Category Archives: Story

Risk – Part 10

By lthr_jock

Mike panicked at the thought of being paraded down his own street dressed like he was and braced his feet, trying to resist as Jan pushed him towards the door. “Jan, come on, you can’t…” Mike paused as the muscled Pole pushed him another foot towards the door. “You can’t fucking DO this!”

Mike twisted out of Jan’s grip and turned to face him. Jan’s reaction was to shove Mike hard in the chest causing him to crash into the door with a massive thud. As he hit, the back of his head slammed against the door, causing him to see stars momentarily. That was all the time Jan needed. Before Mike could do anything else, he slammed a fist into Mike’s stomach. The young copper doubled up and as he gasped for breath, he felt Jan force a large rubber ball into his mouth. In seconds it was secured behind his head. Mike was relieved as he knew Jan couldn’t take him outside while he was gagged. He stood up, gasping for air through the gag and watched as Jan pulled a spit hood out from a pocket on the stab vest.

He pulled it down over Mike’s head and then secured it around his throat. Mike peered out through the cloth and realised this had been treated somehow – it was hard to see anything because Jan had painted the inside of the hood so that his features would be totally invisible. He relaxed as he realised that no-one would recognise him and he stopped struggling as Jan opened the door.

Continue reading Risk – Part 10

Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 01

By AlphaMetal

Trey was mostly used to it by now. As he entered the locker room after the team weight training session, he knew that when he took off his workout clothes and walked to the shower room the other guys would see the plastic cage around his cock, but by now they had all seen it before anyway.

All in all, Trey thought, even with this stupid cock cage he had to wear, the military high school he agreed to enter instead of jail wasn’t so bad.

At age 19 he shouldn’t still be in high school in the first place, but he knew he had been a fuck-up as a student, and a lot of the other guys here were in the same boat — many were also 18 or 19, and a few even 20 — so it didn’t seem so weird.

Continue reading Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 01

Risk – Part 09

By lthr_jock

As Gordon walked away, Mike wondered what he had agreed to – he always knew that Gordon would respect his boundaries but he had no such confidence in the Polish skinhead. He turned towards Gordon’s retreating figure and tried to yell around the gag, but his head was twisted back by Jan’s strong fingers who pushed his head back and poured more beer down his throat. As Mike coughed and choked around the beer, Jan grabbed another bottle and did the same. Mike gulped the fluid down as fast as he could. As it went down, Mike could feel several small objects as they passed over his palate – Jan had put some kind of pill in the beer!

Mike started to struggle against the restraints but found they were solidly in place and, hampered as he was by them, there was little he could do. The alcohol in the beer seemed to be affecting him quicker than normal and he shook his head as the world took on a fuzzy appearance. At the same time, he started to wonder why he had been worried and he stopped struggling. Jan leant in close to him. “Good lad, Mikey.   Now just tipping your head back again?” Mike did so and Jan poured another bottle of beer down his throat, this time not hiding the small green tablets that he had in his hand. Mike gulped it all down.

Continue reading Risk – Part 09

Risk – Part 08

By lthr_jock

The day at work was a bit of a pain. Mike and Dave went to several tricky jobs, and by their lunch break they were both tired and irritable. To make it worse, every time Dave spoke he brought up Mike’s new look and was constantly criticising and complaining about his partner “looking like a thug.” As they got back into the station at the end of the shift, Mike finally had enough. “For fuck sake, Dave, just fucking let it go.” He stormed out of the car and slammed the door. He avoided Dave as he finished off his paperwork and only then remembered that he had got a lift from Dave that morning. Cursing quietly to himself he spotted Frank, a younger officer who lived near him, and went over to him to cadge a lift. He thought about leaving Dave waiting, but then changed his mind and texted him to tell him he had got another lift. He got no reply, so he shrugged and settled into the passenger seat of his colleagues’ car.

As they worked their way through rush hour traffic he became aware that the younger man was repeatedly glancing over him and seemed to be summoning up the nerve to say something. Mike shifted uneasily and before the other guy could say anything snapped at him, “What? Come on, you clearly want to say something. What is it?” The driver flushed and looked away before saying, “I just wanted to say that it’s a good look on you, Mike. I’ve been thinking about shaving my head as well but haven’t got the bottle for it. I haven’t exactly got the gear either.”

