Category Archives: Story

Rex: A James Story – Part 01

By Rex

Based on a true story. NOTE: This is a follow-up to Thunder’s story, called “James.” To start at the very beginning, click here.

My name is Rex. I am a 33-year-old man who has seen a fair bit of kink in his lifetime. I am an athletic, handsome, previously hairy (but that’s not an option anymore), reporter based in Atlanta. I am a high-profile, well known (if you have an Instagram you’ve seen me), driven man in my professional life, but in my personal life, I am, well, I am a beta dog slave — and I couldn’t be happier.

If you’d have told me this was my future three months ago I would have laughed. But here I am, shorn from my heavy neck collar to the chastity belt forever locked on my crotch. My ass is filled with a locking plug. Sir must have something special planned for today because it is quite a bit larger than normal.

My dick, well, Sir’s beta dick, is completely encased in metal. I haven’t felt it in three years. I haven’t seen it in two, but I know it’s still there because it never stops struggling against its confinement. The cage has been a dream, it’s from Steelwerks and great at keeping me clean but when I do need to be hosed down I’m completely bound and hooded. The PA keeps me honest, but truth be told the thought of disappointing my Sirs is all the motivation I need to stay chaste. Did I say, Sirs? Yeah, there’s a couple.

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 01


By BigMouthfla

NOTE: This story originally appeared on the LockedMEN male chastity site, and it is shared here with the author’s permission.

We had been friends for some time. There was definitely some attraction between us but we never acted upon it until one day where I guess he was just really worked up.  He grabbed me and we started making out and well, it was really nice. He lifted his shirt and I started feeling his chest and torso. He moved my hand further down to his pants and I could not only see but feel his raging hardon.

He unbuttoned his pants and stood up to pull his pants down.  Wow he had a really nice dick!  I figured he was uncut and my suspicions were confirmed.  His dick was really nice being not too big but definitely not small.  It has a nice thickness to it. His foreskin was mostly covering the head.  I didn’t waste any time and went straight to it and put it on my mouth pulling his foreskin back once he was fully in my mouth.  I loved how his foreskin was long enough to fully cover his hard dick, but because his head was big, the skin would easily stay behind the head while he was hard.  He’s got the perfect dick!  Some uncut guys have skin that seems to constantly get in the way, but not his.  He loved it and let out several moans.

Because of his size and my own skills I could easily take him all the way down to the base and he loved that.  I sucked on him for a good while and he started pushing his hips back and forth gently. After a while, not too long, he started moaning more.  I wasn’t sure if he was getting close, but he kept that up for a while.

Continue reading Nice!

The Drool Bucket – Part 2

By submittor

The Drool Bucket male bdsmi’m just the drool bucket for the Beast.

Staring up at Him, mouth forced open, drool overflowing from my bucket of a mouth. He’s growling now, animalistic grunting, straining, bearing it, enduring the suffering, seems to be thriving on the challenge, sweat from his brow flowing onto my face and the drool is never ending. The voices grow louder, our captors returning. i can’t see them but hear them approach, three sets of footsteps. They start to stroke the Beast, he shudders at their touch.

‘Hows it going big fella? Five hours, reckon you deserve a break’

i’m ignored, just his bucket after all, as they start to release him from the brutal hogtie, unclip his tits from the clamps connecting us. i can only imagining the pain as his limbs are released, the pain in his back finally relieved, stretching. They spit into his open mouth, slap him a couple times to make him focus. Still gagged, he grunts angrily, stares at them, defiant.

i notice for the first time that his cock is in chastity, must be agony. i can’t help wonder how long it has been locked like that, how much has he endured. My own pathetic cock still stands proud and purple, not locked but tied, just as helpless, unreachable.

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The Drool Bucket – Part 1

By submittor

The Drool Bucket male bdsmDrip…another lump of slime falls into my open mouth hole with an audible plop. i’ve no idea how long we’ve been tied like this. All i can do is stare up at the handsome beast above me. Tough looking, masculine, muscled, handsome. Drip…when i’d been dragged in i’d instantly got hard at the sight of him…naked…hogtied…gagged….sweating…struggling….drooling. He was dirty, a few bruises, looked like he’d been in a fight maybe. Wide leather straps secured him into the vicious hogtie, muscles straining. His grunts and groans the only thing breaking the silence. He looked angry, aggressive, scary….fuckin hot. A Beast.

Drip…Drip…But i didn’t have long to admire his manliness. Rough hands dragged me and threw me on the dirt in front of him, a few swift, brutal kicks got me into position, lying directly under him. Inches from this fuckin God….beneath…lower than him in all ways.

