gear you brought as you organized it, was enough to get your loins stirring.

“I want to get all the heavy lifting out of the way before we start the weekend.”


“You’ll be spending a fair amount of time in the closet, as we discussed, and some of that is going to be spent securely bound. No surprise.”

Continue reading Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 02

Subject Neighbor – Turned Subject – Part 02

By Justin I

Justin I male bdsm stories

If you missed the beginning, click for Part 1

Sharing every moment of tormentous pleasure would fill novels. Four years is a long time to build stories, especially with a minimum of two forms of play a day. On days I have the entire day or I feel especially happy or frustrated, then we spend even more time together. You will accept my generous favor of sharing highlights.

13 Months Post 1st Meeting

Having used the chip in Sam’s head, I programmed a sort of “yes/no” switch in the decision and “gut feeling” part of the brain. This feature had especially come in handy when I made suggestions for Sam, then reinforcing a good feeling in his mind he most often agreed. After he really bulked up and leaned down, I suggested he work on the yards in 5-inch inseam shorts with no shirt. He got funny looks at first, but after a week was normal. I was in heaven, my boy was buff, honey blond with golden tan skin. Of course I gave him special sunscreen that encouraged his tan without damage or burn to his skin.

Continue reading Subject Neighbor – Turned Subject – Part 02

The Dirt Bikers

By ty dehner

The sun was nearing the height of the day, as the heat was rising. My hiking boots were making easy work of the gray shale covering this part of the desert trail. Only a short distance from the homes on the edge of the open land of the foothills of the mountains in the center of Phoenix. I had to stop as memories started to fill my mind. Memories from a very long time ago when I was a lot younger. When I was eighteen, I was dealing with feelings that I was the only one to have these desires. But damn if the thoughts didn’t make my dick hard.

As I paused, I looked at the rocky hill I was at the base of and I remember when this area was far from any people, the neighborhoods had not been built. It was an open desert as far as one could see. I spent a great deal of time walking this desert in my teen years, with thoughts that no normal person would have. I would think about being kidnapped, tossed in a van in bondage, gagged and taken to who knows where. As I remembered those thoughts, I realized that I never thought about what happened after being tossed into the van. It was the bondage I was craving and I didn’t care how I ended up in rope and tape, I just wanted to be helpless at the hands of another man.

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Event Urinal – Part 06

By Nitro

Event Urinal story by NitroHey everyone – it has been a while since I’ve added to this story, and I have had several people ask me about it. I hope you enjoy the update, and please feel free to send me feedback/ideas etc. Pics of you in gear reading my stories go to the front of the line.

SIR walks over and starts rubbing my sensitive nipples thru the suit making me groan loudly into the gag. He knows that my nipples are hard wired and drive me up the fucking wall. He starts circling both nipples with his finger over and over again. I instinctively clench around the huge plug in my ass, which in turn makes me start to piss again right thru the tube into my gag.

“Good gimp – it’s getting quite the workout today already, but the day is a long way from over. Let’s get you a little more comfortable,” SIR says, still teasing my sensitive nips. He starts tugging at the chain connecting my wrists behind my back, and I start backing up toward the pull. He pulls me back farther until I can feel the edge of the bed behind me. He puts a pillow on the ground (I simultaneously think that is gracious but also means I’m gonna be here a while.) “Sit flat on your ass, gimp.”

Continue reading Event Urinal – Part 06

Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 01

© 2023 Bostonleatherman

There was no way you were getting out of this now. The anchor points on the wall were placed exactly where they needed to be – right next to each of the six D rings on the straightjacket. Three on one side – shoulder, waist, hip – and three on the other, plus one on either side of your neck and one for each ankle. The padlocks connecting each D ring to the eyebolts left no room for movement and when you tried, all that happened, really, was the sound of creaking leather.

There was a little more leeway with the locks that held the ankle cuffs to the wall. But not much. And the leather straps that Garrett used to tie the D ring on the front of the straightjacket’s collar to the eyebolts on either side of your neck were very secure. You could not move your neck. At all. His final touch was to shove your ring gag in, buckle it tightly and lock it on with a small padlock. The lock is probably overkill at this point you thought.  Bound like you were, there was no way in hell you would be able to remove it. Still, hearing the click as he fastened the lock gave you a rush. Just like hearing all the other locks securing you upright to the wall did, when he snapped them into place.

Continue reading Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 01