Category Archives: Story

Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 01 – Prison Release

By Cowjam40

This story is fiction. It is total fantasy. There will be themes including: intergenerational relationships, male-only sex acts, BDSM, corporal punishment, confinement, and mental manipulation, among others.

Since it’s my first ever erotic story, I’d love to hear from you if you love it, hate it, or have any feedback:


He’d left the train station behind, the town was long gone, and he was now passing flat green fields with hills bubbling up in the distance. The road twisted and narrowed into tiny lanes and high-sided hedgerows. His head knocked against the backseat window, jolting him out of his sleepy state. He was convinced the driver was deliberately trying to hit EVERY. FUCKING. POTHOLE.

Wiping condensation from the window, he saw bursts of green through the trees. Fields dotted with sheep, and barns, and white walled cottages. But it was mostly wet, and miserable. And the drive seemed endless. HIs reality was miserable, made all the worse by the arsehole sitting next to him WHO. COULD. NOT. GIVE. A. FUCK.

He thought about his time in prison. He had few hassles, it wasn’t that tough, he just kept out of trouble. But then he got the offer of early parole, tied to the “Restart Rehabilitation Programme”. He’s now signed up to a good behaviour contract and two-year carpentry apprenticeship in the backend of no-where. WALES. CAN. FUCK. OFF.

Continue reading Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 01 – Prison Release

Paying the Full Price – Part 5

By UKDeviant on Recon

After cleaning myself up and pulling on clean trackie pants I went back downstairs and made another coffee. It was nearly the end of May and I had been locked in the cage now for nearly 9 weeks which by far was my longest duration and I was now ready to be released. Also, I truly didn’t know where I was with the points. Nate was, I felt, looking to give me a way out in 48 hours. I was not sure if this meant that he felt the game had run its course and needed to come to an end and he now wanted a way out too so he could do something else or if there could be something after this.

Ping… ‘you only have 15 minutes left to decide or the challenge continues… I bet I know what you will do… X’

He was right. I started to think about the reply while my dick throbbed away in its cage.

Continue reading Paying the Full Price – Part 5

Twelve States of Bondage: Part 01

By BondageChallengeGames

A great sendoff

Normally it’s a 12 hour drive from Kansas City to Atlanta, but I decided to stretch it out a little bit, and make my move into a bdsm-filled roadtrip. I had a couple weeks between finishing my old job and when I had to be moved in and ready to go in Atlanta for my new job, and I decided to use this opportunity to meet up with as many old kinky friends as I could along my journey. Over the course of two weeks I would get tied up by a number of old friends, spend a night in a cage, force men into submission, deliver a sub to his new dom, be put on display naked and defenseless, and spent many hours in inescapable bondage.

My first stop was a short drive from my old apartment. After packing my car and turning in my apartment keys, I drove a little over 20 minutes to my friend Riley’s apartment in the outskirts of Kansas City. I’d spent many nights and a weekends tied up at Riley’s while I’d been living in Kansas City, and I couldn’t think of a better place to start my kinky roadtrip.

I arrived at Riley’s and was greeted by a big bear hug and his smiling face. Riley invited me in, and we sat on his couch and talked for a little bit.

Continue reading Twelve States of Bondage: Part 01

Island Master UK – Part 08

By Wakeysub

I woke with a start. My collar was pulsing. Master East was stood staring at me in the glaring light of the cell. He pressed a button on his control. The restraints released and the cage door swung open.


I removed the headphones and clambered out of the cage. I stood naked in front of him. My feet were set wide apart in the footprints printed on the floor. My hands behind my head with my fingers interlaced. I was focussing on his brightly shone boots. It felt like such a natural position for me to be in. My cock throbbed in its cage. He undid the gag and pulled it out of my mouth. I swallowed and adjusted my jaw to try and get rid of the stiffness.

He clipped a leash to my collar and pulled me forward out the door and up the stairs. He walked quicker than Master West. We were moving towards an area of the Island I hadn’t visited before. We followed a path through the trees and into another clearing. I was faced with what looked like a construction site. Around the clearing, other slaves were working – wielding picks, digging with spades and carrying away the soil and rocks in barrows.