Continue reading Risk – Part 08

Risk – Part 07

By lthr_jock

“How long has he been in there?” Gordon looked down at the leather clad figure suspended in the air in front of him. He resisted the temptation to stroke Mike’s leathered form and instead turned to the smaller man beside him and reached out with his gloved hand to cup Tom’s chin.

“Two and a half hours. He’s cum three times so far.” Tom looked up at Gordon, his chin held softly but firmly by the taller man. He sniffed deeply, enjoying the smell of the leather. “Are you really not going to fuck him? I mean, he’s gorgeous.”

Gordon smiled and released Tom’s chin. He walked around Mike before replying. “No. This isn’t about that. If I was to do that, the whole thing would fall apart. No. This is about control.” He paused and returned to Tom’s side. “And power. You understand power, don’t you Tom?”

Tom nodded and looked down at himself. His short, muscular frame was naked and locked in a set of heavy slave chains. His ankles were shackled with 6 inches of chain between them. His throat was circled by a thick band of steel, and his wrists were secured tightly in front of him. He was wearing his own shackles, the shackles he usually locked on other men and at the moment he understood the concept of control perfectly.

Continue reading Risk – Part 07

The Slave Daycare – Part 03

By Taurus

Note: This is the third and final part of “The Slave Daycare” by Taurus, with Chapters 20 to 31. If you missed the earlier chapters, click for Part 1 (Chapters 1 to 11); and Part 2 (Chapters 12 to 19).

Chapter 20 – Parasite

“I’m tired of you maggots not doing it right!”

Though the words were that of a stern drill sergeant, the mood was as light as can be – Warren spent seemingly the whole day rolling slaves who lost matches back onto their hands and knees, and cursing his supposed “helpers” who spent their day sat to one side instead of teaching with him.

“You beat me fair and square, Warren,” the silver helper said.

“And you gave me the win after I cheated,” the golden one said.

The cursing was thankfully entirely devoid of sincerity – jolly laughs rang out among the grunts and moans of the dojo students.

Warren’s helpers were not entirely useless either; Grey and Magnus took care of the slaves who decided they had wrestled enough, providing water and towels and hugs where requested.

Continue reading The Slave Daycare – Part 03

Risk – Part 06

By lthr_jock

Mike started to struggle out of the rubber t-shirt and as his accumulated sweat ran out from under it, decided to do this in the bathroom. He grabbed the straight jacket and hood and took them all into the shower, where under a stream of warm water he stripped naked and soaped himself clean of the mass of cum and sweat that was matting his pubic hair. He luxuriated in the shower, turning the heat up to massage his muscles that were aching after the extended bondage. As he did, he could see the red marks that the rubber had left on his skin. He ran his fingers over them and as he did he thought back to how they had been caused and he felt his cock rising again.

He ran water over all the rubber gear and left it hanging up as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror. Cleaning the steam off it with a swipe of his hand, he saw his shaved head clearly for the first time. His head looked strange and angular without his normal covering of hair, and made Mike look completely different. He hadn’t realised that Jan has also removed his eyebrows, which made his eyes stand out more. He ran a hand over his head and looked at the stubble on his chin which now looked incongruous on his hair-stripped head. Picking up his razor, he shaved his chin clean. As he put the razor down, he found another present from Gordon – a tub of some kind of wax. Taking some out, he smeared it over his head and then spent several minutes rubbing and working it into his scalp until it gleamed.

Continue reading Risk – Part 06

Risk – Part 05

By lthr_jock

Mike opened his eyes to blackness. He could feel the tightness of rubber over his entire body including his head. He took a deep breath and felt relief as air flooded his lungs. His nose was full of the smell of rubber and he couldn’t hear anything. His arms were down at his sides and when he tried to move them he could feel heavy rubber over his fingers preventing him moving them. He could feel sweat running all over his body and his cock stiffened as he realised that one again he was completely trapped. And once again, he had allowed Gordon to do this to him.

Mike cast his mind back to the chair. After Jan left him he raged and struggled against the restraints. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, how the Pole had shaved his head and now he was sat there like some skinhead. He panicked a little gasping for breath around the gag, causing drool to pool inside the muzzle and then run out the sides and over his thick collar and naked chest. Eventually he started to calm down. He had no choice but to wait for Gordon to return and he would finish this all then. This was a step too far. He started to breath more easily and once again became aware of the noises from outside the flat. He also became aware of his stirring cock, of the way the rubber slid and slurped with every minor movement and he realised that he was still highly aroused by his predicament.

Continue reading Risk – Part 05