Category Archives: Story

Black Leather Cops and Revenge – Part 1

By Alex Ironrod © 2021

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form


Hi, my name is Jim, Jim Barnes. I used to be Highway Patrol Motorcycle Officer # 3758, Barnes J, but now I’m on the run. On the run from a blackhearted, black-leathered HP Sergeant, who tricked me and raped me and on whom I had my revenge. In case he catches up with me, I want to tell my side of the story. So here goes.

I heard the siren and saw the flashing lights too late. I’d had a few beers with friends after work, before zipping up my leathers and climbing onto the Harley. It was a cool spring night as I turned onto the freeway. The warmth of the engine warmed my balls and prick, as I clamped my knee-high black boots to the bike. Down came the visor; up went the speed and my body responded to the vibration of the machine. My penis expanded, seeking release from my tight leather pants.

Two Highway Patrol motorcycles were following me, as I slid into the slow lane, looking for a place to stop. One bike and officer overtook me, signaling for me to take the nearby exit; the other followed closely behind. From my military days, I knew there was no point in not obeying.

As I took the exit, I found we were out in the country, further from town than I’d realized. The first bike had stopped at the bottom of the slope and a tall figure in black leathers swung off the saddle. His six-foot frame was impressive as he came towards me, black leather jacket and slightly flared breeches tucked into high black boots. His face was in shadow under the white helmet, with the single street light reflecting on his plain glass shades. “Do you know how fast you were going, sir?”, a gravelly voice asked “I’m sorry, officer. It’s a new bike and I wanted to open her up” I countered. “License and registration please. Turn off the engine and come over to me, sir”.

Continue reading Black Leather Cops and Revenge – Part 1

The Speed Trap – Part 09

By Rubrpig

After several weeks we had managed to sort things out and got our new family structure working for us. My Sir decided that his boy and mine would wear leather jocks and Wesco’s when he was around. My part-time boy was a little relieved considering my Sir was his father.

Sir usually spent the weekends with us and on his second weekend we sat down as a family and decided that it was time to sort out the living arrangements as we basically had taken over my part-time boy’s house. So after a lively discussion, we decided as a group to purchase a new house in this city and that my full-time boy and I would sell our current house and relocate. Since we both worked from home it would be no problem for us to coordinate this with our work. My part-time boy would continue to live separate for now until he felt ready to commit to the family full time. We all agreed as we all wanted him to be happy and since it was his father that was my Sir we knew he had the most to adjust too.

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The Speed Trap – Part 08

By Rubrpig

It seemed strange working in the kitchen with my boys but we were all naked and wore collars. I knew that I was still their Sir but my Sir was relaxing in the front room dressed in my heavy leathers. I smiled at the thought and my boys noticed. My part-time boy looked at me and asked if I was ok with what happened? I nodded and told him that I was and that his father was going to be a strong firm Sir to me. He smiled and told me that he was happy that his father seemed to be happier and more relaxed that he had ever been. He guessed that his father was relieved that the secret was out and that he could be his true self around us his new leather family at least. I nodded and told him that things would work out.

We finished making dinner and I went to get my Sir. We waited by the table as he walked in and sat down. He pointed to the chair on his left and told me to sit and I obeyed. The boys were told to sit on his right side. He watched as they sat and we all started eating. He asked me why I had the boys locked up in chastity devices and I told him that the devices helped to keep them focused on serving me and my needs.

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A New Colleague — Part 05

By Suitandbondagelover

It’s Monday at the office and everything is going as if nothing has happened between Paul, our boss and me. We are absorbed in the work. Monday evening before going to bed I place the chastity cage and warn Paul who orders the locking remotely.

Tuesday morning I am released, and it repeats every night.

We are Thursday at the end of the day and I receive an email from Paul. It is written that a package will be delivered to me this evening but that I cannot open it until Friday evening. Once at home I prepare to eat when the doorbell rings. It’s a courier with a fairly large and heavy box. I sign the receipt and put this box in my room. I am intrigued by this box, what does it contain?

Friday before leaving the office Paul tells me to open the box as soon as I get home because it contains the information for tonight.

I arrive home and before taking off my suit I run to the box and open it. Inside there is a full soldier’s uniform. It’s combat gear, a beret, combat boots, even the underwear is that of a soldier.

