Tag Archives: Maskurbate

Long Term Confinement – Part 02

By Scribe and Stormbound

(Scribe aka the Warden) As warden of Discipline Technologies’ Long Term Prison, I received the following letter from a potential volunteer prisoner. I received it after our publication announcing the availability of our prison cells (the earlier posting is here).


(Stormbound) Mmmmmph! What an amazing intense scenario. Fully isolated and bound with no way out! In addition to the heavy irons, an option I can’t help but imagine is a metal helmet similar to the man in the iron mask. Imagine being stuck bound in the cell with that helmet locked on your head? Naked except for the chastity, heavy shackles/combination set, and the heavy helmet, unable to even touch your own head and face.


(Warden) Thank you for your letter. As a matter of fact, Discipline Technologies is currently developing a steel helmet for use in our prisons. The mask covers the inmate’s head and has several sophisticated features. Speakers in the hood control what the prisoner hears and can also play white noise or static to make it impossible to hear anything around him. Eye covers can open to allow limited sight or close to plunge the prisoner into darkness. There is a small mouth opening for food and water. The hood has a steel gag. It’s shaped to exactly fit the month opening, fully sealing the helmet. The gag is long and may trigger a gag reflex. A sliding tab on each side secures the gag plate to the helmet. A small breathing tube in the gag allows a small amount of fresh air into the hood. Breathing isn’t easy, you’ll have to concentrate on drawing enough air through the tube while wearing the gag. In your case, the use of the gag is voluntary since you’ll have to remove it to eat and drink while in your solitary confinement cage. We’ll include the gag when we lock the helmet on you, and you can remove it and reinstall it whenever you like. You’ll never touch your face again. The metal helmet will amplify the white noise, and any screams from you will reverberate in the hood. The heavy steel will make the helmet more difficult to endure each passing day. Please let me know if you would like to reserve a cell and helmet.

Continue reading Long Term Confinement – Part 02

Risk – Part 12

By lthr_jock

Note: This is the final chapter of a multi-part story by lthr_jock. To start at the very beginning, click for Part 1.

Despite Mike’s experience in sleeping in bondage, it took him a while to get to sleep as he was still nervous about what Barry might do. But in the end he dropped off to come sharply awake as an alarm clock blared out in his ear. As he blinked awake, a muscular arm reached over him and turned the alarm off. The arm then draped across Mike’s torso before idly flicking his nipples. “Morning, Mikey. Time to get up. I’ll let you go once I’ve showered.”

Uncaring that he was naked, Barry got up and walked into the adjacent bathroom. Mike could hear the sound of water running as he struggled against the restraints. He looked at the alarm clock – 05:10 – there was still enough time for him to get to work. Barry seemed to be in the shower for ages before appearing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. He then took his time undoing, Mike, leaving the hands and gag for last. “Look I’m sorry, but I have to go to work.” Barry nodded “I understand, Mikey. But one question – did you enjoy yourself?” Mike nodded. “Good. Then I’ll be seeing you again?” Mike paused as he headed for the door. “Yes. Not sure when though.” He looked at the clock again. “Sorry, but I really have to go.” Barry laughed and waved Mike out of the room.

Mike sat in his car and looked at the time. He would just be able to get to work, but didn’t have enough time to go home first – so would have to go to work in his leathers. “Dammit!” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel and as he did so the padlock on his collar bounced off his chest. It reminded him that Frank could help, so he quickly texted him. Seconds later he got a response with a tag for a street close to the station. “Understood. Meet me here.”

Continue reading Risk – Part 12

Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 03 – The Routine

By Cowjam40

Todd faces a harsh, disciplined routine, designed to make him more compliant. Now Dan has a real struggle on his hands.

This story is fiction. It is total fantasy. There will be themes including: intergenerational relationships, male-only sex acts, BDSM, corporal punishment, confinement, and mental manipulation, among others.

Since it’s my first ever erotic story, I’d love to hear from you if you love it, hate it, or have any feedback: cowjam40@yahoo.co.uk


“Hey, sleeping beauty.” Dan playfully kicked the bed. Todd jerked from his sleep and rubbed his eyes – in front of him Dan was performing leg stretches in a running singlet and sprinter shorts. He bounced around – Todd thought he was too energetic. “I’m off for a run. Sort your kit – there’ll be an inspection when I’m back.”

Todd had a slow start to the day. In the shower, he heard Dan returning from his run, and join him in the bathroom. “You not finished, lad?”

”Not yet boss.” Todd said sheepishly.