Drip…Drip…Drip…its fuckin gushing now! filling me, drowning me. Next they’d wrapped lengths of leather hide round my body….tight! Everything bound tight together…painfully tight so i couldn’t move an inch. My balls also wrapped in tight leather hide. My cock sticking up purple and horny…not allowed to cum in a month.

Continue reading The Drool Bucket – Part 1

Edge Failure — Chapter 03

By Bikermike

Note: This is a story by Bikermike and slavebladeboi. For the first part by Bikermike, click here. For the second part by slavebladeboi, click here.

Edge Failure Aftermath – Chapter Three – by Bikermike

He pulled the duct tape from my mouth, removed the gag then released me from my wrist chains, one wrist at a time, then He unshackled my aching balls and held me as l sank to the floor, broken and spent.

‘There’s more to come boy,’ He said, ‘Now it’s my turn to come. Get up on your knees and work your tongue over my boots and up my legs, then you will fellate me slowly and properly until I ejaculate into your mouth. If you fail to satisfy me in any way you will feel this…,’ He brandished the now bloodied whip in His hand, ‘…across your arse!’

He must have seen my slight look of horror at the prospect of a further whipping so He said ‘I will fix your wrists and neck in rigid irons and control the speed of your fellating, so you will need to work your tongue to the best of your ability up and down my cock.’ He dropped the whip and left me kneeling while He walked over to the table and picked up a heavy looking rusty solid manacle, with provisions for the neck in the centre of the bar and wrist shackles at either end. At the prospect of once more being shackled immobile, my cock involuntarily hardened once again.

Continue reading Edge Failure — Chapter 03

Sparring Practice

By Rubrpig

Tony walked into the martial arts studio belonging to his buddy and part time Top. He headed for the office as he got a text message to report for 9am. Since the message was signed SIR, he knew he was in for a session with Antonio. He walked in and found Sir Antonio sitting behind his desk waiting. About time you got here, I told you 9am so what time do you think this is. Tony nodded and apologized for keeping his Sir waiting. He watched his Sir as he stood up and walked around the desk and came up to him. He looked at his Sir and wondered what was up.

Sir Antonio smiled and told Tony that he had something special for him. Tony had confided once to his Sir about a fantasy he had about becoming an object. This seemed to intrigue his Sir but nothing came out of it. Sir Antonio nodded and told Tony to follow him and they left the office and went back to the rear storeroom. Once inside, Sir told Tony to strip and when he was done to lay down on the massage table. Tony quickly stripped off his shoes, and sweats and removed his jock then climbed up on the table. He laid there and watched his Sir pull on a pair of latex gloves, then open a sealed package. He removed a coil of tubing and realized that it was a catheter. He laid there while Sir Antonio squirted sterile lube into his urethra and then began to slide the catheter tube into his cock. He felt the pressure on his bladder as the tube slide into his bladder and he watched as Sir injected the saline into the bulb locking the tube inside his bladder.

Continue reading Sparring Practice

Substance Abuse

By lthr_jock

PC Keith Phillips checked his watch and sighed – still an hour to go before the end of his shift. Tonight had been a long, frustrating evening and while he had been busy earlier, the last couple of hours had been quiet and he had been patrolling on foot on his own. The usually busy streets were empty due to a combination of a fine drizzle and the fact that it was three days before Christmas. He sighed again as he turned to head back towards the station. On nights like this, he really wished he had a police dog to keep him company.

Keith took out his phone in the forlorn hope that someone would have texted him – no luck. Everyone he knew apart from work colleagues was probably asleep. As he resigned himself to a miserable trudge back through the silent streets, he caught sight of a car’s headlights shining out from a garage block. The block was at the end of a narrow, darkened lane and he had often found people up there shooting up. At this time of night, any light was unusual so he squared his shoulders inside his stab vest and walked up the lane.

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Gear 365 Revisited

By Rubrpig

Adam stretched and yawned as he woke up. He sat up in bed and looked around feeling something was missing and he knew what it was. His Daddy was away visiting his elderly parents at their retirement home in Texas so was gone for a few days more. Even though they had been together for nearly 2 years and had recently married to confirm their commitment to each other, Daddy Mike’s parents were still not the most supportive of parents so when a visit was necessary, his Daddy would go alone to prevent the stress of a visit to Adam.

It was the weekend so not much was planned except for a hockey game that night. Adam was a goalie on a local team and he enjoyed the physical challenge of the game and of course the heavy goalie gear. His team mates knew and like his Daddy and so he was always included in the post game activities along with the wives and girlfriends of his team mates. He got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen to make coffee and figure out something for breakfast. He scratched his stomach and brushed his hand over the heavy steel cararra chastity which he had been locked into nearly 2 years ago. The belt was now just part of his body and he had even gotten over the concern of his teammates seeing the belt locked on him. It was now just accepted and Adam was now relaxed and happy with all aspects of his life now.

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