Category Archives: Story

Copdar – An Officer from the Suburbs

By Cuffsandcops

With an unexpected day off before winter holiday recess, I found myself looking for a few last minute gifts. There were a few stores I had remembered visiting before the pandemic in the northern suburbs. Since I get my haircut by a barber in that vicinity, I had knowledge of a town police department located a few blocks from barber shop and decided to pass by it on the way to the shops.

I pulled off the highway and passed through a few traffic lights before being stopped at a busy intersection. As I looked to the vehicles entering the intersection to my left, I noticed a blue SUV, that upon closer look, was an unmarked police vehicle. The spotlight on the driver’s side and the reflection off the gold badge were the clues that identified the vehicle as part of a law enforcement fleet. After the light turned green allowing me to proceed, I was about 4 vehicles behind the SUV and we were heading towards the police station near my barbershop. I figured the SUV would pull into the department and I would carry on to the shops.

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10 Days in Detention – Part 34

By socalbd

SoCalBD authorI was feeling content as I walked home on Sunday morning.  It was nice of Matt and Brian to ask me to share in their burgeoning relationship with dinner and some fun last night. They were off to a good start.  I honestly don’t think I did that much to help it along, but I was glad to help in whatever way I did.  I also felt my circle of friends was growing.  I never started this journey with that intent, but it’s been a pleasant surprise to have men around me that care about me.  Shared interests are one thing.  We have that.  Sharing each other’s joys and concerns is something else.  It’s good to understand that part is there with these fine men I’ve gotten to know over the last months.  I’m a lucky guy.

Daniel and I continued to connect during the week as we looked forward to our weekend together.  This would be the first time it was just us.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Daniel kept telling me to trust him and we would have fun as we got to know each other better.

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10 Days in Detention – Part 33

By socalbd

SoCalBD authorI started to stir out of my sleep.  I was lying in a fetal position with naked skin pressing against most of the backside of my body.  Matt was pressed up against me with one arm under my head and the other over my body lying on my chest.  I could feel his engorged cock pressing between my butt cheeks pulsing.  His breath made my neck tingle as be inhaled and exhaled.  He was awake.  He took the hand over my chest and lightly massaged my nipple.  I moaned.

“Morning, sleepy head.  I was starting to wonder when you were going to wake up,” he whispered in my ear.

“I could wake up like this every morning,” I said.  I grabbed his hand that was on my nipple pulling us into a tight hug.  It felt good to wake up with someone else you cared about.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 33

10 Days in Detention – Part 32

By socalbd

Note: This is a brand-new, never-seen-before chapter!

SoCalBD authorAfter going to dinner, I took Matt home which was only two blocks from me.  We lived super close to each other.   We arranged for me to spend time at his place next weekend.  Matt promised me 24 hours of difficult, strenuous, and limit pushing bondage that would make me suffer.  When he said that I didn’t respond right away.  Matt looked directly in the eyes and waited while I processed what he said.  I finally nodded my head in agreement and his facial expression went to his shit grinned look.  It made me smile but I also knew there was determination behind his comment and his look.  We said our goodbyes and he left the car and went into his house.  I drove the short distance home and started to think about the next weekend.  What would happen?

Matt and I connected each day throughout the week.  Through text messages and phone calls he made sure to check up on me and make sure I was OK after the prisoner weekend at Daniel’s place.  It also gave me a chance to check up on him after his revelation about Brian and his interest in him and wanting a relationship.  It was clear he had been thinking about it and something inside me said he was going to take the initiative soon and tell Brian how he felt.

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10 Days in Detention – Part 31

Socalbd 10 DaysBy socalbd

After moving into the bedroom I stripped Matt out of his jock strap and tied him spread eagle to the bed. His cock was still at full mast and pulsing in rhythm with his heartbeat. He was still blindfolded and highly responsive to the slightest touch as I worked to secure his wrists and ankles to the corners.

I stripped down and climbed onto the bed and scooted up next to Matt so our bodies were touching with my right arm between his head and the pillow. My cock was pressing against his bare skin and the pre-cum was keeping me hard as I gently moved it up and down the side of his body. My left hand was moving up and down Matt’s chest and abs making slight contact with his skin. Matt’s breathing was regular but heavy.

