Category Archives: Story

Risk – Part 04

By lthr_jock

Mike struggled and fought against the restraints. He screamed into the gag, but the thick rubber apple was well secured and all he could do was make incoherent noises. The only people who knew he were up here were probably speaking to his colleagues from the station, so no-one would be coming to help him. He tensed, knowing what was going to happen and utterly helpless to prevent it.

And he waited.

After several minutes, he realised that nothing had happened, that although he could feel the vibration from the machine and hear it whirring, nothing was pushing itself against his virgin arse. He relaxed, slumping in the restraints with relief and now that he realised the danger was passed, started again to enjoy the situation he found himself in. His cock quickly hardened and by the time he heard the clump of approaching boots he was dripping a steady stream of precum.

“Damn. Such a filthy pig.” Mike grunted with relief as he heard Gordons voice. The older man moved around behind Mike and switched the machine off. He then moved around and crouched in front of Mike. “ Like I said, nothing like that unless you want it.” He grinned and reached out with a gloved hand to tousle the rubber pig hood. Mike swore at Gordon, secure in the knowledge that everything he said would be tortured into unintelligible grunts. Gordon laughed as he seemed to understand what Mike had said. “Careful, Mikey. Swear at me like that and I’ll leave you here overnight. Or are you ready to go home.”

Continue reading Risk – Part 04

Risk – Part 03

By lthr_jock

Mike screamed and yelled into the gag. All sorts of possibilities were going through his mind and his fought hard against the restraints causing the bed to jump and bang against the wall. Gordon stood watching him grinning at the sight. Although he had promised nothing sexual would happen to Mike, he enjoyed the sight of the muscular, restrained male fighting to break free. Gordon let Mike go on for a couple of minutes and then he took his hand and placed it over Mike’s mouth and pushed down. Mike felt the ballgag pushed further into his mouth completely blocking it. As it did, he had to breathe through his nose and he then realised that Gordon had blocked his nose as well. He stopped yelling as he fought for breath. As soon as he stopped, Gordon removed his hand and Mike gulped in the air again.

“Alright, Mikey, calm down. Nothing has happened to you.” Mike opened his eyes and stared up at Gordon . “I promised, didn’t I? You got drunk and passed out. Jan did this to you – his sense of humour I’m afraid. But I made sure nothing else was done.”

Gordon looked at his watch. “Right. Time for me to go. Jan usually sleeps late after a session like that, so you can expect to be for another couple of hours – unless, you want to stop?” Mike stopped still. Looking down he could see that his cock was now fully erect. He shook his head.

“Good then – and look, those pictures will be nice souvenirs for you.” Gordon tousled Mike’s hair “See you soon.”

Continue reading Risk – Part 03

Risk – Part 02

By lthr_jock

Mike almost ran down the street towards his car. He wished that he had parked closer. Every step he took, he felt the boots clump down on the pavement and the sound seemed to echo around him drawing the attention of passers-by. The bleachers clung to his legs like a second skin and he felt as though he was on display. He could feel himself flushing under the hoody but despite that he could feel his cock swelling in the studded jockstrap.

He turned into the road he had parked in and came to a halt. On the other side of the road from his car, 3 skinheads were stood talking. All of them were wearing MA1 jackets with the EES letters clearly visible across their shoulders. He put his head down and walked towards his car, hoping that they wouldn’t notice him. He kept stealing glances across towards them and he seemed to be getting away with it. As he approached his car, he took out his keys and pressed the unlock button. As the car unlocked the lights flashed and one of the skinheads looked up. Mike looked in his direction and saw the man take in Mike’s bleachers and boots. He pointed at Mike and the other 2 turned around. Mike yanked the drivers door open and drove off, leaving the three men stood in the middle of the street staring after him.

Continue reading Risk – Part 02

Risk – Part 01

NOTE: This is a re-posting of a popular male bondage story by lthr_jock that originally made its debut in the Prison Library back in 2018. Starting right now with the re-posting of Part 1, and then continuing over the coming two weeks, an additional chapter will re-appear on this site every day or every other day.

Please note that at the end of each newly added part, until the new part appears, the “click for next part” at the bottom will bring up a “page not found” — so just be patient and check back often for the next part. You will never have to wait more than two days for the next part. There are 12 parts total.

In my view this is one of the hottest stories to have appeared on the Metalbond site. If this is brand new to your eyes, enjoy! If you read it before, now is your chance to enjoy it all over again!


