Meanwhile at Nasty Daddy, Rocco Steele slings up Jack Dyer and leaves his hole dripping with seed and begging for more.
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More like this at Nasty Daddy
Meanwhile at Nasty Daddy, Rocco Steele slings up Jack Dyer and leaves his hole dripping with seed and begging for more.
See the video HERE
More like this at Nasty Daddy
At Nasty Daddy, Dale Savage gets his ass spread open by Jack Dixon in “Fisting Dale Savage”
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More like this at Nasty Daddy
By Joshua Ryan
While I was thinking about all the things that could mean for my future (!!!), the dudes in jeans were putting me on the truck. I’m saying “on the truck” instead of “in the truck” because my place was in a cage attached to the bed. I would ride to the farm like an animal. No, not “like.”
The two five-gallon tubs of Slick It Off were nestling beside the cage. One of the dudes told me to stow my box behind them, and he unclipped the leash from my collar and handed it to the cop. I could see a lot of leashes hanging in the truck’s rear window; I guess they didn’t need any more. And was that a rifle sticking up between the seats? That or a shotgun! They’d be ready for me, in case I caused any trouble during my transport.
They opened the little gate to the cage, and I clambered in. You could tell that the cage wasn’t just a temporary part of the truck; it was bolted to the bed. There wasn’t enough room to stand up in, but there were little shelves on each side of it where somebody could sit. Just enough for four workies to be crammed inside. But today only one workie was out for delivery — me. I had the whole cage to myself.
By ty dehner
Saturday arrives, it is late afternoon as Sean is sitting on the sofa watching television in his apartment. He is waiting for the phone call from Lance as to where they are going to meet. Wearing his well-worn Levi’s 501 button fly in blue; he has on a plain black t-shirt under his leather jacket that he wore during their first meeting in the park, with a pair of black ranger style leather boots on his feet. His attention is not with the program on the television screen, his thoughts go to the man he met dressed in leather.
What could he want Sean to do this evening? There was something different about what has happened so far. Sure, Sean had played in the past, light bondage, some spanking and wrestling with a guy or two. Over the past few years, he’d meet a guy, get tied up and even fucked and sucked a guy off, but nothing ever seems to stick. It was more of a one-time event for them to each get their rocks off and then move on to the next scene with the next guy.
With Lance, Sean had a different feeling in his gut. That they are meeting again tonight means things are lasting longer than they normally do. Their conversation in the park was hours long and felt that Lance was seeking something long term. That is how Sean has been feeling as he has been getting older. There is time to be a kid and fuck around, then time to become an adult, getting serious about one’s life, to connect with someone and form a bond that will last.
By Jackson Amacher
Before he could see them, Dylan smelled the stink of spilled beer and the sound of frat-boy stadium rock. As Colton turned a corner he heard shouts and cheers, and when Colton jerked Dylan’s leash and pulled him into view, the cheers became twice as loud. The Reds were having a blast.
The party was an obscene display of… stuff. Multiple boxes of uneaten pizza, bags of hamburgers and French Fries, and coolers full of beer bottles. Huge TVs hooked up to satellite boxes played some sporting event, though Dylan dared not look at it. Other TVs were hooked up to Xboxes.
But the Reds owned another type of “stuff” now, too. In the center of the room, a naked man was crawling on all fours. Costume dog ears were strapped to his head. Out of his ass protruded a leather dog tail, the other end of the toy jammed into his butt. A thick leather collar encircled his neck, and a loose leash hung from it that dragged as he crawled.
By lthr_jock
Brian didn’t remain alone for long. A steady stream of people circulated through the darkroom and several stopped to look at him. Several of the twinks turned their nose up at the older man, but several stopped to appreciatively run their hands over his leather and muscles and to tease his cock. A couple took selfies with him. Brian had no idea how long he had been there when two men walked in, both hugely muscled, both bare-chested and wearing leather jeans and heavy boots. One was ginger, the other blond – he recognised them immediately. They were the guys who had clocked him in the locker room at the gym. They recognised him too and both stood in front of him grinning.
“See, I told you he was into the gear.”
“Yeah, I know. But I reckon he’s into the muscle too.”
“You reckon? Let’s check.”
The two started to do muscle poses in front of him, making their already impressive muscles swell and bulge. The effect on Brian was to make him even more aroused – this is what he wanted to be!
The two men chuckled at the reaction they were having. The ginger one stepped forward. “I see you’re training with Chris. He’s a good man. He’ll push you. But if you want to get huge, we can get you the juice you need.” He leaned in and plucked one of Brian’s hairs out of his chest. “But if you’re serious, got to get yourself shaved smooth – then you can compete.”
NOTE: This is the first of several intended side-stories for characters introduced by Cutieboy90 in Buying Love – Part 5. To start at the very beginning of this story, click here.
By Cutieboy90
“Wake up, stud. We’re here!” Alden’s voice made Brett wake with a start. He wiped the drool from his cheek and looked ahead out the window. There it was — their destination!
It was late afternoon. The hot New Mexico sun beat down upon the bitter wind-blown abyss of dust and stone. Black, scrubby pinons stood in stark contrast to the red sandstone ground and vivid blue sky. Brett had admired the enchanting beauty as it rolled by and lulled him to sleep after hours of travel. Now as the Vaquero Ranch finally came into view, Brett found himself hypnotized once again by the picturesque high desert setting.
The ranch was set on a gently sloping mesa. Its dazzling white bricks shone out from the endless red sand like a beacon, and its old Spanish style was instantly impressive.
By ty dehner
Most evenings, with winter setting in, I walk back from Starbucks as darkness falls. I enjoy my few hours at Starbucks working on my writing and sometimes exploring new music and movies that are going to be released. On my walk home I pass by the city police stations and often see them coming and going to their patrol cars. A few of them look damn handsome in their dark uniform, and now that it is colder they wear their jackets over their shirts and heavy Kevlar vests. Sure I have a few thoughts of how I would like to serve a Cop Boss one day. I need that type of structure and control in my life, and I have a feeling there are several that would keep me well under their control.