Category Archives: Story

Three Slaves – Part 09

By Practicerestraint

Six months later

The sheriff was smiling as he drove down the road, singing along to the loud music pouring out of the speakers in his truck.  He glanced at the time on the vintage Omega chronograph on his left wrist and smiled as he recalled his Pet asking him to wear it today.  It had been Pet’s favorite watch before he became the sheriff’s captive/slave and Pet had confessed he loved seeing it on his master’s wrist.  The sheriff sped up a bit, feeling a thrill from his Pet’s devotion, eager to get to his destination and then back home.

The sheriff had been planning this day for several years.  After he became involved with the Facility, he realized that he would be able to achieve a dream.  First, running interference for the Facility and keeping legal eyes away from their activities had been lucrative and made early retirement possible.  Second, part of his compensation included the acquisition of his Pet.  And more . . . .

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 09

Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 03: Deeper In


Unical date: 3752.563.22 (nineteen days until scheduled arrival at Kappa Redulans)

It was a bit strange to adjust to living in the simspace.  Sam was accustomed to moving from place to place to handle the various aspects of his day.  Wake up in the sleeping space, move to the bathroom space, then the eating space, then the working space, then the playing space or the relaxing space, and end up back at the sleeping space at the end of the day.  Here, instead, his body stayed still and the space around him changed to supply whatever he wanted.  Need the toilet?  Make one, use it, then dismiss it.  Conjure a restaurant into being long enough to enjoy breakfast, then send it packing.

There were only two things he needed to leave the simspace for.  One was to check the ship’s progress.  He headed for the command bridge, feeling a bit strange about padding around the ship in the buff but really there was no reason not to.  There he spent about twenty minutes in all doing his “job”.  All status lights were green, all reports from the navigation AI indicated systems were operating normally.  That part was done in two minutes but he stretched it out to almost ten, double- and triple-checking things that didn’t need to be double- and triple-checked.

Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 03: Deeper In

Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 02: The Simspace


Unical date: 3752.563.21 (twenty days until scheduled arrival at Kappa Redulans)

Detaching from RS-98 went routinely, and the half-hour journey through normal space to put sufficient distance between his ship and the station before engaging the warp drive was equally uneventful.  The course was already laid in, so the moment the sensors reported that he was safely far enough away, all he had to do was say “Go”.  The mighty engines powered up with a muted hum and then, with barely a flicker, he was suddenly moving at a velocity that few others had ever experienced.  Well, “velocity” was an oversimplification of the situation.  His professors back at the university had tried to instill in him an appreciation for the underlying physics of subspace that made warp travel possible, the way that normal space was folded at a quantum level so that a ship using its warp drive wasn’t “really” moving (such pedantry!) but rather re-arranging space around itself, but Sam’s eyes had always glazed over at the discussions of manifold compression, multi-dimensional vector renormalization, and pseudo-velocity.  As a pilot, he just liked going really fast.

But the novelty of speed had already worn itself out on the first leg of the journey with Bareem.  The two of them had exulted over the pace at which they were traveling… for a few minutes.  Then the reality had set in that it was the AI doing virtually all of the flying, and from inside the ship there was no sensation of speed.  The engines ran so smoothly that the only indication they were on at all was a pervasive, low-frequency hum from the sheer power they were consuming.  It wasn’t like the two men could look out the windows and watch the stars passing by like trees alongside a highway.  No, they were little more than cargo in a grey box.

And so it was only minutes after engaging the engines, having assured himself that all systems were functioning normally and that he was on his way with all practical haste to his destination, that Sam found himself at the door to the simspace, heart thumping in his chest, feeling like a kid on Christmas morning eager to rip into the mountain of presents waiting to be opened.

“Pyrellia, show me a menu of porn simulations.  Male characters only.”

Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 02: The Simspace

Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 01: Pyrellia’s Wing


Author’s note: I’m grateful to Metal for providing the inspiration for this story. It is set in a thinly disguised, probably recognizable fictional universe (hint: it rhymes with “car check”), so if you’d rather call the simspace a “holodeck”, you have my blessing. It’s a long story (11 chapters) and it starts slowly; please be patient!


Unical date: 3752.563.21

[Framing shot: a space station in orbit above a yellow-orange gas giant planet. Cut to interior of station.]

“I know this isn’t the best of circumstances,” Commander Shizaki said, “but there really is no other choice.  We must make do with what we have.”

Lieutenant Sam Green tried to keep his face impassive, allowing only concern to show, a slight creasing of the skin between his eyes.  “I understand.  Bareem needs to return home, of course.  But… are you certain there’s no one else who could make the trip with me?”  Don’t show even a trace of enthusiasm, not a hint.