By lthr_jock

Mike stood opposite the dingy block of flats, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another. His clothes helped him blend in to the area – a worn hoody with the hood up over a baseball cap, jeans pale at the knees and an old pair of boots. But he had been stood there for 10 minutes now and he had already seen several people stare at him curiously. He turned to go and went ten paces down the road away from the flats before stopping, turning and jogging across the road. Almost running, he headed up the stairs to the front door. Looking at the scratched and faded entry panel, he located 48 and before he could change his mind he punched the button.

It seemed like minutes before a distorted voice spoke.


“It’s…it’s PC..I mean, it’s Mike.” The voice at the other end of the phone chuckled. “Come on in. Second floor.” With a click the door opened and Mike went into the stairwell. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of urine in the stairwell and headed up, taking the steps two at a time. When he reached the second floor he was barely breathing hard and he strode out on to the balcony. He ignored the rubbish piled up and the unidentifiable muck crunching under his boots as he walked along to Flat 48. The door was ajar and he pushed it open before stepping into the gloom and closed the door behind him.

Continue reading Risk – Part 01

Milking It (For All That It’s Worth)

By RotherhamMan

“That one there.”

Frank looked up to where Luis was nodding. “The one with the cap?”

“Nah, next to him, the one with the shorts on.”

Frank wasn’t subtle as he looked the guy up and down, taking in his clothes and how they fit him and speculating on what was beneath, “Oh, yeah, not too bad.”

“Nice lips,” muttered Luis. He could tell even from this distance that they were full and pouty lips that were rare for a guy. He was as open as his friend was in checking the guy out but more so when he palmed his erection. “I’d like them on my cock.”

Frank snorted as he finished a swig from the can of beer. “You’d like any lips on your cock.”

“Nah, I like a pretty face and lips. I have standards.”

The guy and his friends had noticed the two young men staring at them and after a few moments of shifting, clearly uncomfortable, moved on somewhere else. Luis rolled his eyes, couldn’t they take the compliment of being checked out? Probably straight, a waste of good lips in his opinion.

Continue reading Milking It (For All That It’s Worth)

My Fantasy Finally Came True

By submissivekink79


I had the greatest experience I have ever had last night. I had a dream to come true. I was dominated by a forceful man, and I loved every minute of it.

I met him on the net, and he lived close to me, and we worked out a time for me to come play. Then I got up the nerve to ask him if he would dominate me. I had a particular fantasy, and I shared it with him. He agreed, and I was so excited I was shaking all day Thursday.

Well Friday night came. I drove to the address he gave me. Knocked on the door, and he answered, and invited me in and I was told to strip, and he will meet me in the bedroom on the left of the hallway.

I was to strip, and walk into the bedroom and stand before him, and hand him the key to the locks, and then lock the chain around my neck, and hand him the end of the chain. I did exactly that.

Continue reading My Fantasy Finally Came True

Three Slaves – Part 06

By Practicerestraint

Chris led 502 down the hall to another door.  They entered and 502 found himself in a large gym.

“This facility is for the slaves and for the staff.  Patrons visit here when they wish a gym scene with a slave.  Sarge overseas the fitness of the slaves and the staff.”

Chris pulled on the leash and led 502 to the right side of the room.  502 heard something behind him, but he felt a tug on the leash when he started to turn his head.

“Look around on this side and get an idea of how your workouts will be designed.”

As he scanned the equipment, 502 found that there were standard pieces of workout gear, but there were duplicates.  The duplicates had been modified in some fashion.  It took him a moment to register the differences.  His eyes settled on three stationary bikes.

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 06

Forlorn Hope – Part 06: It Can Always Get Worse

By DR754

male bondage stories Hampton JailToday is Monday, August 9, 1967.

Awakening a little past dawn, I stood up – and nearly tripped over my leg irons.

It took me a moment to process where I was and what was happening.

Oh, right. It wasn’t a bad dream. I’m in jail, in chains, and in a shitload of trouble.

Stumbling to the toilet to take a piss, I pieced together shattered memories. Somewhere through the fog of my mind, more details of my early-morning arrest came into focus above the porcelain bowl.

There I was, locked in the cell as Pitbull read me my rights, then grimly informed me I matched the description of a man who robbed the Casey’s gas station in Sheffield that night. Did I want to explain this? Did I want to tell him anything about it?

Continue reading Forlorn Hope – Part 06: It Can Always Get Worse