Continue reading A New Colleague — Part 05

The Speed Trap – Part 07

By Rubrpig

The next morning the house was besieged with media crews trying to get statements from us. We refused as we did not want to perpetuate the frenzy but the media had turned this into a major story. The son of the governor illegally convicted along with his friends and turned into sex slaves for a judge, prosecutor and state troopers. All of the details came out and were endlessly exposed on TV etc.

When we left the house we simply got in the truck and left trying to ignore the clamor of the press and after a couple of days, the frenzy began to die down as the media moved on to another story. The morning we woke and saw the house was no longer surrounded by a hoard of media made us feel much more relaxed.

That day I even felt like playing with the boys so we headed down to the dungeon and I soon had the boys trussed up and I began to play with their nipples. After a while I just clamped their nipples and then began to tickle their feet while tugging on the connector chains for the clamps. They squirmed and beg for the tickling to stop as their feet were very sensitive. But I just smiled and tickled them some more. What I really wanted to do was fuck them senseless but the full-time boy was still healing from the gang rape so I did not want to fuck his brother and let him feel like he was being ignored as he was not well enough to be fucked.

Continue reading The Speed Trap – Part 07

The Speed Trap – Part 06

By Rubrpig

I sat back in the chair in my part-time boy’s living room and breathed in slowly to calm my anger with my pair of boys. I still cannot believe the risks that pair took but they did and in a way I have to be proud of them. They reacted to their specialized Marine Corp Recon training and did what they know best but it landed them in jail alongside of me, sentenced to a year in jail and riveted into heavy 5 point chains. I rubbed my wrists where the shackles had rubbed the skin and sighed.

The boys were in the kitchen seeing what they could find for dinner but my full-time boy came back in and reported that there wasn’t much. They were suggesting that we order out for Chinese food or pizza. I nodded and told them Chinese food.

After the food came and we finished eating, I found myself nodding off and I looked over at my boys and saw they were as well. I told them to leave the dishes and it would get cleaned up in the morning as we all needed to get to bed. They nodded and put the left-over food in the fridge and we headed upstairs. As usual I went to the master bedroom and the boys headed to the guest room. When staying with my part-time boy he sleeps in the guest room unless ordered to sleep with me.

Continue reading The Speed Trap – Part 06

Urinal Gag Thoughts

By Nick Ensign

I’ve been trying to dream up a new perfect urinal gag. Please, know in advance that my design is what turns *me* on.

For me, the perfect design is one that starts out with no loss of urine. Every drop that is pissed into the gag must end up in the urinal’s stomach. Of course, not every owner or master (or casual pisser) wants the experience to be clean for the urinal. It is often necessary for the urinal to be pissed on or otherwise drenched with a good amount of urine so that it never forgets what it has become. Using a man as a urinal is an act of degradation so if the pisser needs to further degrade the urinal by pissing *on* it, the urinal gag should allow this to be easily done. This necessitates an open-topped cup design.

With no obstruction or effort, the pisser can move his stream from the cup to the face or body of the urinal. Most urinal gags on the market are already designed like this. Speaking for myself, the cup should resemble as much as possible an actual piece of plumbing so that both the pisser and the urinal get a clearer picture of the process.

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The Speed Trap – Part 05

By Rubrpig

I groaned and lay on the cot in my cell. My asshole was sore and tender still 2 days after the gang rape of myself and my full time boy. Although the day after the dungeon party where the rape occured was a day of rest for the most part. The sargeant had come in when he started his shift and had us shuffle to the showers where he used clippers and cut our hair and beards.

After he cleaned us up we were sent back to our cells and were chained down to the cots with the heavy chain webs and the heavy steel bondage helmets were put on all of us and locked. We spent the day in bondage and as a result we were able to rest and recover.

I groaned and shifted as best as I could under the heavy steel web that covered me but the sound of my groaning echoed in my helmet. Just then I heard my part-time boy call out to me and ask if I was ok. I told him that I was but was very stiff and sore and that my asshole felt like it had been ripped apart. I asked if he and my full time boy were ok and he told me that he was but my other boy felt about the same as I did.

Continue reading The Speed Trap – Part 05