Continue reading Todd’s Transformation: Chapter 03 – The Routine

Paying the Full Price – Part 4

By UKDeviant on Recon

UKDeviant on ReconIt was clear that I had to follow the rules – to the letter. Any omission or deviation would result in not only the loss of the points to earn my release, but also a penalty. To make it more complicated, Nate was clear he could add new rules or change the existing ones whenever he wanted. The penalty points for not being correctly collared or cuffed were a very clear example of this, and I was going to learn the hard way from that – I would need to be very careful in the future. While I was the victim of this scenario, I loved it. It was exactly what I was after. He had picked it out of my RECON profile. I was getting what I had asked for.

I re-read the list of the points I could earn and how. It looked like if there was a timer lock specified, then a photograph of the timer lock, presumably running, would be sufficient evidence. The Bluetooth padlock, once locked on, could only be opened by Nate so we would both know when it was locked on and when I asked for it to be unlocked.

Continue reading Paying the Full Price – Part 4

The WORC Program – Part 24

By Joshua Ryan

After that, I was so nervous, I could hardly sit still. Geometry class! What a nightmare. With My Fate Hanging in the Balance like that, I had to worry about theorems! And it took DAYS for something to happen. Actually, I was sittin in Geometry when I got the text from Mr. Sinclair: “Come out to the Center. I’ve got an answer for you.”

I should have walked outta class right then, but I was such a good boy that I waited till it was over, LOL! Then I got on my bike and rode out there. As soon as I got into his office, Mr. Sinclair said, “Well, Noah, you’re in luck. Mr. Hamilton has expressed an interest in acquiring you for the Farms.”

“Sweet!” I said. “When do I go?”

“Hold on,” he said. “Mr. Hamilton made a good offer for a preliminary contract. Preliminary. But he told us that under no circumstances will he make the purchase until after the subject graduates from high school.”

“You mean I’ve gotta hang around till next June?”

Continue reading The WORC Program – Part 24

Getting Fucked by My Best Friend

By SockgaggedJason

SockgaggedJason story gay demonThe summer after we graduated high school, my best friend Tyler came to live with me for a few weeks. He had been kicked out of his home after some fights with his dad.

We had always played bondage games with each other. I developed a crush on him and our games took on a sexual overtone for me. He joined the wrestling team, and his body was really shaping up. We started, however, to have different interests and new friends at this point.

Considering we had drifted apart the last couple of years, his staying at my house was a way for us to rekindle our friendship.

One night he came back to my home after working out at a local gym. He had jogged back in his rubber jump suit because he was dropping weight. Tyler still had dreams of making it on a college wrestling team somewhere next fall even though he hadn’t actually enrolled yet.

Continue reading Getting Fucked by My Best Friend

Side Effects – Chapter 2

By GratDelay

male bdsm storiesThis was it!

Finally I was getting the relief my body had been craving desperately for… less than 10 minutes???

My attention was drawn away from the beautiful sight hovering inches away from my eyes, back to the center of my helpless body’s universe. Dang I’m poetical. With just a touch from his hand, I sensed the familiar climb to orgasm, and it felt like it was going to be particularly strong.

I can’t describe to you how deep the need is when this drug kicks in. There was no enjoyment of the rising pleasure, no giddy anticipation, no urge to prolong the feeling of horniness. Pure animal lust overrides all other considerations, and this makes the immobilization of one’s limbs particularly cruel. In fact it was unbearable, not that that changed my situation (is something you can’t bear but have to bear anyway actually unbearable?).

So I was feeling relief and happiness when Adin gave my cock one stroke. Then he took his hand away, and I was plunged into shock and dismay.

I didn’t cum.

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 2

Gear 365 – Part 4

By Rubrpig

Adam woke up and stretched and looked around the hotel room. He had been on a business trip for about a week and this was the third city he had been in on this trip. He got up and walked into the bathroom and sat down to piss. As he had been travelling so much on this trip, Daddy Mike had felt it was best that the heavy steel cararra belt was removed and replaced by an clear CB6000 device which had a plastic locking seal to keep it closed. As it was all acrylic, Adam was able to pass through all the TSA checks without an incident. However, Adam missed the heavy steel belt and the feeling of security it gave him. The first couple of days out of the belt he felt like part of him was missing. He was looking forward to the trip today as it was the trip home.

After showering and getting dressed in leather jeans, black leather cowboy boots, and a denim shirt, he packed his bags, checked out of the hotel and headed to the airport. After removing his boots and belt he cleared the security check and after pulling on his boots, and putting his heavy leather belt back on, he headed for the gate. He had a couple of legs on the trip as the travel agency that the company used was not able to get a direct flight so he had to change flights in Chicago for the final leg home. He got to the gate and pulled out his laptop and logged into his email. After checking his email, he shut down his laptop and pulled out his phone and sent his Daddy a text to tell him that he was on the way home and that he would see him tonight.

Continue reading Gear 365 – Part 4