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 08

Island Master UK – Part 07

By Wakeysub

[Please remember that EVERYTHING that happens on the Island is consensual. Although the use of safewords has consequences on the Island, they are always observed. If the situation called for it, the safeword would stop the scene. The fact that the slave would be rendered unconscious and would have to be carried away on a stretcher is academic. All limits have been agreed on upfront and are strictly observed. The slave in the story had long, detailed conversations with IslandMasterUK during which he was able to draw out all the slaves deeply hidden fantasies and part of the joy of the Island is that it is a “safe” environment where all these fantasies can be realised. Had the slave in our story not been so naïve (or horny and frustrated) he might have been a lot more prescriptive in his limits – but then again, where would the fun be in that? The limits we are seeing played out are the ones which drove the slave’s fantasies in the discussions.

I hope you are enjoying the story – it’s great to get your feedback either here or on my Recon account. If you have any suggestions for where the story should go let me know. After all – he signed up for a four-week holiday and we are only on the second day!!]

Master West leaned forward and clipped the leash onto my collar and disconnected the dildo cord. A yank on the lead pulled me backwards. I struggled to stand and follow him. My jaw ached, and I moved it from side to side to relieve my joints’ stiffness.

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 07

Island Master UK – Part 06

By Wakeysub

“What the fuck??” I woke with a start. The room was pitch black. Did I just imagine all that? I went to move my right hand; it was locked tight. I couldn’t move my left arm either. As I panicked, I became aware of the gag rammed deep into my throat. I started retched uncontrollably again. “What the fuck have I done?” In my head, I was trying to relive everything that happened from the minute I stepped off that fucking train yesterday. This can’t be happening – this wasn’t how I pictured it at all.

In an instant, the light in the room went from pitch black to white-hot. My eyes struggled to adjust and focus. The cage door swung open I hadn’t even heard Master West enter. He was dressed differently in tight leather trousers and a harness that really showed off his well-defined muscular body. Even in my traumatised state, I couldn’t help but get aroused by the sight of this walking wet dream. As my cock woke up, it painfully rediscovered the pins in the head of the cage. He smiled when he saw me wince. He leant forward and removed the headphones.

Continue reading Island Master UK – Part 06

Paying the Full Price – Part 4

By UKDeviant on Recon

UKDeviant on ReconIt was clear that I had to follow the rules – to the letter. Any omission or deviation would result in not only the loss of the points to earn my release, but also a penalty. To make it more complicated, Nate was clear he could add new rules or change the existing ones whenever he wanted. The penalty points for not being correctly collared or cuffed were a very clear example of this, and I was going to learn the hard way from that – I would need to be very careful in the future. While I was the victim of this scenario, I loved it. It was exactly what I was after. He had picked it out of my RECON profile. I was getting what I had asked for.

I re-read the list of the points I could earn and how. It looked like if there was a timer lock specified, then a photograph of the timer lock, presumably running, would be sufficient evidence. The Bluetooth padlock, once locked on, could only be opened by Nate so we would both know when it was locked on and when I asked for it to be unlocked.

Continue reading Paying the Full Price – Part 4

Objectified – Part 02

By darthvader

The gimp has been inside his padded cell covered in rubber for a week now. From time to time I allowed the gimp some time out of the cell in order for the gimp to stay in good shape. I would then have the gimp do some exercise, which was considerably becoming more difficult as the amount of piss and waste in the gimp’s suit grew.

At the end of the week the day had come on which the gimp would have to be let out of the suit and cleaned and shaved. I also knew I would have to put him into another kind of bondage for a while to let his skin dry a little. After taking off the mask of the suit and making sure that the collar went around the gimp’s neck, attaching it to the chain hanging from the ceiling I told the gimp to clean himself and the suit thoroughly. I knew this would probably take a while allowing me to go upstairs and take care of some other things. I returned to the gimp after an hour.

“Good gimp – you have cleaned up all the mess you have made and are ready to be transferred. You know that I always take good care of my gimp – don’t you?”

Continue reading Objectified – Part 02