The commander shook his head with regret.  “No one, I’m afraid.  This station’s normal complement is eleven staff, and we’re down two as it is so we were already stretched thin even before this emergency.  The need to get Lieutenant Farquhar home for his father’s funeral pushes us to the absolute limit.  I’ll be sending Lieutenant Urkenzie out in our one available interstellar-capable ship to take him back to Kerangia and then return.  That’s a fourteen-day round trip, and during that time we’ll have to shut down parts of our operations.  That will result in angry communications from research teams all over this sector, each one of them in high dudgeon over the absence of data they were expecting us to provide.  I anticipate at least one court case to be filed over the fact that our staffing shortage meant missing out on the once-in-ten-thousand-years opportunity to, I don’t know, capture the spectral signature of a snout-nosed pulsar or something equally absurd.  The case will of course be dismissed as frivolous but it will still be a tedious bureaucratic hassle.”

He put his hands flat on his desk.  “But that is my problem to deal with.  Yours, of course, is to get those tribronium plates to Kappa Redulans.  Those people are in dire need, and compared with that, the conniption fits of inconvenienced researchers don’t even register.”

“Of course, of course,” Sam agreed.  “Main power system destroyed, backup teetering on the brink of collapse, which means no air recycling and no climate control after it fails.  And so far away!”

Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 01: Pyrellia’s Wing

A Game of Chance – Part 07

By Robmacz

Chris did as he was told and he felt the cuffs snap round his wrists as he had so often before. But this time it was different. This time it was real. This time there was no safe word that would grant him instant release. He was now a prisoner, there was no escape.  He wasn’t a gentleman who was paying for his pleasures, among people he knew, people who were ready to play his game.  He was a convict, and nothing but a convict.  The young officer’s eyes were brown, with curious little gold flecks, and the look in his eyes said ‘There’s nothing special about you, boy.’

The officer led Chris through the door and into a waiting room, though this was no airport departure lounge or even a hospital waiting room. The benches were steel and they were bolted to the floor. The officer patted Chris down, checking his pockets, but there was only his wallet and phone, which the officer left.

‘Sit’ the officer said, pointing to a bench and producing a pair of legcuffs. He secured one round Chris’s leg and another to the steel bench. He left without another word and Chris sat in the room alone.

Continue reading A Game of Chance – Part 07

Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 08

By AlphaMetal

Only two days had passed since the punishment, but Trey felt like himself again.

Trey remembered hanging slack in the restraints of the punishment frame, sobbing, thinking he had been permanently broken, but now it felt like that had happened to some other person. Trey knew it was him, but it didn’t feel like it was him. Trey felt as though he had observed someone else hanging from the restraints, crying.

Trey stood up and walked to the mirror in his room. His shirt was off, since he was in the middle of changing from his uniform into his gym clothes, and he twisted his torso to see the stripes on his back as best he could. The flogging was so recent they were still mostly red. He knew they would turn black and blue before long, but for now they were still mostly red.

Trey turned to face the mirror head-on. He looked at his chest and stomach; he tightened his body and watched it in the mirror; he took a bodybuilding pose and flexed. Trey saw that his muscles were as strong and defined as they had been three days ago. Trey wasn’t some broken empty nothing anymore; he felt like a jock again. If he didn’t have a cage on his cock, he would have jacked off.

Continue reading Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 08

A Game of Chance – Part 06

By Robmacz

Shortly after leaving Tom at the Penitentiary, Chris had driven 10 or 15 miles down the road, where he found a post office sitting forlornly on the main street of a tiny rural town.  He jumped out and put the envelope containing the four choices and addressed to Tom at the prison into the box by the car park.  Chris breathed a sigh. There was no way back from this now. His fate was in the hands of Tom. In eight months time he would either be a free man or he would be walking through the gates of the prison he had just left. However much he thought about it, he didn’t know which option Tom would choose. He didn’t think he would choose option A, unless of course he had hooked up with someone inside. But any of the other three options was possible.

Chris had already decided that while he waited to find out his fate he would try to live his life as normal. The only stipulation that his special friend had made was that he should not be away from home for more than a few days, as he would need to keep an eye on his mail, because any order to report would give him no more than two weeks notice.

Continue reading A Game of Chance – Part 06

The Instructions – Part 03

By Kinkytwinkboy

KinkytwinkboyI must have dozed off at some point, because I was awakened by a loud banging on the cage.

“Wake you boy! Time for breakfast. Hope you have settled in and that my boy in the corner there been giving you a warm welcome. He has been here for quite some time and knows he will spend the rest of his life serving me, and so should you,” said the strong deep voice.

He put an empty bowl in the cage, before he opened a can with some kind of food, nothing luxurious for sure, then he unzipped his pants and started pissing in my food?! “Have to make the boy hydrated, you will get used to it.” The food tasted really poor, but I was hungry so I ate it all.

Continue reading The Instructions – Part 03