Tag Archives: About This Site

How is everybody doing?

Hey prisoners, guards, slaves, Masters, dogs, pups, cucks, Sirs, boys, bois, gimps and pervs (you know which one you are), just a quick note to let you know that Metal loves you and hopes that you are staying safe, sane and healthy, wherever you are!

Here in NYC, I’m staying inside almost constantly and only going out for short walks and to go to the store. I have plenty of food and everything I need, and I feel completely fine health-wise. Thankfully I am still employed, doing my full-time job as an editor and writer from home. I have also been working on the Metalbond site as well, mostly after hours and on the weekends. Many of you guys have sent stories and pictures, which I will be posting in the coming days and weeks.

Meanwhile, no matter how bad things get in the real world — and things are likely to get worse before they get better — we should all try to hang in there as best we can, take care of ourselves and check with friends and family, and try to keep a positive attitude.

What to wear while making pancakes

If you’re home this Valentine’s Day weekend, be sure you are properly restrained! Like Atlanta Stud, shown here! In addition to the leg cuffs, he says he’s also wearing chain collar and jailhouse chastity! He’s ready to make breakfast — and later maybe he will sit down to write more bondage stories!

male bondage stories


Click for Atlanta Stud

Lots more stories coming to the Metalbond Prison Library

Hey prisoners, just a quick update that there will be LOTS MORE stories coming to this website in the coming days — including submissions by some new authors, as well as a long-awaited next chapter to the ongoing 10 Days in Detention series. So keep checking back!

And always remember, for best results, it’s recommended that you are actually LOCKED in restraints or chastity, or have someone else locked, before entering the Metalbond Prison Library!

male bondage stories to beat off to


Meanwhile here are some particularly interesting stories you might want to read, or read again:

Blowjob Torture

Closet Trick in a Suit

Cop & Dom

Nerves of Steel


The Convict

Links to other websites with male bondage stories

As you guys know, there are literally hundreds of male bondage stories right here on the Metalbond site, in the Prison Library section. Which one is your favorite?

metalbond Prison Library

Meanwhile, after you have read all the stories here you might want to check out some of the many other websites featuring male bondage stories, including the ones listed below — and if you know of another site that I don’t have listed, please let me know!


Eckie aka Bondagefan

male bdsm stories

One of my own personal favorite resources, Eckie’s excellent website has been going strong since 2003. You have to register, but it is free and well worth it! Look for the Stories Archive section. Many of the best stories there are written by Eckie himself. His site is highly recommended.



male rubber bondage stories

This is another of my favorite sites! You have to register, and it is definitely worth it! Some of the site’s features are pay-to-view, but much of the other content — including many of the stories — are available for free. I have spent countless hours on this site with a hard dick in my hand.



men on men chastity stories

If you are interested in learning more about chastity devices — and meeting/chatting with other guys into chastity — this site is a must! It requires you to register, but it is free. The stories are in the Forum section, under Chastity Fantasies.


Bondagezine and Bondagemaster

Master Jack bondagezine

These are Master Jack’s extensive websites, which serve up lots of original content including downloadable videos and lots of stories. Master Jack has been gracious enough to allow some of his stories to be re-posted here over the years, but there is so much more on his own sites.


Bondage Predicaments

male bondage videos and stories

There are tons of original videos on this guy’s extensive website — and he’s also got a stories section. Registration is not required, but if you do register you can see way more.


Nifty Archive – Authoritarian

nifty gay authoritarian stories

The Nifty Archive contains thousands of stories in many different categories. The gay authoritarian section is where you can find stories involving bondage, chastity and male-on-male domination. Be aware that site can be hit or miss, though. Some of the stories are hotter than others.


Bob Wingate’s Blog

Bob Wingate Bound and Gagged magazine

This is the website of the longtime editor of Bound And Gagged magazine. He’s got a table of contents listing several dozen titles — plus there are many more stories included as individual blog postings. (Note: Bob has not updated or maintained his site in several years, and while you can still read the stories from his vast collection, be careful not to click on the spambot links in his site’s comments.)


Gay Spiral Stories

gay spiral narcissus cursed men

Formerly known as the Narcissus Cursed Men Collection, this site, which is updated frequently, focuses on hypnosis, mind control and transformation fantasies. Some of the stories include bondage. Many are written from the top’s point of view. You can search by keyword or by tag.


Prison Process

male incarceration stories

Lots of stories here about incarceration, especially jail intake and indoctrination.


POW’s Fiction

male pow torture stories

Many of the stories here are “read at your own risk” — meaning they are too extreme to be re-posted here on the Metalbond site! But if you get off on torture fantasies that border on the deadly, I’m not going to stop you from clicking through.



malebots stories

This is another site that requires you to register, but it is worth it if you are turned on by robot transformation, cyborgs, etc. There is plenty of fantasy content and illustrations — think the hot male Borg from Star Trek.


Growl Boys

male furry transformation stories

This is a pay site about male furry transformation. It’s a combination of porn videos, along with illustrated fantasy stories. Some of the content includes bondage.


Altarboy’s Chastity Belt and Device Fiction

Altarboy chastity stories Altairboy

This is a site for people of all genders and sexual orientations. If you are like me, you will want to scroll down to the “Male Chastity with Male Keyholder” section. Meanwhile, if there is anyone out there who is willing read some of the male chastity with female keyholder stories, and RE-WRITE them as MALE keyholder stories, please let me know!


How to Kill a Superhero

Pablo Greene book series

This is a series of books by Pablo Greene, available for purchase. If you like superhero and cosplay, check him out — he’s also a total muscle stud!



male bondage stories on the internet

This is the personal website of a versatile bondage guy who is into sneakers, jeans, gear and boots! Lots of original pictures and plenty of true-to-life stories here!

Get ready to spend even more time in the Metalbond Prison Library

Hey there Masters, slaves, dogs, pups, Guards, prisoners, Keyholders, chastity device wearers, Alphas, betas and gimps (you know which one you are) — just a quick update to let you know that there will be MANY more stories coming to the Metalbond Prison Library in the coming days and weeks.

Metalbond Prison Library gay bondage stories to beat off to


The upcoming highlights include:

Meanwhile, about a month ago I asked you guys to share what your favorite story is. Here are some of the stories that were mentioned as favorites (although many more than listed below were noted to me):

How many of the above YOU read?

Complete alphabetical list of stories is HERE