He was enjoying this as much as I was. For the next ten minutes I just continued what I was doing without any verbal interaction. Every now and again my left hand would stop on one or the other of his nipples and give them extra attention which would make Matt moan and his cock pulse faster. I also made a point to run my fingers along the chain collar grabbing the padlock from time to time. I was still wearing the chain collar Matt locked around my neck before dinner. I felt he should be the one to remove it when the time was right. For this evening, we belonged to each other.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 31

Beguiled – Part 2: ‘Bewildered’

Written by ty dehner

ty dehner male bdsm authorThe warmth envelopes Ben, dark and alone; the man is so calm, so safe. There is the natural rhythm of his breathing, which he hears so strongly. That is the only sound in this void that feels like floating in water. But Ben is dry, well, other than the sweat he feels dripping off his head. Gently, Ben’s senses are coming back to him. The feeling is so serene that his body is in no rush to return to any part of a real world.

No, this dark seclusion is the perfect place. But the man’s curiosity isn’t calmed by this safe place. With the sound of his breathing, Ben gets the urge to yawn. As his body and face stretch, Ben finds that his lips cannot open to release the exhaust of air that the yawn draws from his lungs. Lifting his tongue, the man tastes the slight flavor of leather, with his teeth digging into a soft tube that allows him to breathe through but unable to speak. Sighing, a memory creeps back into Ben’s thoughts.

With the memories floating like clouds in his mind, Ben instinctively lifts his right hand to touch his face, but he finds that he cannot move his hand. Sensing more feeling on his skin, Ben realizes his hand is in a glove; no, it’s not a glove as his hand is in a fist. A parting of the fog in his mind allows him the knowledge that he is locked in fist mitts. As hard as he tries, Ben can’t raise his fist as he starts to take in the scent of warm leather through his nose. Slightly moist from his sweat, the leather is strong but mixes with a metal smell. As the man connects with his breathing, he feels pressure on his chest, causing the movement of his lungs to be restricted. There is a weight wrapped about his body.

Continue reading Beguiled – Part 2: ‘Bewildered’

10 Days in Detention – Part 30

Socalbd 10 DaysBy socalbd

Matt and I were kneeling hooded and cuffed next to each other in the center of John’s dungeon having been just delivered there after our weekend at Daniel’s property. The chain collars were also still locked around our necks. We talked for a few moments and had agreed on Matt coming home with me to spend the night as it would give us a chance to talk about the weekend. That’s when the door leading from the dungeon into the house opened.

We stopped talking and waited. The door closed and I felt someone walk over to us. The hood was pulled off of my head and John was standing in front of me. He was dressed in what I started to call his trademark look of camo pants, a black tank top, barefoot and looking hot as usual. He leaned in to me and rustled my hair with his hand. He gave me a smile and nodded his head yes up and down several times. I felt like I had his approval.

John stepped to his side to be in front of Matt and he pulled off Matt’s hood.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 30

10 Days in Detention – Part 29

Socalbd 10 Days Note from Metal: This is the latest chapter in a long-running series here on the Metalbond site. It’s not necessary for you to have read previous chapters for this part to make sense.

But if you would prefer to start at the very beginning, click for Part 1.


By socalbd

The sun was peeking slightly through the barn offering only a glimmer of light when I work up. Matt was lying next to me sound asleep with his head on my stomach. I didn’t want to move too much so he could continue to get his rest. We both were still completely covered in caked on dirt from the mud pit experience yesterday that Daniel and the guards created for our benefit. We both had a stench.

Matt started to stir and opened his eyes looking up at me.

“Good morning, handsome,” he said to me.

“Good morning, to you, too, handsome. You stink,” I joked.

Matt pulled himself up into a sitting position and moved towards the wall of the stall to lean back against it. After he was free of me I did the same thing sitting next to him. Our wrists were still cuffed at our sides connected to the waist chain with leg cuffs on our ankles.

Although awake after a full night’s sleep I still felt really tired and close to exhaustion after the weekend’s activities. We weren’t done yet, either. A few more hours were left for us to get through today.

“How are you feeling, Matt?”

“I’m tired. You?” he replied.

“Exhausted. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today.”

“You will make it through. You won’t have a choice.” Matt was chuckling as he said it.

We both sat silently for a while until Matt spoke up again.

“I really am sorry, Dave,” he said.

I looked at him for a moment before asking, “For what?”

“What I said to you while we were staked out,” Matt continued. “I really was being a sadistic SOB to you. I shouldn’t have been that rough on you.”

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 29